National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AU-370 "Canine race man in Antarctica" Canberra Times Item 1993-06-09 View
BB-AU-375 "Yachtswoman back on land" Canberra Times Item 1994-04-17 View
BB-AU-380 Darby, Andrew "Pirates plundering Southern fisheries" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1994-05-03 View
BB-AU-383 "Scientists stumble on new volcano" The West Australian Item 1997-06-20 View
BB-AU-387 Dayton, Leigh "Antarctic clean-up as touchy as nitro" Item 1997-09-24 View
BB-AU-217 Arrangement for scientific cooperation in relation to Antarctica between Australia and Italy Item 1992-08-10 View
BB-AU-226 Weapons Ordinance 1993 of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1993-10-28 View
BB-AU-233 Proclamation of Australia's exclusive economic zone (extracts) Item 1994-07-26 View
BB-AU-235 Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Regulations Item 1994-10-11 View
BB-AU-399 Tasmania Statutory Rules 1972, Wildlife Amendment Regulations 1972 Item 1972-06-18 View
BB-AU-407 Australian Government Gazette, Proclamation under the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 declaring limits of territorial sea adjacent to coast of southern Tasmania. Item 1974-10-24 View
BB-AU-411 Australia, Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Report on United National involvement with Australia's territories Item 1976-09-30 View
BB-AU-412 House of Representatives, Statement concerning Antarctica in relation to the Law of the Sea Conference Item 1977-03-15 View
BB-AU-416 Parliamentary debates, Extension of international conventions to the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1978-03-12 View
BB-AU-417 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Macquarie Island entry in the register of the National Estate Item 1978-03-21 View
BB-AU-434 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Bill 1980 Item 1980-04-23 View
BB-AU-437 Australia, Parliamentary debates, Senate, Whale Protection Bill 1980, Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Amendment Bill 1980 Item 1980-05-21 View
BB-AU-442 "Antarctic stations to be rebuilt" The Canberra Times Item 1980-06-11 View
BB-AU-443 Australian Capital Territory, Nature Conservation Ordinance 1980 Item 1980-07-08 View
BB-AU-449 Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Migratory birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1988 Item 1988-05-25 View
BB-AU-450 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Notice about Migratory birds and Endangered Species Ordinances in Australia's Antarctic territories Item 1980-09-28 View
BB-AU-451 "Antarctica Declaration" The Age Item 1980-10-14 View
BB-AU-458 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Bill 1982, second reading Item 1981-04-02 View
BB-AU-461 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Bill 1981 returned from Senate Item 1981-04-08 View
BB-AU-467 Dwyer, Peter "New attack on neglect of Antarctica" The Australian Item 1981-09-30 View
BB-AU-472 "Australian Antarctic bases to stay open" The Canberra Times Item 1982-03-09 View
BB-AU-482 Robinson, Russell "Govt acts on ice hero auction" Herald Sun Item 1982-09-23 View
BB-AU-164 Letter to the editor by Kim Jones, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs, Sydney Morning Herald, "Sovereignty of Heard Island" Item 1982-05-27 View
BB-AU-169 Australia Statutory Rules 1983 No 22 "Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations" Item 1983-02-23 View
BB-AU-173 Parliamentary Question and Answer on the declaration of Antarctica as a world park Item 1983-10-04 View
BB-AU-177 Medical Practitioners Registration Ordinance 1985 of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1985-08-22 View
BB-AU-178 Poisons and Narcotic Drugs Ordinance 1985 of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1985-08-22 View
BB-AU-185 Antarctic Seals Conservation Regulations Item 1986-12-18 View
BB-AU-189 Environment Protection and Management (Amendment) Ordinance 1991 of the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands Item 1991-01-01 View
