National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-US-105 United States, Federal Register, members of US delegation to Antarctic mineral negotiations, Hobart, 1986 Item 1986-05-28 View
BB-US-110 The Washington Post "Cousteau's Washington Plunge" Phil McCombs, and related articles Item 1989-09-21 View
BB-US-120 United States, House of Representatives, Antarctica World Park and Protection Act 1990, HR 4514, and related statements Item 1990-04-04 View
BB-US-130 United States Senate, letter to President George Bush concerning Antarctic minerals debate and environment protection, and related letter from other Congressmen Item 1991-03-25 View
BB-US-131 United States House of Representatives, Concurrent Resolution 109 commemorating 30th anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty and supporting environment protection measures, and related Senate Concurrent Resolution 26 Item 1991-03-22 View
BB-AO-1 Angola, draft declaration concerning Antarctica Item 1985-09-07 View
BB-AU-813 Agreement between Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand for cooperation in the publication of hydrographic and oceanographic charts Item 1996-06-03 View
BB-AU-818 Australian Geological Survey Information, "AGSO's Law of the Sea Project: What does it mean for Australia?", Handout for workshop Item 1994-02-18 View
BB-AU-819 Press article "Nautical boundary extended: call for investment so Australia can benefit" The Mercury, and related article Item 1994-10-03 View
BB-GB-460 British notes concerning status of Enderby Land, Wilkes Land and South Victoria Land Item 1991-10-23 View
BB-MY-1 Malaysia, United Nations "Question of Antarctica", First Committee 28 November 1984 Item 1984-11-28 View
BB-US-136 United States, Environmental Impact Statement on the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals, includes report of the US delegation to the London Conference, 1972 Item 1974-08-08 View
BB-US-138 Antarctica: US position Item 1990-11-14 View
BB-US-139 United States Senate, Resolution SJ Res 206. Includes related document concerning House of Representative Resolution HJ Res 418. Item 1990-09-24 View
BB-US-142 United States Antarctic Activities, Information exchange 1982-83 and 1983-84 Item 1982-01-01 to 1984-01-01 View
BB-AR-469 Argentina, Decree no. 14,708 declaring rights of national sovereignty over Argentine epi-continental sea and continental shelf Item 1946-10-11 View
BB-AR-472 Argentina, Decree no. 5,106 concerning fishing permits in Argentine territorial waters. Item 1966-12-29 View
BB-AR-476 Argentina, Decree no. 8,802 regulating foreign fishing vessels in the Argentine territorial sea Item 1967-11-22 View
BB-AR-477 Argentina, Resolution no. 265 limiting the activities of foreign fishing vessels in Argentine territorial waters. Includes amending Resolution no. 556. Item 1972-06-29 View
BB-AR-483 "US-Argentina Bahia Paraiso cooperative program" Report of a Meeting and Status Report, Buenos Aires. Includes related reports and a press article. Item 1990-05-08 View
BB-RU-1 United Nations Charter—Original membership, communication to the Secretary-General that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is now under the designation Russian Federation Item 1991-12-24 View
BB-US-156 United States White House, Statement by the President, Mt Rushmore Item 1991-07-03 View
BB-GB-461 United Kingdom, cablegrams relating to the Canada and United States attitudes to the Falklands dispute Item 1982-06-24 View
BB-NO-108 Press article concerning Norwegian attitude to protecting the Antarctic environment Item 1990-11-22 View
BB-NZ-160 Press article concerning New Zealand and Argentine relations during the Falklands/Malvinas dispute. Includes a related document reporting an article in the Buenos Aires Herald. Item 1982-04-01 View
BB-PL-8 Press article concerning Polish press reporting of the Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Viña del Mar Item 1990-11-23 View
BB-US-143 United States Congressional Record "Protecting Antarctica as a global ecological commons" Item 1990-10-01 View
BB-US-144 United States Congress, Senate Committee of Foreign Relations "Statement of Dr Peter Wilkniss" Director, Division of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation" Item 1990-07-27 View
BB-US-145 United States Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations "Testimony of Curtis Bohlen, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs" Item 1990-07-27 View
