National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-CL-112 Chile, Award of King Edward VII Item 1902-01-01 View
BB-CL-114 Chile, Report of the Defence Department for a concession for sealing and other purposes Item 1906-01-10 View
BB-CL-129 Chilean note to Argentina concerning the delimitation of Antarctic claims Item 1941-01-04 View
BB-CL-131 Press releases concerning between Argentina and Chile Item 1941-03-26 View
BB-CL-138 Chilean note to the United Kingdom Item 1946-01-23 View
BB-CL-140 Chilean claims to Antarctica "El Canciller hará pública hoy la posicion de Chile sobre el domino de la Antartica" [The Chancellor will make public today the position of Chile on the domination of the Antarctic] La Hora Item 1946-11-18 View
BB-CL-154 Argentine note to Chile protesting maps depicting Argentine territory as Chilean Item 1950-12-24 View
BB-CL-156 Argentine note responding to the British protest at the presence of Chilean patrol boat "Lientur" Item 1951-02-22 View
BB-CL-158 Argentine note verbale to Chile concerning the establishment of Chilean base within Argentine territory Item 1951-07-26 View
BB-CL-159 Decree no. 1385 approving regulations of foreign vessel entry into Chilean territorial waters Item 1951-10-01 View
BB-CL-172 Chile, Decree no. 102 approving the regulation of licenses to exploit the resources of the South Pacific Item 1956-03-09 View
BB-CL-174 Chilean diplomatic circular concerning the admission of foreign warships to Chilean waters Item 1956-07-16 View
BB-CL-176 United States note to Chile concerning the statute for the Chilean Antarctic regions Item 1956-11-05 View
BB-CL-179 Chile, Decree no. 185 altering the structure of the Chilean Antarctic Commission Item 1958-05-27 View
BB-CL-182 Argentine note to Chile reserving its rights in response to Chilean stamps depicting territories claimed by Argentina Item 1958-09-12 View
BB-CL-187 Supreme decree no. 144 regulating foreign fishing vessels in Chilean territorial waters Item 1959-02-20 View
BB-CL-191 Chile, Decree no. 340 granting maritime concessions Item 1960-04-05 View
BB-CL-192 Argentine note its rights in relation to a map showing as Chilean part of the Argentine Antarctic Item 1960-04-22 View
BB-CL-198 Chile, Decree no. 156 approving regulations on maritime concessions Item 1961-06-02 View
BB-CL-204 Decree no. 332 providing for the Ministry of Agriculture to issue permits to foreign vessels fishing in Chilean waters Item 1962-06-04 View
BB-CL-205 Chile, Decree no. 453 concerning permits to factory ships within the 200 mile zone Item 1963-07-18 View
BB-CL-208 Decree no. 811 regulating foreign whaling vessels in Chilean territorial waters Item 1963-12-10 View
BB-CL-215 Chile, Decree no. 296 approving the regulations on research, development and use of resources of the sea Item 1967-01-23 View
BB-CL-221 Chile, Decree no. 589 concerning the Directorate of Frontiers and Limits of the State Item 1970-08-20 View
BB-CL-224 Chile, Decree no. 15 concerning the Committee for Antarctic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Item 1973-01-02 View
BB-CL-225 Argentine account of discussion of Chilean views on the boundaries between the Atlanti Ocean and the Pacific Ocean Item 1974-01-01 View
BB-CL-228 Chile, Decree no. 183 concerning foreign fishing vessels in territorial waters Item 1974-08-09 View
BB-CL-229 Chile, Decree no. 477 concerning permits for mineral exploration and exploitation in territorial waters Item 1975-06-09 View
BB-CL-236 Chile, "President Pinochet's visit to Antarctica - meetings of Antarctic Treaty signatories to discuss exploitation of resources Item 1977-01-17 View
BB-CL-237 Chile, Decree no. 115 approving recommendations of the eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Item 1977-02-22 View
BB-CL-239 Chile, Decree no. 416 determining territorial sea base lines Item 1977-07-14 View
BB-CL-246 Report of Chilean Antarctic activities Item 1980-01-01 View
BB-AU-264 Dunlevy, Sue "Antarctic tour base plan hit" The Herald (Melbourne) Item 1989-04-12 View
BB-AU-266 Law, Phillip "Developers would but scratch Antarctica" The Age Item 1989-04-26 View
BB-AU-269 "Look to Greenies: Howard" Canberra Times Item 1989-04-29 View
BB-AU-270 Neales, Sue "Aust's Antarctic division to come under fire again" Financial Review Item 1988-12-29 View
BB-AU-271 Scott, Keith "Mines ruling welcomed" Canberra Times Item 1989-05-01 View
BB-AU-279 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Antarctic animals: Senate inquiry" The Monthly Record Item 1989-05-10 View
