National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-CL-5 Account by Bernardo O'Higgins on the southern extent of Chile Item 1831-08-20 View
BB-CL-7 Supreme decree no. 3370 granting a fishing concession to Pedro Pablo Benavides (extract) Item 1902-12-31 View
BB-CL-8 Application from Enrique Fabry and Domingo de Toro Herrera for a concession for sealing and other purposes Item 1906-01-09 View
BB-CL-257 Chile, approval of recommendations from the seventh tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings Item 1981-01-22 View
BB-CL-264 The white continent called Antarctica Item 1986-11-01 View
BB-CL-269 Chile, Boletin Antartico Chileno Item 1998-07-01 View
BB-CL-274 Barbara Durr "Well-placed Chile leads in the logistical battle for Antarctica" Financial Times Item 1990-01-11 View
BB-AU-238 Australia, Grant of permit to enter and carry out activities on Heard Island Item 1995-12-05 View
BB-AU-242 Review of the need for an environmental impact statement or public environment report under the Environmental Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act for fishing in waters within the Australian Fishing Zone near Macquarie Island Item 1996-10-31 View
BB-AU-244 Draft interim management policy for the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Exploratory Fishery Item 1996-11-22 View
BB-AU-247 Review of the need for an environmental impact statement or public environment report under the Environments Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act for fishing in waters within the Australian Fishing Zone near Heard Island and McDonald Islands but outside the Australian Fishing Zone Item 1997-02-01 View
BB-AU-248 Review of the need for an environmental impact statement or public environment report under the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act for fishing in waters within the Australian Fishing Zone near Heard Island and McDonald Islands but outside the Australian Fishing Zone Item 1997-02-01 View
BB-AU-251 Letter from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Australian future involvement in Antarctica Item 1997-02-27 View
BB-AU-252 Casey Station Management Plan Item 1997-04-16 View
BB-AU-260 Notice of intention by the Antarctic Division under the environment protection (impact of proposals) Act 1974 to permit commercial fishing in Statistical Division 58.4.3 outside the Australian fishing zone of Heard Island and McDonald Islands Item 1998-01-19 View
BB-CL-102 Chile, Royal letters patent extending the governorship granted to Don Pedro de Valdivia Item 1554-09-29 View
BB-CL-104 Chile, Royal letters patent appointing Francisco de Villagra governor of Chile Item 1558-12-29 View
BB-CL-109 Chile, Act of Possession of the Straits of Magellan and its territory Item 1843-09-21 View
BB-CL-111 Ordinance regulating sealing etc. on the coasts, islands and territorial seas of Chile Item 1892-08-17 View
BB-CL-113 Chile, Supreme decree transferring the fishing concessions Item 1904-10-05 View
BB-CL-120 Chile, Decree no. 1,980 liquidating the Sociedad Ballanera de Magallanes Item 1910-08-19 View
BB-CL-127 United States cable concerning Japan's note to Chile reserving rights in the Chilean sector Item 1940-11-26 View
BB-CL-130 Chilean note to the United States concerning proposals for the development of Antarctic resources Item 1941-01-23 View
BB-CL-137 The case for Chilean territorial claims in the Antarctic Item 1945-02-26 View
BB-CL-145 Decree no. 2,996 of the Ministry of the concerning postage stamps depicting the Chilean Antarctic Item 1947-05-28 View
BB-CL-149 Chilean declaration claiming sovereignty over the Continental shelf and coastal waters adjacent to Chilean territory Item 1947-07-23 View
BB-CL-152 Chilean account on the basis for its claim "La Antartida o territorio Chileno Antartico - Antecedentes históricos" [Antarctic Chilean territory - Historical background] La Prensa Item 1948-03-01 View
BB-CL-153 Chilean memorandum to the United States proposing conferences on Antarctica Item 1948-04-14 View
BB-CL-155 British note protesting at the presence of Chilean patrol boat "Lientur" in British waters Item 1951-02-22 View
BB-CL-157 Chile, Act of Establishment of the President González Videla Base Item 1951-03-13 View
BB-CL-168 Chile, Annual message to Congress by President Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Item 1955-01-01 View
BB-CL-177 Decree no. 837 regarding the composition of the Chilean section of the Permanent Commission of the Conference on Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the South Pacific Item 1957-08-30 View
BB-CL-178 Chilean statement in the United Nations concerning Chile, its Antarctic claims, and the adjudication of the dispute with the United Kingdom before the International Court of Justice Item 1957-10-14 View
BB-CL-183 Decree no. 946 approving the foreign fishing in Chilean territorial waters Item 1958-10-08 View
BB-CL-184 Chilean note to Argentina asserting its claims in response to Argentina's reservation on Chilean postage stamps Item 1958-10-15 View
BB-CL-186 Decree no. 130 regulating foreign fishing vessels in Chilean territorial waters Item 1959-02-11 View
BB-CL-197 Chile, Decree no. 133 regulating Decree no. 266 of 1960 on privileges for the fishing industry Item 1961-02-09 View
BB-CL-201 Chile, Decree no. 174 establishing the authentic text of the Antarctic Treaty Item 1962-04-17 View
BB-CL-207 Chile, Decree no. 751 regulating the establishment of fishing industries Item 1963-10-31 View
BB-CL-211 Chile, Decree no. 1,179 amending the General Regulation on Maritime Commissions Item 1964-11-25 View
BB-CL-216 Chile, Supreme decree no. 223 regulating mineral exploration and exploitation in territorial waters Item 1968-03-11 View
