National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-NZ-144 New Zealand, Prime Minister, transcript of television interview Item 1990-08-23 View
BB-NZ-148 New Zealand, Protected Areas (Prohibition on Mining) Bill, and related speech notes Item 1990-09-05 View
BB-NZ-156 Press article "Aust pilot back in the air" Canberra Times Item 2003-12-13 View
BB-NZ-67 Account of Sir James Clark Ross taking possession of Victoria Land Item 1841-01-12 View
BB-NZ-75 Colonial Office request for an opinion concerning British sovereignty over the Ross Sea coasts and their hinterland Item 1922-11-27 View
BB-NZ-76 Opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown concerning British sovereignty over the Ross Sea coasts and their hinterland Item 1923-01-03 View
BB-NZ-88 British note to the United States of areas Commander Byrd's to areas claimed by the UK Item 1928-11-17 View
BB-NZ-90 Norwegian note to the United Kingdom concerning the UK claim to King Edward VII Land and the South Polar Plateau Item 1929-11-08 View
BB-NZ-93 UK note to the United States concerning proposal by Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition to establish a post office and wireless station in the Ross Dependency Item 1934-01-29 View
BB-NZ-97 British note to the United States concerning the Ross Dependency and postal facilities used during the Byrd Expedition Item 1934-12-27 View
BB-NZ-99 New Zealand note to the United States on the operation of the US Navy Task Force in the Ross Dependency Item 1946-12-20 View
BB-US-65 British note concerning intentions of Admiral Byrd Item 1930-03-27 View
BB-US-67 "Lincoln Ellsworth's flight across West Antarctica "The Geographical Review Item 1936-01-01 View
BB-US-68 Information on Hubert Wilkins and the Ellsworth Expedition Item 1938-12-12 View
BB-US-76 United States notes and other states' responses concerning future of Antarctic claims and internationalisation options, 1940 to 1948 Item 1940-01-11 View
BB-US-80 United States Antarctic Program and appointment of Admiral Byrd Item 1955-10-21 View
BB-US-81 United States announcement of the Washington Conference, and on the adoption of the Antarctic Treaty Item 1959-12-01 View
BB-US-87 United States, comments concerning US policy on Antarctic mineral resources, also information concerning US consideration of the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals Item 1975-06-09 View
BB-US-92 Australian Cablegram concerning United States Research in Antarctica Item 1985-03-03 View
BB-US-97 United States Congress, Public Statutes at Large, acts concerning discovery and exploitation of guano deposits Item 1856-08-18 View
BB-US-98 United States Congress, Public Statutes at Large, acts concerning medal for Lincoln Ellsworth, resources and territories, 1936 to 1939 Item 1936-06-16 View
BB-US-99 United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, US Antarctic Policy, Fram: The Journal of Polar Studies, and Congressional Record reference to Byrd. Item 1948-06-25 View
BB-US-108 United States Senate, Commerce Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space, hearing on protection of the Antarctic environment, transcript Item 1989-09-08 View
BB-US-109 United States Senate, Al Gore, press release on Antarctic resolution, SJR 206 Item 1989-09-26 View
BB-US-111 United States, National Science Foundation press releases "Antarctica: fuel leaks at United States bases" Item 1989-10-12 View
BB-US-112 The Age "US Antarctic base tackles oil spillage", and related articles Item 1989-10-14 View
BB-US-113 United States, National Science Foundation, Intention to prepare a supplemental environmental impact statement. Item 1989-12-13 View
BB-US-115 United States Congress, House of Representatives and Senate statements and correspondence concerning Antarctic environment protection Item 1989-10-05 View
BB-US-118 United States Congress, introduction of Antarctic Protection and Conservation Act 1990 HR 3977, and related documents. Item 1990-02-07 View
BB-US-121 United States Senate, Antarctic legislation, press statements by Al Gore, John Kerry, and related documents Item 1990-05-03 View
BB-US-122 United States Senate, Curtis Bohlen, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Item 1990-07-27 View
BB-US-124 Australia, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, news release "Antarctic environment: developments in the United States", and related document in "Backgrounder" Item 1990-10-19 View