BB-AU-282 Beale, Bob "Antarctic park plan at risk" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1989-06-17 View
BB-AU-285 McGuiness, Padraic "Group of Seven summit is little more than a propaganda exercise" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1989-07-11 View
BB-AU-286 "Adventurer shows way" Financial Review Item 1989-07-14 View
BB-AU-290 Gareth Evans, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, "The Style of Australian Foreign Policy" Item 1989-09-13 View
BB-AU-291 "Ex-judge cold on Antarctica talks" The Australian Item 1989-09-23 View
BB-AU-295 Australian Senate, Daily Hansard "Antarctica: oil spills" Item 1989-10-16 View
BB-AU-681 Australia, Senate, Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 1992 Explanatory Memorandum Item 1992-06-14 View
BB-AU-689 Australia, Senate Hansard, Antarctic (Environment Protection) Legislation Amendment Bill 1992 Item 1992-11-09 View
BB-AU-693 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Environment Protection and Management Ordinance 1987, permits for Australian National Botanic Gardens Item 1993-02-23 View
BB-AU-700 Australia, Senate, Maritime Legislation Amendment Bill 1993, Explanatory Memorandums and Proclamation of commencement Item 1993-09-29 View
BB-AU-709 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 Item 1994-08-06 View
BB-AU-711 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Antarctic Seals Conservation Regulations, notices Item 1994-08-04 View
BB-AU-712 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Australian Antarctic Territory, Weapons Act 1991 (ACT), exemption Item 1994-08-19 View
BB-AU-718 Tony Vermeer "Keating tells how he helped save Antarctica" Item 1995-03-05 View
BB-AU-723 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Environment Protection and Management Ordinance Item 1995-07-27 View
BB-AU-728 Australian Capital Territory Gazette, Radiation Act, permit for Australian Antarctic Division Item 1995-10-25 View
BB-AU-743 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Environment Protection and Management Ordinance 1987, application Item 1996-12-01 View
BB-AU-746 Australia, Antarctic Marine Living Conservation Regulations (Amendment) Item 1997-02-05 View
BB-AR-232 Argentine note to the United Kingdom concerning the issue of British stamps for the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and Dependencies, showing as British, territory claimed by Argentina Item 1946-06-03 View
BB-AR-233 Resolution of the Chamber of Deputies calling for action by the executive concerning the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and the Argentine Antarctic sector Item 1946-07-05 View
BB-AR-235 British note (no. 2) to Argentina giving notice of the presence of a Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Dependencies survey party in certain areas Item 1947-01-03 View
BB-AR-250 Decree no. 3,416 concerning the Argentine naval base on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands Item 1948-02-05 View
BB-AR-251 Argentine statement raising objections to the British proposal to submit the dispute over Antarctic claims to the International Court of Justice Item 1948-02-26 View
BB-AR-253 Argentine account of naval incident in 1947/48 Item 1948-03-06 View
BB-AR-255 Argentine memorandum setting out the grounds for the Argentine claims to the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and Antarctic territories ( extract) Item 1948-04-21 View
BB-AR-261 Tripartite naval declarations between Argentina, Chile and the United Kingdom Item 1949-01-18 View
BB-AR-266 British note to Argentina protesting at the establishment of Argentine bases in Paradise Harbour and Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula Item 1951-04-30 View
BB-AR-269 Chilean note to Argentina reserving Chilean rights in respect of the establishment of two more Argentine bases within Chilean Antarctic territory Item 1951-08-29 View
BB-AR-270 Argentine reservation to the Treaty of Peace with Japan Item 1951-09-01 View
BB-AR-271 Argentine memorandum to the United Kingdom protesting at the British closure of the Argentine meteorological station on South Georgia Island Item 1952-01-29 View
BB-AR-273 Argentine note to the United Kingdom concerning the incident at Hope Bay, Graham Land Item 1952-02-27 View
