National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-FK-4 United Nations General Assembly, 21st session, correspondence concerning "The Question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" Item 1966-01-01 View
BB-FK-41 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands conflict Item 1982-04-11 View
BB-FK-47 Beck "The future of the Falkland Islands: a solution made in Hong Kong?" International Affairs Item 1985-01-01 View
BB-FK-48 Collier "Sovereignty and the Falklands crisis" International Affairs Item 1983-01-01 View
BB-FK-54 Falklands/Malvinas conflict, draft interim agreement; and related documents Item 1982-05-17 View
BB-FK-58 Falklands/Malvinas conflict, United Nations Security Council Resolution 505, Item 1982-05-26 View
BB-FK-60 Fawcett "Note of the month: The Falklands and the law" World Today Item 1982-06-01 View
BB-FK-61 Petersen "Background on the Falkland Islands crisis" US Department of State Bulletin Item 1982-06-01 View
BB-FK-64 Press article "A time for keeping cool" Buenos Herald; and related articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict Item 1982-06-17 View
BB-FK-71 United Nations Security Council and General Assembly, documents concerning the Falklands/Malvinas conflict, July-September 1982 Item 1982-10-31 View
BB-FK-77 International Committee of the Red Cross, Annual Report 1982, "The South Atlantic conflict" Item 1983-01-01 View
BB-FK-80 United Kingdom, Parliamentary Debates, Hose of Commons, report of the Foreign Affairs Committee on the Falkland Islands" Item 1985-03-20 View
BB-FK-88 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, September 1982 Item 1982-09-01 View
BB-FK-93 Parsons "The Falklands crisis in the United Nations, 31 March-14 June 1982" International Affairs Item 1983-05-01 View
BB-FK-103 Argentine letter to the US Secretary of State Alexander Haig concerning the Falklands/Malvinas dispute Item 1982-04-29 View
BB-FK-104 International Atomic Energy Agency, correspondence concerning the Falklands/Malvinas dispute Item 1982-04-29 View
BB-FK-110 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, May 1982 Item 1982-05-01 View
BB-FK-96 United States Department of State, Statements concerning the Falklands/Malvinas conflict; and related Organisation of American States resolutions  Item 1982-06-01 View
BB-FR-105 British note asking if France would grant a mining concession on Possession Island in the Crozet Group Item 1906-01-05 View
BB-FR-109 Correspondence from Sir Douglas Mawson concerning the limits of Adélie Land Item 1934-04-24 View
BB-FR-114 France, Order no. 13 fixing the daily rates for living expenses in French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1967-08-18 View
BB-FR-118 France, Assemblée Nationale, Parliamentary Debates "Terres Australes et Antarctiques Francaises" Item 1971-04-14 View
BB-FR-122 France, Assemblée Nationale, Parliamentary debate on the draft law concerning French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1971-06-28 View
BB-FR-125 France, Law no. 71-1060 concerning the delimitation of French territorial waters Item 1971-12-24 View
BB-FR-126 France, Orders concerning the Defence Committee of the Southern zone of the Indian Ocean Item 1972-03-01 View
BB-FR-127 France, Law no. 73-447 concerning conservation of French territories Item 1973-04-25 View
BB-FR-130 France, Order no. 24 concerning the application to French Southern and Antarctic Lands of marine pollution conventions Item 1975-12-31 View
BB-NO-12 Parliamentary questions and answer announcing the waiver of British claims to Bouvet Island in favour of Norway Item 1928-11-19 View
BB-NO-13 Communication of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning notice to foreign governments of the Norwegian claim to Bouvet Island Item 1928-12-01 View
BB-NO-15 Norwegian note to the United States concerning Norwegian grounds for a claim to priority over the areas claimed or discovered during Amundsen's Antarctic expedition Item 1929-04-15 View
BB-NO-21 Law no. 3 of 27 February 1930 as amended concerning Bouvet Island, Peter Island and Queen Maud land Item 1930-02-27 View
BB-NO-23 Norwegian note to the United Kingdom recognising British sovereignty over the Sverdrup Islands Item 1930-08-08 View