BB-US-146 United States Congress, House of Representatives "Antarctic Protection Act of 1990" Report from the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries Item 1990-09-10 View
BB-US-151 United States Congress, Senate "Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978" Amendment Item 1990-05-03 View
BB-US-152 United States Congress, Senate Commerce Committee "Statement of James N Barnes to the Committee on Science, Technology and Space". Includes incomplete copy of memorandum to R Tucker Scully of the State Department. Item 1984-09-24 View
BB-ZA-17 South Africa, Department of Foreign Affairs "Marine and Antarctic Conservation in South Africa: challenges and achievements" Item 1993-01-01 View
BB-NZ-159 New Zealand "ATCM XV [Draft] Working Paper on the Protection of the Antarctic Environment" Item 1989-09-25 View
BB-FR-33 Exchange of notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand, and the French Government regarding aerial navigation in the Antarctic, Paris Item 1938-10-25 View
BB-FR-36 United States' note replying to the letter from France setting out the bases of the French claim to Adélie Land Item 1939-05-16 View
BB-FR-4 Report of taking possession of the Kerguelen Islands in the name of the King of France Item 1772-02-13 View
BB-FR-42 Order establishing a post office in Adélie Land open for ordinary and registered mail Item 1948-11-24 View
BB-FR-51 Decree no. 53-1095 publishing a procès-verbal concerning the establishment of an administrative unit in Adélie Land Item 1953-11-05 View
BB-FR-55 Decree no. 56-935 concerning the administrative organisation of French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1956-09-18 View
BB-FR-61 Order no. 5 concerning the administration of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1965-05-12 View
BB-FR-71 Decree no. 70-263 concerning the exchange of notes between France and the USSR Item 1970-03-18 View
BB-FR-73 Report on the juridical and administrative arrangements for French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1971-04-08 View
BB-FR-74 Order no. 10 promulgating decree nos. 71-360 and 71-361 of 6 May 1971 concerning the continental shelf Item 1971-06-09 View
BB-FR-79 Order no. 5 promulgating legislation concerning the delimitation of the French territorial sea Item 1972-01-13 View
BB-FR-84 French contribution to the United Nations study on the Question of Antarctica Item 1984-06-18 View
BB-FR-85 Transcript of interview with Prime Minister Rocard Item 1989-04-20 View
BB-FR-86 France, Decree no 78-112 defining straight baseline and bay closure line regarding French Southern and Antarctic Land Item 1978-01-11 View
BB-FR-88 Agreement between France and the Soviet Union concerning access to waters around Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Item 1979-01-01 View
BB-FR-91 France, Fishing License for French Southern and Antarctic territories Item 1978-09-19 View
BB-FR-92 Documents relating to construction of runway at Dumont d'Urville Item 1983-01-01 to 1989-01-01 View
BB-FR-95 Press articles concerning French attitude to minerals convention Item 1989-04-22 View
BB-FR-97 France, Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Options, Report on the problems posed by mining in Antarctica, Item 1989-09-01 View
BB-CL-47 Chilean act of inauguration of "Soberanía" base in the South Shetland Islands Item 1947-02-06 View
BB-CL-48 Chilean note of to the United Kingdom rejecting the British protest at the establishment of "Soberanía" base Item 1947-05-16 View
BB-CL-49 Chilean memorandum to the United States seeking the United States' views on certain Antarctic matters Item 1947-10-13 View
BB-CL-50 United States' memorandum replying to a Chilean request for its views on certain Antarctic matters Item 1947-11-03 View
BB-CL-56 Chilean statement of reasons for refusal to accept settlement by the International Court of Justice of the dispute with the United Kingdom over Antarctica Item 1948-02-01 View
BB-CL-57 Chilean decree Item 1948-02-23 View
BB-CL-60 United States' telegram from Santiago reporting a Chilean note proposing a moratorium of claims in Antarctica Item 1948-10-08 View
BB-CL-62 Chilean statement concerning the United States' proposals to internationalise Antarctica Item 1948-10-28 View
BB-CL-64 Chilean note to the United Kingdom rejecting the British note of protest at the establishment of a Chilean base on Penguin Island, Paradise Harbour Item 1951-05-17 View
BB-CL-65 British note to Chile informing the Chilean Government of action taken to remove the Chilean building from Deception Island, South Shetland Islands Item 1953-02-16 View
