National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AR-86 Argentine note to the Universal Postal Union protesting against the issue of stamps showing British Antarctic sector of Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1946-06-14 View
BB-AR-91 Argentina, Report of a meeting of the National Antarctic Committee discussing the possibility of calling an international conference on Antarctica Item 1946-12-04 View
BB-AR-95 US telegram reporting publication of map by Argentine Military Geographical Institute showing areas claimed Item 1946-12-27 View
BB-AR-98 Argentine report on Argentine civil administration in the Antarctic Item 1947-01-31 View
BB-AR-142 Declaration by Argentina and Chile on the ratification of the Antarctic Treaty Item 1961-06-23 View
BB-AR-145 Declaration on Antarctica by Argentina and Chile Item 1974-05-17 View
BB-AR-147 Joint declaration of Argentina and Chile Item 1976-11-13 View
BB-AR-149 Argentine communique concerning the programme of negotiations with the United Kingdom Item 1982-03-01 View
BB-AR-152 British parliamentary statement on developments in the dispute concerning a party of Argentines on South Georgia Island Item 1982-03-30 View
BB-AR-153 Statement of the Argentine position regarding the South Georgia dispute and the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and rejecting the British proposal to send an envoy to Buenos Aires Item 1982-04-01 View
BB-AR-159 British letter to the Security Council concerning Argentine action on South Georgia (S/14973) Item 1982-04-13 View
BB-AR-162 Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council informing of a British armed attack upon South Georgia Island (S/14999) Item 1982-04-25 View
BB-AR-163 British note to the United Nations Security Council reporting the re-establishment of British authority on South Georgia Island (S/15002) Item 1982-04-26 View
BB-AR-166 British note to the United Nations Security Council replying to the Argentine assertion that the United Kingdom is not permitted to rely upon the right of self-defence with regard to the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, South Georgia Islands and the South Sandwich Islands (S/15016) Item 1982-04-30 View
BB-AR-167 Argentine draft of an agreement with the United Kingdom providing for an end to hostilities (extract) Item 1982-05-26 View
BB-AR-170 Argentine diplomatic note to the United States concerning settlement of the dispute with the United Kingdom Item 1982-05-26 View
BB-AR-171 United Nations Security Council resolution 505 (1982) authorising the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to bring about and end to the conflict in and around the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Item 1982-05-26 View
BB-AR-177 Joint statement by the British and Argentine delegations, Madrid Item 1989-08-19 View
BB-AR-317 Argentina, act of possession concerning Admiralty Bay, King George Island and subsequent exchange of notes concerning protests Item 1948-01-20 View
BB-AR-319 Argentina, protest note concerning Deception Island Item 1949-03-28 View
BB-AR-320 UK Foreign Office Research Department, report on Argentine and Chilean claims to the Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1950-09-06 View
BB-AR-321 UK Foreign Office Research Department, report on Argentine claims to the Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1950-09-06 View
BB-AR-326 UK Foreign Office notes concerning Argentine meteorological station at South Georgia Item 1952-11-28 View
BB-AR-330 UK Foreign Office concerning British claim to the Falkland Islands and rebutting suggestion of compromise with Argentina Item 1952-02-20 View
BB-AR-331 British Embassy note to Argentine Foreign concerning the Hope Bay incident Item 1952-07-05 View
BB-AR-332 Argentine note to Uruguay in Argentina concerning sovereignty and air routes over the Malvinas Islands, and Uruguayan responses Item 1952-10-21 View
BB-AR-342 Argentina, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Memoria 1979 Item 1979-01-01 View
BB-AR-346 Argentine law concerning the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Item 1980-12-01 View
BB-AR-351 Press articles concerning the Beagle Channel dispute Item 1981-12-10 View
BB-AR-352 Argentina, various Decrees concerning the Islas Malvinas, South Georgia, South Shetland Islands Item 1982-04-02 View
BB-AR-354 Argentina, Law 22584 concerning the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Item 1982-05-12 View