BB-NO-27 British note to Norway recognising Norwegian sovereignty over Peter I Island Item 1931-08-06 View
BB-NO-28 Law concerning Bouvet Island and Peter I Island Item 1933-03-24 View
BB-NO-3 Foreign countries - Norway Item 1927-01-01 View
BB-NO-35 Royal proclamation defining the area of Norwegian sovereignty in Antarctica Item 1939-01-14 View
BB-NO-40 Soviet note to Norway reserving Soviet rights Item 1939-01-27 View
BB-NO-42 British note to Norway recognising the Norwegian claim and suggesting the 20th degree west longitude as its western boundary Item 1939-09-01 View
BB-NO-49 Norwegian note to the United States accepting the United States' invitation to attend an international conference on Antarctica Item 1958-05-19 View
BB-NO-50 Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between Norway and the Union of South Africa concerning the loan to the Union of South Africa of "Norway Station" situated in the Norwegian Dependency of Queen Maud Land, London, 30 October 1959 Item 1959-10-30 View
BB-NO-55 Regulations for the protection of Bouvet Island with adjacent territorial waters as a nature reserve Item 1971-12-17 View
BB-NO-56 Norwegian contribution to the UN study of Antarctica Item 1984-06-20 View
BB-US-12 United States, Letter from Secretary of State Cordell Hull concerning claims made by Admiral Byrd Item 1936-03-28 View
BB-US-22 Instructions from President Roosevelt to the commanding officer of the United States Antarctic Service (Admiral Byrd) Item 1939-11-25 View
BB-US-24 Letter from the Secretary of State Cordell Hull to President Roosevelt concerning achievements of Admiral Byrd and the United States Antarctic Service Expedition Item 1940-08-01 View
BB-US-27 Geographic names of Antarctica Item 1947-01-01 View
BB-US-3 United States, Secretary of State Richard Olney statement on reasonable possessions Item 1930-03-10 View
BB-US-35 United States aide-mémoire to Australia proposing an international status for the Antarctic area Item 1948-08-09 View
BB-US-36 United States, Department of State paper outlining proposed territorial claims in Antarctica Item 1948-08-01 View
BB-US-4 United States note to Norway concerning rights to Arctic lands which may be discovered and claimed during an expedition by Amundsen Item 1924-04-02 View
BB-US-40 United States note to eleven countries inviting them to participate in a conference on Antarctica Item 1958-05-02 View
BB-US-5 United States, Letter from the Secretary of State Charles Hughes to A W Prescott concerning the claims of other countries to Antarctica and the American attitude to them Item 1924-05-13 View
BB-US-54 United States, Regulations concerning the conservation of Antarctic animals and plants Item 1979-05-31 View
BB-US-56 Decision of the United States Court of Appeals concerning the admissibility of tort claims arising from the crash of an Air New Zealand aircraft into Mount Erebus Item 1984-12-31 View
BB-US-6 Norwegian note to the United States concerning the effect of taking possession of recently discovered land in the Arctic Item 1924-11-12 View
BB-US-60 United States, Statement by President George Bush on signing the Antarctic Protection Act HR 3977 Item 1990-11-16 View
BB-US-9 United States, Report of resolution introduced into the US Senate which would direct the President to claim areas in Antarctica discovered or explored by American citizens Item 1930-06-30 View
BB-GB-13 United Kingdom, Foreign Office memorandum of Sir E Hertslet concerning the South Shetland and other islands Item 1893-03-26 View
BB-GB-18 United Kingdom, Application from Alexander Lange for permission to whale off South Georgia Island Item 1905-12-18 View
BB-GB-19 United Kingdom, Permission from the Falkland Islands Government to Alexander Lange to whale off South Georgia Island Item 1905-12-19 View
BB-GB-32 United States note requesting a sealing licence in respect of "St. George's Island" on behalf of a United States citizen Item 1911-01-09 View
BB-GB-49 United Kingdom, Licence to Lars Christensen to whale and explore Item 1926-01-01 View
BB-GB-50 French note seeking information concerning British claims to Louis Philippe Land, Joinville Island, Loubet Land, Fallieres Land and Charcot Land Item 1928-06-09 View
BB-GB-52 British Commission for Sir Hubert Wilkins to claim territory between the Falkland Islands Dependencies and the Ross Dependency Item 1928-10-29 View