BB-CL-71 Chilean letter to the International Court of Justice declining to accept the jurisdiction of the Court in respect of the British application Item 1955-07-15 View
BB-CL-76 Chilean report on the boundary between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans Item 1957-01-01 View
BB-CL-90 Decree no. 559 adopting organic regulations for the Directorate of State Frontiers and Boundaries Item 1967-09-07 View
BB-CL-96 Decree with force of law no. 161 re-organising the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Item 1978-03-03 View
BB-CL-11 Statute of the Sociedad Ballenera de Magallanes (extract) Item 1906-03-30 View
BB-CL-12 Argentine letter to Chile protesting at a Chilean decree authorising the occupation of certain Antarctic territories (extracts) Item 1906-06-10 View
BB-CL-22 Decree no. 1,723 reorganising the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (extract) Item 1940-11-02 View
BB-CL-25 Chilean note to the United States communicating the Chilean decree of 6 November 1940 Item 1940-11-06 View
BB-CL-26 Chilean note informing the United Kingdom of the limits of the Chilean Antarctic Territory Item 1940-11-11 View
BB-CL-28 Japanese note to Chile reserving the Japanese position with regard to the Chilean decree of 6 November 1940 Item 1940-11-13 View
BB-CL-30 Chilean note to Argentina giving further details of the bases of Chilean claims and inviting Argentine authorities to take part in discussions in Santiago de Chile Item 1940-12-03 View
BB-CL-35 Chilean note to the United Kingdom reserving Chilean rights in connection with the issue of British postage stamps for the South Shetland Islands and Graham Land Item 1944-09-29 View
BB-CL-37 Report of Decree no 844 dividing the coastline of the Republic into three naval zones Item 1945-05-19 View
BB-CL-38 Chilean press release reporting a protest to the United Kingdom over the issue of postage stamps for the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Dependencies Item 1946-07-09 View
BB-CL-39 Letter to Chilean Ambassador in London Item 1946-11-11 View
BB-CL-40 Statement by the Chilean Foreign Minister concerning non-recognition of claims Item 1946-11-18 View
BB-CL-41 Decree no. 6,378 authorising the issue of postage stamps bearing a map of the Chilean Antarctic Territory Item 1946-12-04 View
BB-CL-43 Resolution no. 29 establishing a post office in the Chilean Antarctic Territory Item 1947-01-06 View
BB-CL-249 Chile, Constitution, internal government of the state and provincial administration Item 1970-01-01 View
BB-CL-250 Chile, contribution to the United Nations debate on the "Question of Antarctica". Item 1984-06-27 View
BB-CL-252 Fourteenth General Meeting of the Permanent Commission of the South Pacific Item 1977-11-07 View
BB-CL-256 Scientific research by the Chilean Antarctic Institute in 1980/81 Item 1981-01-01 View
BB-CL-258 Chile, Antarctic information submitted to the United Nations Item 1984-06-27 View
BB-CL-261 King George Island: the remotest island in the world Item 1985-06-01 View
BB-CL-262 Chile's presence in the Antarctic Item 1985-03-01 View
BB-CL-266 Chile, Antarctic Treaty inspection report 1986-87 Item 1987-04-01 View
BB-CL-267 Chile, Approval of recommendations of the Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Item 1988-03-15 View
BB-CL-270 Chile and +C17the Antarctic, and "Life amongst the ice" Item 1989-06-01 View
BB-CL-275 Chile, policy on Antarctic resources Item 1990-01-24 View
BB-AU-245 Fisheries Management Regulations Item 1996-12-20 View
BB-AU-250 Ministerial determination and direction that no Environmental Impact Statement or Public Environment Report was required for the proposal to issue fishing permits for the Australian Fishing zone around Heard Island and McDonald Islands Item 1997-02-17 View
BB-AU-254 The Heard Island and McDonald Islands fishery as described in the Fisheries Management Regulations Item 1997-10-01 View
BB-AU-257 Artefacts at Cape Denison interim guidelines Item 1997-12-17 View
BB-AU-258 Determination that the conservation program for Mawson's Huts is likely to have only a minor or transitory impact Item 1997-12-17 View
BB-CL-103 Chile, Royal letters patent appointing Adelantado Don Geronimo de Alderete governor of Chile Item 1555-05-29 View
BB-CL-106 Account of the southern sea and lands attached to the Royalty of Chile Item 1601-01-01 to 1616-01-01 View
BB-CL-110 The arbitration history of the 1881 boundary treaty between Argentina and Chile Item 1881-00-00 View
Results 2401 to 2500 of 2816