BB-AR-356 Argentina, Decree 520, concerning recommendations adopted at the Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Buenos Aires Item 1982-09-03 View
BB-AR-357 Argentine ratification of to Seabed Arms Control Treaty Item 1983-04-12 View
BB-AR-362 Argentina, Decree 901 concerning the day of asserting rights over Islas Malvinas Item 1984-03-28 View
BB-AR-365 Argentina, Law 23.172 concerning treaty of peace between Argentina and Chile Item 1984-11-29 View
BB-AR-370 Argentina, laws concerning Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands Item 1985-05-15 View
BB-AR-377 Argentina, Report on the sinking of the Argentine polar ship ARA Bahia Paraiso and its consequences on the local environment Item 1988-05-01 View
BB-AR-378 Argentina, US report on the sinking of the Bahia Paraiso Item 1989-12-05 View
BB-AR-381 The Canberra Times, "Argentina backs Britain on plans to mine Antarctica" Item 1990-10-12 View
BB-AR-382 Argentina, Decree 2316/90 concerning national Antarctic program objectives Item 1990-11-05 View
BB-AR-389 Argentina, Law 13932 recognising the crew of the corvette Uruguay that searched for the Antarctic Item 1950-09-15 View
BB-AR-390 Tripartite naval declaration between Argentina, Chile and the United Kingdom; also renewal of agreement in 1952 and 1953 Item 1950-11-20 View
BB-AR-391 Chilean government note to Argentina protesting exhibition of maps depicting Chilean territory as Argentine Item 1950-11-24 View
BB-AR-394 Argentina, Decree 7338 establishing the Argentine Antarctic Institute Item 1951-04-17 View
BB-AR-398 British note to Argentina proposing arbitration Item 1954-12-21 View
BB-AR-408 Chilean note to Argentina reserving rights in response to Argentine publication claiming Chilean territory as part of Argentina, and Argentina's response Item 1959-01-05 View
BB-AR-413 Chilean note to Argentina reserving Chilean rights in connection to Argentine shelters of San Juan and San Antonio, and Argentina's response Item 1960-02-18 View
BB-AR-416 Argentina, Decree 17167 regulating aerial navigation over Argentine territory Item 1962-02-20 View
BB-AR-417 Argentina, Decree 2221 concerning administration of Islas Malvinas Item 1963-01-01 View
BB-AR-421 United Nations Resolution 2065 recognising the existence of a sovereignty dispute between United Kingdom and Argentina over the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Item 1965-12-16 View
BB-AR-423 Argentina, Decree 8 establishing a Council for the promotion of Tierra del Fuego Item 1970-01-05 View
BB-AR-425 Chilean note to Argentina regarding Beagle Channel dispute Item 1971-07-19 View
BB-AR-426 Argentina and Chile, Declaration of Salta concerning the Beagle Channel Item 1971-07-24 View
BB-AR-431 Argentina, Decree 3233 amending concerning civilian personnel working with the armed forces in Antarctica Item 1975-10-31 View
BB-AR-435 Chilean statements concerning the Beagle Channel dispute Item 1977-02-18 View
BB-AR-441 Chilean note to Argentina concerning bilateral relations in the Antarctic Item 1977-10-21 View
BB-AR-442 Chilean notes to Argentina concerning arbitration in the International Court of Justice, the treaty of 1881, the arbitral award of 18 April 1977 Item 1978-01-10 View
BB-AR-443 Argentina and Chile exchange of notes concerning Argentina's Declaration of Nullity on the Beagle Channel Item 1978-01-25 View
BB-AR-444 Argentina and Chile, Speeches by President Pinochet and President Videla on signing the Agreed Minute of Puerto Montt Item 1978-02-20 View
BB-AR-446 Press article "Where the Atlantic ends", Times and a related article Item 1978-03-09 View
BB-AR-452 Argentina and Chile, Act of Montevideo, and related advice to the United Nations Security Council Item 1979-01-08 View
BB-AR-453 United Nations General Assembly, letter from United Kingdom, concerning negotiations with Argentina over the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Item 1979-03-21 View
BB-AR-459 United Kingdom diplomatic cable reporting on options for resolving sovereignty of the Falkland Islands Item 1980-11-01 View
BB-AR-461 British note denying Argentine report of transfer of St Helena Islands inhabitants to the Falkland Islands Item 1981-01-06 View
BB-AR-462 Press article "War fears across the Andes" Foreign Report Item 1981-05-14 View
BB-AR-463 Press article "accion Argentina en las Georgias hace 150 años" Prensa Item 1982-04-29 View
BB-AR-466 Argentina, Comision Nacional del Antarctico, Division Antardida y Malvinas Item 1950-01-01 View
