National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-GB-108 United Kingdom, Wild Animals and Birds (Export) Regulations, 1975 Item 1975-02-19 View
BB-GB-114 United Kingdom, Antarctic Minerals Act 1989 Item 1989-07-21 View
BB-GB-79 United Kingdom, Application of Colony Laws Ordinance Item 1949-01-01 View
BB-GB-80 United Kingdom, Whaling Regulations Item 1950-12-31 View
BB-GB-86 United Kingdom, Parliamentary question and answer concerning the involvement of the United Nations in Antarctica Item 1956-04-25 View
BB-GB-87 United Kingdom, Place-names Ordinance, 1956 Item 1956-06-19 View
BB-GB-89 United Kingdom, Place-names Regulations, 1957 Item 1957-08-01 View
BB-GB-97 United Kingdom, British Antarctic Territory Royal Instructions, 1962 Item 1962-03-30 View
BB-GB-270 UK, Parliamentary Debates, Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1950-11-06 View
BB-GB-271 Note from the ICJ about the case brought by the United Kingdom Item 1965-05-17 View
BB-GB-284 Press release "Minister Reconfirms Britain's Commitment to Antarctic Research, Jim Kelsey" Item 1989-06-14 View
BB-GB-290 United Kingdom, Opposition environment statement "An earthly chance" Item 1990-10-01 View
BB-GB-291 UK Campaign to join Australian in opposing Antarctic Minerals Convention, ABC radio transcript Item 1990-10-05 View
BB-GB-301 Press article "British changes mind on mining" Sydney Morning Herald and "Antarctic minerals: towards a solution" Item 1991-03-27 View
BB-GB-306 Press article "Antarctic greenhouse evidence" The Canberra Times Item 1994-09-19 View
BB-GB-313 Opinion of the law officers of the Crown regarding licenses to work unclaimed guano islands in the Pacific Item 1888-04-10 View
BB-GB-314 British laws providing for the government of the Falkland Islands and Dependencies Item 1892-02-25 View
BB-GB-321 British Foreign office memorandum concerning South Shetland, South Orkney and other islands Item 1893-03-23 View
BB-GB-322 Admiralty letter to British Foreign Office suggesting that South Georgia is not worth retaining Item 1893-04-05 View
BB-GB-324 British despatch concerning of prospect of Argentina taking possession of South Georgia Item 1893-04-12 View
BB-GB-327 Falkland Islands, chronological list of Ordinances Item 1899-01-01 View
BB-GB-329 Colonial Office letter to British Foreign Office concerning Argentine actions at South Shetland Islands Item 1901-10-29 View
BB-GB-338 Colonial Office letter to the British Foreign Office concerning occupation of South Georgia Item 1905-08-03 View
BB-GB-340 British Colonial Office despatch to Falkland Island concerning lease of South Georgia Item 1905-09-27 View
BB-GB-344 Falkland Islands, grant of a whaling Licence to the Argentine Fishing Company Item 1906-03-08 View
BB-GB-346 Colonial Office letter concerning British title to the South Orkney Islands Item 1906-04-02 View
BB-GB-348 Colonial Office letter to British Foreign Office concerning South Georgia, the South Shetlands, the South Orkneys and Graham Land Item 1906-05-07 View
BB-GB-352 Foreign Office letter to Colonial Office concerning British claim to the South Orkney and South Shetland Islands and to Graham Land Item 1907-03-11 View
BB-GB-355 Norwegian letter to Governor of Falkland Islands concerning whaling station on South Georgia Item 1907-10-05 View
BB-GB-359 Falklands Islands, Whale Fishery Ordinance, no 5 of 1908 Item 1908-08-08 View
BB-GB-364 Colonial Office Report to Finance and Concessions Committee regarding licenses granted to uninhabited islands Item 1910-06-28 View
BB-GB-365 Application for whaling Licence in South Georgia Item 1911-07-14 View
BB-GB-367 Falkland Islands, Wireless Telegraphy Ordinance, no 3 of 1912 Item 1912-03-15 View
BB-GB-368 Falkland Islands, Whale Fishery Amendment Ordinance, no 5 of 1912 Item 1912-06-08 View
BB-GB-369 Falkland Islands, Lease to the Hektor Whaling Company at Deception Island Item 1912-07-04 View
BB-GB-370 British Colonial Office memorandum concerning definition of Graham Land Item 1912-08-17 View
BB-GB-371 Admiralty letter to the British Colonial Office concerning definition of Graham Land Item 1912-10-02 View