BB-AU-815 Australia, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, "Guide to the Long Beach visitor site", Australian Antarctic Division Item 1997-01-01 View
BB-AU-816 Australia, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Environment Protection and Management Order 1987, Permit no 97/3 Item 1997-11-12 View
BB-CL-277 Chile, Decree 6,378 authorising the issue of Chilean Antarctic postage stamps, and related Decree 2,996 of 1947-05-28 Item 1946-12-04 View
BB-GB-458 British Antarctic Territory, various Ordinances 1989 to 1993 Item 1990-09-13 View
BB-US-134 United States Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, hearing on protecting Antarctica's environment by the Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee, witness list and prepared statements Item 1989-09-08 View
BB-AU-823 Australia, House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, inquiry into the legal regimes of Australia's external territories, submissions Item 1990-07-19 View
BB-AU-687 Australia, Antarctic (Environment Protection) Legislation Amendment Bill 1992 Item 1992-11-04 View
BB-AU-704 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Australian Antarctic Territory and Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Criminal Procedure Ordinance 1993 Item 1993-11-25 View
BB-AU-708 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, Notices of an initial environmental evaluation by Australian Antarctic Division Item 1994-09-05 View
BB-AU-733 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Fisheries Management Act 1991, Proclamation Item 1995-12-12 View
BB-AU-735 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Australian Heritage Commission Act 1975, Register of the National Estate Item 1996-05-28 View
BB-AU-736 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, permits under the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Environment Protection and Management Ordinance Item 1996-06-30 View
BB-AU-740 Australian Fisheries Management Authority, "Macquarie Island Developmental Fishery Final Draft Management Policy" and various related documents Item 1996-10-22 View
BB-AU-747 Australia, Fisheries Management Regulations (Amendment) Item 1997-06-30 View
BB-AU-754 Australia, Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974, Determination Item 1998-02-15 View
BB-AR-231 Argentine statement concerning the application of the trusteeship provisions of the United Nations charter. Item 1946-04-25 View
BB-AR-237 Argentine statement on the work of the National Antarctic Commission and the grounds for Argentine Antarctic claims Item 1947-01-15 View
BB-AR-238 Report of a Chilean memorandum to Argentina reserving Chilean rights with regard to an Argentine map delimiting Argentine claims to an Antarctic sector Item 1947-01-29 View
BB-AR-239 Argentine note to the United Kingdom reasserting the grounds for the Argentine claim to Antarctica Item 1947-02-15 View
BB-AR-243 Argentine statement at the United Nations on the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and Dependencies Item 1947-10-03 View
BB-AR-246 Chilean note to Argentina concerning Argentine bases and other activities in Chilean Antarctic Territory Item 1947-12-18 View
BB-AR-247 British note to Argentina concerning Argentine activities in the South Shetland Islands together with an outline of the grounds for the British claim to those islands Item 1947-12-23 View
BB-AR-249 Argentine note to Chile concerning Chilean bases and activities in Argentine Antarctic territory Item 1948-01-29 View
BB-AR-258 Decree no. 17,040 establishing the Antarctic and Malvinas Islands division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship Item 1948-06-09 View
BB-AR-262 Argentine statement on the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and Antarctic territories made at the Inter-American Commission for Dependent Territories at Havana Item 1949-07-11 View
BB-AR-263 Argentine note to the United States making a reservation in connection with British notifications to the World Meteorological Organization concerning the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and Antarctic territories Item 1949-08-24 View
BB-AR-272 British note to Argentina protesting at the armed opposition to a British party landing at Hope Bay, Graham Land Item 1952-02-03 View
BB-AR-281 Argentine note to the United Kingdom giving reasons for rejecting the British proposals to submit the dispute over Antarctica to judicial settlement Item 1955-05-04 View
