National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AU-392 Smith, Jan "Plants from way down under at the botanic gardens" Canberra Times Item 1998-12-03 View
BB-AU-393 Environment Australia "Public comments sought!" Item 1999-06-16 View
BB-AU-218 National Parks and Wildlife Regulations (Amendment) Item 1992-10-09 View
BB-AU-223 Australian Guidelines for Preparation of initial and comprehensive environmental evaluations Item 1993-09-06 View
BB-AU-224 Memorandum of Understanding on the functions and responsibilities of the Antarctic Division concerning environmental protection Item 1993-09-28 View
BB-AU-227 Criminal Procedure Ordinance 1993 of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1993-11-17 View
BB-AU-230 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 as amended by the Maritime Legislation Amendment Act 1994 (extracts) Item 1994-02-15 View
BB-AU-231 Offshore Minerals Act 1994 Item 1992-02-25 View
BB-NZ-22 Telegrams concerning US actions in the Ross Dependency and use of postage stamps Item 1934-01-16 View
BB-NZ-24 Whaling in the Ross Dependency Item 1938-01-01 View
BB-NZ-29 Press articles concerning US expedition in Antarctica Item 1946-12-28 View
BB-NZ-33 Appointment of an Officer of the Government of the Ross Dependency Item 1953-08-27 View
BB-NZ-34 NZ Statement concerning reports that US Antarctic expedition was searching for nuclear testing sites Item 1954-11-12 View
BB-NZ-38 NZ press statement on Soviet expedition Item 1955-10-28 View
BB-NZ-4 License to take guano from Victoria Land Item 1896-05-09 View
BB-NZ-41 Press statement on second NZ station in Ross Dependency Item 1956-05-09 View
BB-NZ-43 Ross Dependency, whaling, Item 1958-01-01 View
BB-NZ-46 NZ Parliamentary Debates, Statement by Prime Minister on Antarctic Bill Item 1960-08-30 View
BB-NZ-50 NZ Parliamentary debates, concerning the Ross Dependency and the Territorial Sea and Fishing Zone Bill Item 1965-08-12 View
BB-AR-36 British despatch from Buenos Aires reporting upon activities of the Argentine Meteorological Office in establishing stations on Antarctic islands Item 1905-11-30 View
BB-AR-38 Norwegian letter to the Colonial Office concerning the requested lease of land on South Georgia Island in order for a Norwegian national to build a whaling establishment Item 1907-10-25 View
BB-AR-41 Foreign Office memorandum on the establishment of the Argentine meteorological station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1911-07-04 View
BB-AR-45 Despatch to the Governor of the Falkland Islands concerning the proposed transfer of British title to the South Orkney Islands Item 1914-06-18 View
BB-AR-49 Letter from the General Post Office to the Foreign Office concerning notification to the Universal Postal Union of the Argentine wireless station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1927-11-18 View
BB-AR-58 Press article "Argentina claims Antarctic land in conflict with US and Britain" Item 1939-07-25 View
BB-AR-64 Argentina, Comision Nacional del Antartico Item 1940-05-01 View
BB-AR-66 Argentina, Report of the Committee of enquiry relating to Antarctica Item 1940-06-05 View
BB-AR-67 Final act of the second meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, signed in the city of Habana Item 1940-07-30 View
BB-AR-160 Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council setting out reasons for military action in relation to South Georgia Island and the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Item 1982-04-16 View
BB-AR-161 British note to the United Nations Security Council replying to arguments in favour of Argentine intervention in the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, South Georgia Island and the Sandwich Islands Item 1982-04-20 View
BB-AR-168 British account of the negotiations through the United Nations Secretary-General for a cease fire with Argentina Item 1982-05-21 View
BB-AR-176 Argentine response to the United Nations Secretary General on the Question of Antarctica Item 1984-06-01 View
BB-AR-318 British note concerning Argentine Decree 31813 declaring a security zone around the Falkland Islands and Dependencies Item 1949-04-04 View
BB-AR-324 UK Foreign Office notes concerning Argentine and Chilean naval activities in Antarctic waters Item 1951-11-10 View
BB-AR-328 UK Foreign Office note conveying Argentine Government's explanation of the Hope Bay incident Item 1952-02-13 View