BB-AR-467 Argentina, Comision Nacional del Antarctico, Division Antardida y Malvinas Item 1940-04-04 View
BB-AU-803 Australia, Prime Minister (Bob Hawke) "Partial transcript of joint news conference with the Duke of Edinburgh, WWF International President and Sir Ninian Stephen, Ambassador for the Environment" Item 1990-11-23 View
BB-BE-6 Belgian programme of scientific research concerning the Antarctic, meeting document ANT/XIII INF 14 Item 1985-10-10 View
BB-BR-2 Brazil, Decrees 86,829 and 86,830 establishing a national Antarctic Commission and Antarctic research program Item 1982-01-12 View
BB-BR-4 Brazil, Decrees 1982 to 1991, implementing Antarctic Treaty System obligations Item 1991-03-18 View
BB-CA-1 Canada, petition "Continent under siege: Antarctica" Item 1990-03-26 View
BB-EU-2 European Parliament, Committee on External Economic Relations, Working document on the economic significance of Antarctica; and New Zealand comments Item 1986-06-23 View
BB-DE-12 Federal Republic of Germany, United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-06-01 View
BB-DE-14 Quadripartite agreement signed at Berlin and extension by the Federal Republic of Germany of the Antarctic Treaty to West Berlin Item 1971-09-03 View
BB-DE-20 Federal Republic of Germany, Parliamentary debates, Antarctic minerals negotiations Item 1988-05-05 View
BB-DE-22 Federal Republic of Germany, Parliamentary debates, Antarctic minerals Item 1989-10-13 View
BB-DE-5 Germany, Schwabenland expedition Item 1939-02-15 View
BB-DE-6 Press article concerning the German Antarctic Expedition, 1938-1939 Item 1939-01-01 View
BB-DE-9 United States account of the German claims in Antarctica in 1939 Item 1947-10-03 View
BB-IN-10 India, Department of Ocean Development, Performance Budget 1983-84 Item 1983-04-18 View
BB-IN-4 Transcript of news conference given by the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Gareth Evans, New Delhi Item 1989-06-09 View
BB-IN-5 Press article "Indian team lands in Antarctica" The Hindu, and related press articles and media reporting Item 1982-12-01 View
BB-IN-6 India, Prime Minister Statement on Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica Item 1982-02-19 View
BB-IN-9 Press article "India may sign treaty on Antarctica" Statesman, and related articles Item 1982-12-01 View
BB-FK-10 Argentina and United Kingdom, exchange of notes concerning communication and movements between the Argentine mainland and the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Item 1971-08-05 View
BB-FK-11 Argentina and United Kingdom, exchange of notes concerning operation of an Argentine airfield on the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), and related agreement concerning a regular air service Item 1972-05-02 View
BB-FK-12 United Nations General Assembly, 28th session, Resolution 3160 on "The Question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" Item 1973-01-01 View
BB-FK-34 United Nations Security Council, correspondence and debates concerning military activities at the Falkland Islands/Malvinas Item 1982-04-02 View
BB-FK-38 United Kingdom, Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, House of Lords, Falkland Islands Item 1982-04-03 View
BB-FK-42 Argentina statements concerning the Falklands conflict, European Economic Community trade sanctions, and Falkland Island famers Item 1982-04-11 View
BB-FK-7 United Nations General Assembly, 24th session, correspondence concerning the Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas Item 1969-01-01 View
BB-FK-8 United Nations General Assembly, 24th Session, report concerning independence for colonial countries and peoples Item 1969-11-11 View
BB-FK-46 Barston and Birnie "The Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas conflict: question of zones" Marine Policy Item 1983-01-01 View
BB-FK-50 Dunnett "Self-determination and the Falklands" International Affairs Item 1983-01-01 View
BB-FK-55 United States Department of State, White House Statement concerning the Falklands/Malvinas conflict; and related US government statements Item 1982-05-21 View
BB-FK-62 UK Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons "Falkland Islands"; and related records Item 1982-06-14 View
BB-FK-63 Australia, Prime Minister, media statement "Falkland Islands: ceasefire" Item 1982-06-15 View
BB-FK-65 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, May 1982 Item 1982-05-31 View
Results 1401 to 1500 of 2816