BB-AR-289 Decree no. 11,818 re-organising maritime divisions to include South Georgia Island, South Sandwich Islands and the Argentine Antarctic Sector within the prefecture of the Southern Atlantic Zone Item 1957-09-27 View
BB-AR-290 Decree no. 17,413 re-organising the National Antarctic Commission Item 1957-12-31 View
BB-AR-298 Matching presidential instructions of Argentina and Chile to take measures to ensure the removal and prevention of causes of disharmony between the two countries Item 1959-10-05 View
BB-AR-299 Decree no. 1,032 declaring 22 February of each year as the Argentine Antarctic Day Item 1964-02-18 View
BB-AR-306 Decree no. 1,216 prohibiting the hunting of sea leopards, elephant seals, seals, penguins and similar species of marine fauna Item 1974-04-19 View
BB-AU-487 Order in Council making Van Diemen's Land a colony separate from New South Wales. Item 1825-06-14 View
BB-AU-491 Annexation of Macquarie Island Item 1889-01-01 to 1891-01-01 View
BB-AU-495 Lease of Macquarie Island to Captain Hatch by the Tasmanian Government Item 1905-11-17 View
BB-AU-496 Australia, Seat of Government Acceptance Act 1909 Item 1909-12-13 View
BB-AU-508 Despatch from the Governor-General of Australia to Great Britain with regard to asserting Australian claims Item 1927-12-22 View
BB-AU-512 Letter from Australian High Commission to British Foreign Office concerning flag-planting policy Item 1928-10-13 View
BB-AU-513 Cable regarding British claims. Item 1928-11-16 View
BB-AU-516 British aide-memoire to Norway giving notice of planned activities by RRS Discovery Item 1929-10-12 View
BB-AU-519 Information on "Norvegia" expedition Item 1929-12-22 View
BB-AU-522 Report on geographic discoveries and proclamations, Cruise 1920-30 Item 1931-06-29 View
BB-AU-523 Douglas Mawson's landing at Scullin Monolith Item 1931-02-13 View
BB-AU-527 "Australia in Antarctica, Norway may object" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1933-02-15 View
BB-AU-528 Understanding between United Kingdom and Norway concerning claims Item 1933-01-01 View
BB-AU-529 Speech of Attorney-General Latham on the Antarctic Territory Acceptance Bill Item 1933-05-06 View
BB-AU-530 Norwegian private claim to an area within the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1935-02-20 View
BB-AU-531 Whaling Act 1935-1948, and Whaling Regulations 1936 Item 1935-12-09 View
BB-AU-535 Australian letter to the Royal Geographical Society concerning the limits of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1939-04-01 View
BB-AU-538 British note to Chile concerning an overlap with the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1941-06-19 View
BB-AU-539 Letter from Douglas Mawson concerning sovereignty at Macquarie Island Item 1944-06-08 View
BB-AU-540 Cablegram reporting flag-raising during the Australasian Antarctic Expedition Item 1944-06-26 View
BB-AU-541 Opinion of Colonial Office Legal Adviser concerning the British claim to Heard Island and Prince Edward Islands Item 1944-07-25 View
BB-AU-544 Australia and the Postwar World, Documents 1947 Item 1947-01-01 View
BB-AU-549 British letter to Australia concerning Australian occupation of Heard Island Item 1948-01-13 View
BB-AU-553 Australian Antarctic research expedition: Wyatt Earp voyage to Antarctica Item 1949-01-01 View
BB-AU-557 R G Casey "Australia has a big stake in Antarctica" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1953-05-28 View
BB-AU-562 Exchange of notes with the Soviet Union Item 1955-08-29 View
BB-AU-563 Australian Antarctic Territory, Appointment of Coroner Item 1957-11-25 View
BB-AU-567 Heard Island and McDonald Islands Act 1953, Amendment 1957 Item 1957-06-07 View
BB-AU-568 Article by the Minister for Foreign Affairs Item 1956-06-26 View
BB-AU-578 Australian Antarctic Territory, termination of appointments of Deputy Coroners Item 1966-11-23 View
BB-AU-583 Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Act 1968-1973 Item 1968-12-09 View
BB-AU-586 Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Regulations Item 1972-01-24 View
BB-AU-587 Commonwealth Administrative Arrangements Orders 1972-1998 Item 1972-01-01 View
BB-AR-181 Treaty between Great Britain and Spain (extracts) Item 1670-07-08 View
BB-AR-183 Decree of the Province of Buenos Aires concerning the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and other islands adjacent to Cape Horn in the Atlantic Ocean Item 1829-06-10 View
Results 1901 to 2000 of 2816