BB-AR-329 UK note to Argentine foreign ministry concerning the Hope Bay incident and Argentina's response Item 1952-02-03 View
BB-AR-333 Exchange of note concerning agreement between Argentina, Chile and Great Britain regarding use of naval vessels in Antarctica Item 1952-11-24 View
BB-AR-334 Argentine press articles concerning Antarctic sovereignty Item 1953-02-15 View
BB-AR-336 General treaty on the judicial settlement of disputes between the Republic of Chile and the Argentine Republic, Buenos Aires 1972 Item 1972-04-05 View
BB-AR-337 Argentina, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Memoria 1973 Item 1973-01-01 View
BB-AR-338 Argentina, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Memoria 1976 Item 1976-01-01 View
BB-AR-339 Press article concerning Beagle Channel dispute Item 1978-05-01 View
BB-AR-340 Argentina, Decree 1574 concerning the Second session of the Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Item 1978-07-17 View
BB-AR-341 Joint Statement of the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Chile and Argentina, Canberra 1978 Item 1978-12-18 View
BB-AR-344 Argentina, Decree 2552 concerning recommendations of the Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, London Item 1979-10-16 View
BB-AR-347 Argentina, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Memoria 1981, General Direction on Antarctica and Islas Malvinas Item 1981-01-01 View
BB-AR-363 Australia, cablegrams concerning Beagle Channel dispute Item 1984-05-01 View
BB-AR-364 Argentina, Law 237 prohibiting discharge of untreated effluent in Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands; and subsequent law of 1985 Item 1984-10-23 View
BB-AR-366 Beagle Channel Treaty, signed at Vatican, 1984 Item 1984-11-29 View
BB-AR-369 Argentina and Chile, Treaty of Peace and Friendship Item 1984-11-29 View
BB-AR-371 Argentina, Decree 892 concerning organisational structure for the national direction of Antarctica Item 1986-07-15 View
BB-AR-373 Argentina, correspondence concerning use of military personnel in Antarctica Item 1989-04-02 View
BB-AR-374 Argentina, various decrees concerning the Territory of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands Item 1987-08-11 View
BB-AR-383 Argentina, article on creation of an Antarctic Institute Item 1951-04-23 View
BB-AR-387 Argentina, various statements reserving Argentina's rights to Antarctic territories Item 1950-07-17 View
BB-AR-388 Argentina, Decree 18837 applying inland rates to telegrams in the Islas Malvinas and Antarctic territories Item 1950-09-08 View
BB-AR-400 Argentina, note concerning Argentine rights to territories claimed by the United Kingdom Item 1955-08-01 View
BB-AR-401 Argentina, Decree 1311 concerning the operation of the Argentine Antarctic Institute; and related documents Item 1956-11-20 View
BB-AR-402 Argentina, declaration in the United Nations General Assembly Item 1957-10-14 View
BB-AR-409 Chilean note to Argentina reserving Chilean rights in connection with an Argentine map depicting Chilean territory as part of Argentina, and Argentina's response Item 1959-01-20 View
BB-AR-410 Chilean note to Argentina regarding Argentine Antarctic sector, and establishing Port Foster, Deception Island; and Argentina's response. Item 1959-07-23 View
BB-AR-418 Joint Declaration of Argentina and Chile concerning resolution of boundary disputes Item 1964-11-06 View
BB-AR-432 United Nations Security Council, correspondence from the United Kingdom and Argentina concerning use of force against RRS Shackleton Item 1976-02-06 View
BB-AR-433 Argentina, oral argument concerning the Beagle Channel dispute Item 1976-09-24 View
BB-AR-436 Argentina, Decree 1490, approving Recommendations of the Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Oslo Item 1977-05-23 View
BB-AR-437 Argentina and Chile exchange of notes concerning proposed discussion of jurisdiction in Antarctica Item 1977-05-31 View
BB-AR-450 United Nations Security Council and General Assembly documents concerning dispute between Argentina and Chile Item 1978-12-15 View
BB-AR-455 Argentina, Chile and United Kingdom, reservation of rights at the World Administrative Radio Conference concerning Antarctic and sub-Antarctic territories Item 1979-12-06 View
BB-AU-798 Australia, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, "Antarctica" Item 1984-03-27 View