BB-AR-275 British note to Argentina protesting at the establishment of Argentine stations and other facilities at Hope Bay and elsewhere within the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Dependencies Item 1952-07-05 View
BB-AR-277 British note informing the Argentine Government of actions to remove Argentine personnel and buildings from Deception Island, South Shetland Islands Item 1953-02-16 View
BB-AR-278 British note to Argentina protesting at the actions of the Argentine relief vessel at Half Moon Island, South Shetland Islands Item 1953-02-16 View
BB-AR-279 Argentine note to the United Kingdom protesting at British action to remove Argentine personnel and buildings from Deception Island, South Shetland Islands Item 1953-02-20 View
BB-AR-286 Chilean note to Argentina concerning the establishment of the Argentine Shelter "Libertador" in Chilean Antarctic Territory Item 1956-10-03 View
BB-AR-287 Argentine note to Chile replying to Chilean reservations concerning the establishment of the Argentine Shelter "Libertador" Item 1956-12-14 View
BB-AR-288 Decree-law no. 2,191 re-establishing the National Territory of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and Islands of the South Atlantic (extracts) Item 1957-02-28 View
BB-AR-291 Chilean note to Argentina expressing reservations about a tourist voyage to Antarctica organised by the Argentine Navy Item 1958-03-26 View
BB-AR-294 Joint announcement by Argentina and the United States concerning the maintenance of Ellsworth Station beyond the termination of the International Geophysical Year Item 1958-07-15 View
BB-AR-297 Accords arrived at by provincial authorities of Argentina and Chile at the Conference of Perito Moreno on problems of the Southern Zone (extracts) Item 1959-05-11 View
BB-AR-300 Decree no. 800 creating the Directorate-General of the Malvinas within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship and establishing its functions Item 1967-02-09 View
BB-AR-302 Decree no. 149 of the Governor of the National Territory of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and Islands of the South Atlantic modifying the political divisions of the Territory Item 1970-04-08 View
BB-AR-307 Law no. 21,024 concerning oil exploration on the continental shelf surrounding the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, Antarctica and the Islands of the South Atlantic Item 1975-09-04 View
BB-AR-309 Declarations by the United Kingdom and Argentina on the application to Antarctic territories of the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, done at Brussels on 29 November 1969 Item 1976-08-16 View
BB-AR-310 Terms of reference for negotiations between the United Kingdom and Argentina concerning the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and Dependencies Item 1977-04-26 View
BB-AR-311 Submissions to the United Nations concerning independence of colonial peoples Item 1977-06-09 View
BB-AR-312 Agreed minute between Argentina and Chile concerning the Southern region, signed at Puerto Montt (extract) Item 1978-02-20 View
BB-AU-494 Tasmanian occupation license over Macquarie Island in favour of Joseph Hatch Item 1902-10-01 View
BB-AU-502 Tasmanian license for Walter Henderson to occupy Macquarie Island Item 1915-07-01 View
BB-AU-503 Tasmanian license for Southern Islands Exploration Company of New Zealand to occupy Macquarie Island Item 1915-08-01 View
BB-AU-504 Australian despatch to the United Kingdom concerning the Australian quadrant of Antarctica Item 1925-09-16 View
BB-AU-507 Australian National Research Council, Australian claims in Antarctica Item 1927-07-25 View
BB-AU-511 License to the Kerguelen Sealing and Whaling Company Item 1928-10-03 View
BB-AU-515 Minutes of Inter-departmental Committee recording acts of possession by Douglas Mawson Item 1929-03-26 View
BB-AU-517 Raising of Norwegian flag between Enderby Land and Kemp Land Item 1929-12-08 View
BB-AU-521 Reports of two landings by Klarius Mikkelsen in Antarctica Item 1931-02-13 View
BB-AU-537 Despatch from the United States concerning the limits of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1940-09-18 View
BB-AU-545 Australian aims in the Antarctic Item 1947-01-01 View
BB-AU-548 Memorandum concerning transfer of Heard Island from Great Britain to Australia Item 1948-01-19 View
BB-AU-550 Australian letter to Great Britain concerning occupation of Heard Island and transfer to Australia. Item 1948-01-15 View
BB-AU-552 Antarctica - background of expedition Item 1948-01-01 View
Results 2501 to 2600 of 2816