BB-GB-6 Great Britain, Account of Captain Henry Foster RN taking possession of Hoseason Island Item 1829-01-07 View
BB-GB-61 United Kingdom, Whale Fishery (Consolidation) Ordinance, 1936 Item 1936-05-29 View
BB-GB-64 United Kingdom, Report concerning the sector principle of the Committee on Polar Questions to the Imperial Conference 1937 Item 1937-06-08 View
BB-GB-67 United States note to the United Kingdom reserving United States rights in connection with the Agreement with France on aerial navigation in the Antarctic Item 1939-01-07 View
BB-GB-7 Great Britain, Account of John Biscoe, master of the ''Tula," taking possession of Graham Land Item 1832-02-21 View
BB-GB-70 United Kingdom, Fisheries Ordinance, 1944 Item 1944-12-23 View
BB-GB-71 United Kingdom, Occasions on which formal possession has been taken Item 1945-01-01 View
BB-GB-75 United Kingdom, Parliamentary questions concerning British objections to the submission of the dispute with Argentina and Chile to the International Court of Justice Item 1948-02-25 View
BB-GB-76 United Kingdom, Parliamentary question concerning the application of immigration laws in the Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1948-03-03 View
BB-NO-102 Norway, Law no 7 concerning Jan Mayen Island Item 1960-06-02 View
BB-NO-104 Norway, Decree concerning sovereignty over the seabed Item 1963-05-01 View
BB-NO-65 British notes to Norway reserving all rights to Bouvet Island Item 1928-02-15 to 1928-02-28 View
BB-NO-68 British note on the establishment of Spitsbergen and Ice Seas Council Item 1928-03-08 View
BB-NO-70 Norway, authorisation of the "Norvegia" expedition to claim territory for Norway Item 1928-08-31 View
BB-NO-72 UK Parliamentary debates concerning whaling rights and Bouvet Island Item 1928-11-26 View
BB-NO-75 British note concerning "Norvegia" whaling voyage to Bouvet Island, Peter I Island. Item 1929-02-28 View
BB-NO-79 Norwegian note informing the United Kingdom of planned activities of "Norvegia" expedition and its authority to claim territory Item 1929-11-04 View
BB-NO-82 Norway, documents concerning national laws for Bouvet Island and Peter I Island Item 1930-02-01 View
BB-NO-85 Norway, Decree relating to the administration of Jan Mayen Island Item 1930-07-11 View
BB-NO-89 Landing by "Norvegia" expedition on ice shelf in Princess Ragnhild Land Item 1933-03-05 View
BB-NO-93 Press article 'New land claimed for Norway' Cape Times Item 1937-02-18 View
BB-GB-100 United Kingdom, Mining Ordinance as amended Item 1964-05-27 View
BB-GB-103 United Kingdom, Parliamentary statement regarding the administrative responsibility for the British Antarctic Survey Item 1967-03-09 View
BB-GB-109 United Kingdom, Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance Item 1977-07-07 View
BB-GB-110 United Kingdom, Falkland Islands and Dependencies (Interim Administration) Order 1982 Item 1982-06-18 View
BB-GB-112 United Kingdom, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Order 1985 Item 1985-03-20 View
BB-GB-83 British application instituting proceedings against the Argentine Republic before the International Court of Justice Item 1955-05-01 View
BB-GB-90 United Kingdom, Answer to parliamentary questions concerning the British attitude to International Geophysical Year activities within the area it claims Item 1958-01-21 View
BB-GB-91 United Kingdom, Order declaring East Cumberland Bay and Stromness Bay, South Georgia, to be harbours Item 1958-01-23 View
BB-GB-93 United Kingdom, Oil in Territorial Waters Ordinance, 1960 Item 1960-05-25 View
BB-GB-286 British Antarctic Survey, Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation, Rothera air strip Item 1989-09-01 View
BB-GB-287 United Kingdom, South Atlantic Territories, Falkland Islands (Territorial Sea) Order, no 1993 of 1989 Item 1989-11-01 View
BB-GB-288 United Kingdom, assertion of sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, British Antarctic Territory, etc. Item 1989-12-14 View
BB-GB-293 Press release "Labour will act to prevent commercial exploitation of Antarctic" Item 1990-06-01 View
BB-GB-298 BBC Radio transcript, Antarctic mining and World Park Item 1990-11-16 View
BB-GB-305 UK Parliamentary Debates, Antarctic Treaty Item 1994-07-21 View
Results 2201 to 2300 of 2816