BB-GB-376 Letter to Colonial Office concerning British title to Antarctic and other territories Item 1914-03-14 View
BB-GB-379 Request for whaling license at Graham Land Item 1914-10-10 View
BB-GB-381 Falkland Islands, Whale Oil (War) Ordinance, no 1 of 1915 Item 1915-01-27 View
BB-GB-386 Falkland Islands, Sea Fisheries Ordinance, no 9 of 1918 Item 1918-10-31 View
BB-GB-387 Falkland Islands, Mining Ordinance (Amendment), no 1 of 1919 Item 1919-05-31 View
BB-GB-390 Territorial claims in the Antarctic region, British Admiralty Hydrographic Department, Colonial Office Item 1919-01-01 View
BB-GB-397 Falklands Islands, Administration of Justice (Amendment) Ordinance, no 6 of 1925 Item 1925-11-30 View
BB-GB-401 British Foreign Office minute concerning the South Orkney Islands Item 1928-05-14 View
BB-GB-405 Telegram from Hubert Wilkins concerning activities in Antarctica Item 1928-11-05 View
BB-GB-408 British despatch from Oslo reporting a discussion with Norwegian Foreign Minister concerning Dougherty Island Item 1929-05-29 View
BB-GB-410 British despatch from Oslo concerning cooperation in Antarctica Item 1929-10-14 View
BB-GB-411 British despatch from Oslo concerning Antarctic territories Item 1929-12-23 View
BB-NZ-12 Telegram from Commander Byrd to New Zealand Item 1928-12-03 View
BB-NZ-13 New Zealand, Appointment of an Officer of the Government of the Ross Dependency Item 1929-10-11 View
BB-NZ-14 Whaling license in the Ross Dependency Item 1929-10-30 View
BB-NZ-53 New Zealand, Foreign Affairs Amendment Act Item 1969-10-23 View
BB-NZ-54 NZ Parliamentary Debates, Antarctic Amendment Bill introduced Item 1970-07-09 View
BB-NZ-59 Ross Dependency description Item 1976-01-01 View
BB-NZ-6 Bernacchi, "To the South Polar Regions" Item 1899-01-01 View
BB-NZ-9 Appointment of Officer of the Government of the Ross Dependency Item 1926-10-23 View
BB-FR-11 British note to France enquiring whether France claimed Adélie Land Item 1911-12-20 View
BB-FR-14 Report of the Minister of Colonies concerning the regulation of whaling in French colonies Item 1914-04-12 View
BB-FR-17 Ministerial decision of placing French Antarctic territories within specified naval zones Item 1924-03-26 View
BB-FR-18 Report of the Minister for the Colonies proposing the regulation of the economic exploitation of Crozet Islands and Adélie Land Item 1924-03-27 View
BB-FR-2 List of references to the Journal Official de République Francaise Item 1948-01-01 View
BB-FR-22 Decree attaching French Antarctic territories to the Government General of Madagascar Item 1924-11-21 View
BB-FR-35 Letter from France to the United States of setting out t he bases of the French claim to Adélie Land Item 1939-02-21 View
BB-FR-37 French aide-mémoire to the United States outlining the bases of the French claim to Adélie Land Item 1946-12-30 View
BB-FR-45 Order establishing a southern district and complementing that of 19 March 1949 relating to the administrative organisation of the territory of Madagascar and Dependencies Item 1949-12-20 View
BB-FR-47 Law no. 50-249 on the establishment of permanent administrative arrangements for Ile Amsterdam Item 1950-03-02 View
BB-FR-54 Decree no. 56-32 establishing the financial system for French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1956-01-13 View
BB-FR-58 Order no. 4 prohibiting the hunting of mammals and birds in Adélie Land except for scientific purposes and for food in cases of necessity Item 1960-02-27 View
BB-FR-59 Order no. 22 amending order no. 11 of 20 October 1956 dividing the territory of French Southern and Antarctic Lands into districts Item 1963-07-05 View
BB-FR-60 Order no. 30 setting out the responsibilities of heads of administrative districts in French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1963-10-24 View
BB-FR-62 Order no. 8 establishing a scientific council for French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1965-05-26 View
BB-FR-64 Law no. 66-400 concerning marine fishing and the exploitation of the produce of the sea in French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1966-06-18 View
BB-FR-67 Decree no. 69-318 concerning the regulation of public administration and instituting a financial control for French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1969-04-03 View