BB-AU-799 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, "The value of the Antarctic Treaty System", and two related statement by Minister for Foreign Affairs Bill Hayden Item 1984-08-29 View
BB-AU-800 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, "Antarctic Minerals Regime" Backgrounder and related articles Item 1985-01-23 View
BB-AU-801 Australia, Parliamentary Debates, Senate: Official Hansard, "Antarctic Treaty" Item 1985-12-05 View
BB-AU-805 Australia, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, "Antarctica: Positive move towards mining Ban" Item 1990-12-07 View
BB-BE-1 Belgian notes concerning settlement of the Antarctic question Item 1948-12-31 View
BB-BE-10 Transcript of address delivered by Professor Erik Suy on behalf of Mr Mark Eyskens, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium "Europe and the future of Antarctica" Item 1989-02-25 View
BB-BR-5 Press article "Antarctica: Brazilian plan for research station" The Canberra Times Item 1983-08-04 View
BB-BR-7 Press article "Continental dilemma" Veja Item 1990-04-04 View
BB-CN-1 China "Outline of China's Antarctic research activities" Item 1985-01-01 View
BB-CN-3 Press article "China plans to join Antarctic Treaty" Canberra Times; and related article Item 1982-12-18 View
BB-EC-1 Ecuador, Registro oficial, declarations concerning maritime law, 1967 to 1987 Item 1967-02-27 View
BB-EU-1 European Community, Council Regulation (EEC) No 2245/85 concerning conservation of Antarctic fish stocks; and related Regulations 1981 to 1988 Item 1985-08-02 View
BB-EU-4 European Parliament, Committee on External Economic Relations, draft report on the economic significance of Antarctica, recap of debate Item 1987-09-17 View
BB-EU-7 Germany, motion for the European Parliament "Entschleissung zu den Gefarhren einer Zertorung des Okosystems in der Antarktis" Item 1989-03-16 View
BB-DE-1 Provisions of the Treaty of Versailles under which Germany renounced its rights to territory outside its European frontiers Item 1919-06-28 View
BB-DE-11 Third Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Information documents, meeting document ANT(81)IIIRCE/INF/1 Item 1981-03-01 View
BB-DE-26 German Democratic Republic, Statement of the Delegation of the GDR at the Preparatory Meeting for the Fourteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Item 1987-05-04 View
BB-DE-27 Press article "25 years Antarctic expeditions and their preparation" Item 1987-01-01 View
BB-IN-12 India, Parliamentary debates, Question concerning accession to the Antarctic Treaty Item 1983-08-17 View
BB-IN-7 Press article "New Delhi sets its sights on Antarctica" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1982-02-24 View
BB-IN-8 India, Parliamentary debates, Question concerning "Indian scientific expedition to Antarctic" Item 1982-02-24 View
BB-IT-2 Italy, Law no 284, "Programma nazionale di ricerche in Antartide" Gazzeta Ufficiale Item 1985-06-10 View
BB-IT-5 United States note concerning applications by Italy and the German Democratic Republic for Consultative Party status Item 1987-07-29 View
BB-FK-15 United Nations General Assembly, 31st session, Report of the Special Committee on the situation with regard to implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Item 1976-10-01 View
BB-FK-16 United Nations General Assembly, 31st session, implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Item 1976-11-29 View
BB-FK-2 United Nations General Assembly 19th session, general information about Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Item 1965-01-01 View
BB-FK-23 United Nations General Assembly, 34th session, Report of the Special Committee on the situation with regard to implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Item 1981-01-01 View
BB-FK-24 Synthesis of Argentine-British negotiations regarding the Malvinas Islands in the last 15 years Item 1982-02-01 View
BB-FK-31 Press article "Council calls for withdrawal of Argentine forces from Falklands" and a related article Item 1982-04-01 View
BB-FK-36 Press articles concerning the Falklands Islands/Islas Malvinas conflict Item 1982-04-02 View
BB-FK-37 Australia, statements by Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, concerning the Falklands Islands/Islas Malvinas conflict. Includes statement by the Australian secessionist micronation "Province of Bumbunga" Item 1982-04-03 View
Results 2101 to 2200 of 2816