BB-AU-206 Speech of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade on Australia's Intention to Enact a Mining Ban and the Shaper of a Comprehensive Environmental Protection Regime Item 1990-08-17 View
BB-AU-210 Macquarie Island Nature Reserve Management Plan Item 1991-06-17 View
BB-AU-1 Unkited Kingdom letter to Australia confirming its willingness to transfer Heard Island and McDonald Islands to Australia Item 1947-12-23 View
BB-AU-22 Australia, Proclamation fixing the date for commencement of the Air Navigation Act 1920-50 in relation to the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1956-04-11 View
BB-AU-3 Press release concerning the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition to Heard Island Item 1947-12-28 View
BB-AU-30 Australia, Notice declaring the Tasmanian Division of the continental shelf to be a controlled area for the purposes of the Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Act 1968 Item 1970-04-09 View
BB-AU-35 Australia, Parliamentary question concerning the limit to the Australian Antarctic Territory and ownership of icebergs Item 1977-11-08 View
BB-AU-37 Australia, Report of the Committee on Australia's Relations with the Third World Item 1979-04-10 View
BB-AU-45 Australia, Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 Item 1980-06-06 View
BB-AU-5 Australia, Parliamentary question concerning Australia's reaction to proposals of the United States to internationalise Antarctica Item 1949-10-25 View
BB-AU-760 British Colonial Office letter to Dr Douglas Mawson concerning authority to claim territory Item 1911-07-08 View
BB-AU-777 Imperial Conference 1930, report of the Committee on Polar Questions Item 1930-10-30 View
BB-AU-778 Proclamation read by Douglas Mawson at Cape Denison, King George V Land during the second BANZARE voyage Item 1931-01-05 View
BB-AU-784 British Order in Council placing certain territory under the authority of the Commonwealth of Australia Item 1933-02-07 View
BB-AU-786 Tasmania, Proclamation of Macquarie Island as a sanctuary for animals and birds Item 1933-05-17 View
BB-AU-792 British note to Norway concerning Norwegian activities and the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1938-11-11 View
BB-AU-797 Miscellaneous notes concerning Australian interests Item 1930-01-01 to 1976-01-01 View
BB-AU-111 "Australia and the Antarctic Treaty System" Australian Foreign Affairs Record, vol 55, no. 2 Item 1984-02-01 View
BB-AU-115 Notice of the Annual Sir Douglas Mawson Memorial Antarctic Lecture, "Is Australia and Antarctic Power?" given by David Caro Item 1984-05-15 View
BB-AU-117 Coyle, Kerry "Australia's Antarctic potential 'exaggerated' The Canberra Times Item 1984-11-13 View
BB-AU-125 Ford, Jane "Temperatures rise over Antarctica's frozen assets" Australian Item 1985-10-09 View
BB-AU-126 "Researching Antarctica" editorial The Advertiser and "Thin Ice" West Australian Item 1985-12-31 View
BB-AU-127 Australia Department of Foreign Affairs Outward Cablegram "Australian inspection visit to Antarctica: press release" Item 1986-01-03 View
BB-AU-135 Beale, Bob "The Antarctic: our icy rubbish dump" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1986-02-18 View
BB-AU-141 "Report advises Antarctic centre" Financial Review Item 1987-07-09 View
BB-AU-143 Beale, Bob "Antarctic Division admits deficiencies" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1988-01-01 View
BB-AU-145 Australia Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade news release "Visit of Australian Inspection team to Antarctica" Item 1988-01-06 View
BB-AU-147 "Australia in Antarctica" editorial The Canberra Times Item 1988-01-11 View
BB-AU-149 Eccleston, Roy "Soviet port deal gets green light" Australian Item 1988-06-17 View
BB-AU-151 Diwell, Stuart "Ice Station Shame" The Mercury Item 1988-07-13 View
BB-AU-154 The Mercury, article about capital works $667K to start work on an Antarctic museum in Hobart Item 1988-09-22 View
BB-AU-156 Alcorso, Claudio "Antarctic museum" letter to the editor The Mercury Item 1988-09-27 View