BB-FR-69 Order no. 18 relating to fishing around the French Southern and Antarctic lands Item 1959-07-22 View
BB-FR-76 Decree no. 71-711 applying legislation limiting the rights of foreign vessels to fish within 12 nautical miles of French Southern Lands Item 1971-08-25 View
BB-FR-77 Decree no. 71-1021 determining the jurisdiction of the judicial system extending to French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1971-12-17 View
BB-FR-82 Law no. 76-655 concerning the economic zone in the seas off the coasts of the territory of the Republic Item 1976-07-16 View
BB-FR-96 Press articles concerning Jacques Cousteau and French attitude to minerals convention Item 1989-08-11 View
BB-CL-51 British note to Chile protesting at the establishment of a Chilean base on Greenwich Island in the South Shetland Islands outlining the grounds for the British claim and proposing to submit the dispute to the International Court of Justice Item 1947-12-17 View
BB-CL-52 Chilean note to the United Kingdom concerning British bases in the Chilean Antarctic Territory Item 1947-12-18 View
BB-CL-53 Decree C-1 no. 454 approving resolution no. 3698 establishing a post office at O'Higgins Base Item 1947-12-20 View
BB-CL-58 British note to Chile concerning submission of dispute to the ICJ Item 1948-03-11 View
BB-CL-59 United States' memorandum of conversation with Chile concerning the application of the Rio Treaty to the British Naval Movements in Antarctic waters (extract) Item 1948-03-26 View
BB-CL-63 British note of protest to Chile at the establishment of a Chilean base on Penguin Island, Paradise Harbour Item 1951-04-03 View
BB-CL-67 Argentine note to Chile requesting the withdrawal of a map showing the division between the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans lying east of Cape Horn Item 1954-11-24 View
BB-CL-68 Chilean note to the United Kingdom giving reasons for rejecting the British proposals to submit the dispute over Antarctica to judicial settlement Item 1955-05-04 View
BB-CL-72 United States' aide-mémoire to Chile reserving the rights of the United States in connection with the incorporation of the Chilean Antarctic claims into Chilean provincial administration Item 1955-08-01 View
BB-CL-73 Chilean note to the United Kingdom protesting at the establishment of two British bases within the Chilean Antarctic Territory Item 1956-03-22 View
BB-CL-79 Memorandum from the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the issue of stamps as a means of publicising Chilean claims in Antarctica Item 1958-07-04 View
BB-CL-82 Chilean note to Argentina replying to the Argentine invitation that the Chilean tourist ship "Navarino" visit Argentine Antarctic bases Item 1959-03-09 View
BB-CL-85 Joint announcement by Chile and the United States concerning co-operation in the operation of a vessel for scientific investigation Item 1960-04-12 View
BB-CL-87 Law no. 15,266 re-organising the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and establishing the Chilean Antarctic Institute Item 1963-09-10 View
BB-CL-91 Decree no. 566 concerning the depiction of Chilean territory on maps distributed within the country (extract) Item 1970-08-12 View
BB-CL-18 British note to Chile providing information sought concerning British claims to certain territory Item 1914-05-23 View
BB-CL-20 Decree no. 1,541 appointing Professor Escudero Guzmán to study Antarctic questions bearing upon Chilean interests Item 1939-09-07 View
BB-CL-23 Decree no. 1,747 declaring the limits of the Chilean Antarctic Territory Item 1940-11-06 View
BB-CL-29 Chilean note to Japan refusing to accept the reservation of rights which Japan made in relation to the Chilean decree of 6 November 1940 Item 1940-11-29 View
BB-CL-32 Chilean note to the United Kingdom requesting a copy of the letters patent of 21 July 1908 Item 1941-03-25 View
BB-CL-44 Chilean note to the United Kingdom replying to a British offer of assistance in Antarctica and mentioning British incursions into the Chilean Antarctic Territory Item 1947-01-14 View
Results 1601 to 1700 of 2816