BB-AU-157 "$200m plan for tourism in Antarctica" West Australian Item 1988-10-07 View
BB-AU-160 Convention of interest to Australia Item 1988-12-05 View
BB-AU-162 Neales, Sue "Australia's Antarctic Division to come under fire again" Australian Financial Review Item 1988-12-29 View
BB-AU-52 Territory of Heard Island and MacDonald Islands Ordinances Item 1982-01-01 to 1988-01-01 View
BB-AU-54 The outlying islands of Macquarie Island Item 1978-07-01 View
BB-AU-56 Letter from Prime Minister of New Zealand to Prime Minister of Australia regarding the results of BANZARE, meteorological research, and further expeditions. Item 1938-08-09 View
BB-AU-58 Australian Parliament, Antarctic Treaty Bill 1960 Second Reading Item 1960-10-18 View
BB-AU-67 Hope, Deborah "Antarctic bases to stay" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1982-03-09 View
BB-AU-73 ABC TV 'Our World' series on Sir Douglas Mawson, Canberra Times Item 1982-08-15 View
BB-AU-76 Eckersley, Richard "Icebreaker replaced" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1982-09-02 View
BB-AU-77 Eckersley, Richard "Pay for Antarctic power, report urges" Sydney Morning Herald3/09/1982 Item 1982-09-03 View
BB-AU-80 "Australia to boost Antarctic research" The Canberra Times Item 1982-10-23 View
BB-AU-82 "Canadian ship replaces Thala Dan in the ice" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1982-11-01 View
BB-AU-84 "Warning on Antarctica" The Canberra Times Item 1982-11-22 View
BB-AU-85 Heard Island and the McDonald Islands Item 1982-12-01 View
BB-AU-86 "Explorer dies" The Canberra Times Item 1982-12-04 View
BB-AU-89 Notice of 24 scientists departing from Hobart to Heard Island Item 1982-12-31 View
BB-AU-94 Barry O Jones, Australia Minister for Science and Technology speech transcript "National Science Forum" Item 1983-04-05 View
BB-AU-633 "Antarctic cocaine case heard in ACT court", The Canberra Times Item 1983-03-26 View
BB-AU-639 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Australian Heritage Commission notice of entry of External Territories of Heard Island and the McDonald Islands Item 1983-09-23 View
BB-AU-641 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Declaration of approved Institutions in relation to classes of specimens, Antarctic Division, Department of Science in Kingston, Tasmania Item 1985-02-28 View
BB-AU-649 Australia, Sea Installations Bill 1987, Explanatory Memorandum Item 1987-04-01 View
BB-AU-650 Australia, Statutory Rules 1987, National Parks and Wildlife Regulations (Amendment) Item 1987-06-18 View
BB-AU-657 Herr, R A and Hall, H R, University of Tasmania, "Inquiry into Tourism in the Antarctic" Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts Item 1989-03-01 View
BB-AU-666 Australia, Senate, Daily Hansard, "Antarctica" United States and the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities Item 1989-09-28 View
BB-AU-667 Australia, Tasmanian Legislative Council Hansard "Antarctic — Servicing of International Fleet" Item 1989-10-19 View
BB-AU-669 Australia, House of Representatives, Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 1990, Explanatory Memorandum Item 1990-09-01 View
BB-AU-671 Australia, House of Representatives, Antarctic Mining Prohibition Bill and Explanatory Memordandum Item 1991-05-06 View
BB-AU-676 Australia, Antarctic Division, Administration Circular, Implementation of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty Item 1991-11-25 View
BB-AR-37 Extracts from "The voyage of the 'Scotia'" Item 1905-03-20 View
BB-AR-43 Proposed cession of South Orkney Islands Item 1913-09-01 View
BB-AR-44 Explanatory Act between Argentina and Chile signed at Santiago on 10 July 1902 concerning the Convention on Naval Arm Limitation Item 1913-10-07 View
BB-AR-48 Circular letter of the Director of the Universal Postal Union reporting the territorial jurisdiction of Argentina Item 1927-10-14 View
BB-AR-55 Record of debate in Congress concerning a reservation in Argentine ratifications of the Universal Postal Convention Item 1938-09-22 View
Results 2701 to 2800 of 2816