BB-CL-231 Chile, Decree no. 1,317 concerning divisions of regions into provinces Item 1975-12-31 View
BB-CL-233 Beagle Channel arbitration, AGO on behalf of Argentina Item 1976-09-27 View
BB-CL-238 Informal Memorandum, Present boundary difficulties between Chile and Argentina Item 1977-01-01 View
BB-AU-265 Darby, Andrew "Direct flights planned to Antarctica" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1989-04-15 View
BB-AU-267 Darby, Andrew "Australia signed, and 10 years on" The Age Item 1989-04-26 View
BB-AU-268 Peake, Ross "Antarctic mining a blue, says Howard, suddenly tingeing green" The Age Item 1989-04-29 View
BB-AU-275 Scott, Keith "Keating backs world park for Antarctica" The Canberra Times Item 1989-05-04 View
BB-AU-276 Scott, Keith "Antarctica in delay basket" The Canberra Times Item 1989-05-03 View
BB-AU-278 Lopez, Elisabeth "Antarctica needs tourism, says firm" The Age Item 1989-05-10 View
BB-AU-281 Editorial "Greening of Antarctica" and Lenore Taylor "Antarctica worth a try" The Australian Item 1989-05-24 View
BB-AU-289 Beale, Bob "Aust-Antarctic air link test" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1989-08-16 View
BB-AU-293 "RAAF to build Antarctic ice runway" The Australian Item 1989-10-16 View
BB-AU-294 Scott, Keith "Australia leads fight to bar mining at sea" The Canberra Times Item 1989-10-15 View
BB-AU-296 ABC Radio National "Antarctica" Transcript Item 1989-10-19 View
BB-AU-300 Lester, Michael "Antarctic centre on ice" and "Site for Antarctic Centre" The Mercury Item 1984-11-08 View
BB-AU-302 Gosling, Tom "Instant building brings cold comfort" The Herald, Melbourne Item 1989-11-09 View
BB-AU-303 "Field confirms Antarctic support" and "Antarctic centre vital to Tasmania - Brown" The Advocate Item 1989-11-13 View
BB-AU-234 Notice of permits to injure and disturb seals under the Antarctic Seals Conservation Regulations Item 1994-09-01 View
BB-AU-397 Tasmanian Government Gazette, Macquarie Island State Reserve Item 1972-06-14 View
BB-AU-400 Tasmania Statutory Rules 1973, National Parks and Reserves Amendment Regulations 1973 Item 1973-01-01 View
BB-AU-401 Tasmania Statutory Rules 1977, National Parks and Reserves Amendment Regulations 1977 Item 1977-01-01 View
BB-AU-402 Tasmania Statutory Rules 1978, National Parks and Reserves Amendment Regulations 1978 Item 1978-01-01 View
BB-AU-403 Tasmania Statutory Rules 1979, National Parks and Reserves Amendment Regulations 1979, Macquarie Island Nature Reserve Item 1979-01-01 View
BB-AU-410 Statutory Rules 1975 No. 70, Amendment of the Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Regulations Item 1975-04-18 View
BB-AU-414 Parliamentary debates, Recognition of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1977-11-08 View
BB-AU-415 Parliamentary debates, Australian Antarctic Territory - exclusion from application of defence legislation Item 1978-02-23 View
BB-AU-419 Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, "Australia, Antarctica and the Law of the Sea" Interim Report Item 1978-05-02 View
BB-AU-420 Tasmanian Government Gazette, Proclamation about Macquarie Island Nature Reserve Item 1978-05-03 View
BB-AU-423 Tasmanian Government Gazette, Proclamation about Macquarie Island Nature Reserve Item 1979-07-11 View
BB-AU-428 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, "Antarctic icebergs" Item 1979-11-06 View
BB-AU-430 Commonwealth legislation on off-shore areas and conservation Item 1980-01-25 View
BB-AU-432 Parliamentary debates "Russkaya base in the Antarctic" Item 1980-03-25 View
BB-AU-433 Parliamentary debates, Senate, Australian Antarctic Research Policy Advisory Committee Item 1980-03-25 View
BB-AU-435 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Bill 1980 Item 1980-05-22 View
BB-AU-436 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Whale Protection Bill 1980 Item 1980-04-23 View
BB-AU-439 Parliament, House of Representatives, Explanatory memorandum Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Bill 1980 Item 1980-05-29 View
BB-AU-441 "Antarctica threat if oil found" The Canberra Times Item 1980-06-11 View
BB-AU-447 Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Migratory birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1983 Item 1983-09-15 View
BB-AU-452 Statutory Rules 1980 No. 337, "Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources Regulations (Amendment)" Item 1980-11-19 View
BB-AU-456 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Bill 1981 Item 1981-03-26 View
BB-AU-459 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Bill 1982, second reading Item 1981-04-02 View
BB-AU-462 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Acts passed related to Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Act 1981 Item 1981-04-14 View
BB-AU-463 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, "200-mile Fishing Zone" Item 1981-05-06 View
BB-AU-468 Dwyer, Peter "Govt 'running out of time' in Antarctica" The Age Item 1981-10-06 View
BB-AU-470 Minister for Foreign Affairs press release "Maritime Delimitation Agreement with France" Item 1982-01-04 View
BB-AU-473 Cranston, Frank "Should Australia allow any diminution of its presence in Antarctica?" Canberra Times Item 1982-03-11 View
BB-AU-474 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Proclamation on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Item 1982-04-01 View
BB-AU-476 Australian Capital Territory, Nature Conservation Regulations Item 1982-06-07 View
BB-AU-478 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Notice of Heard Island and the McDonald Islands in Register of National Estate Item 1982-08-18 View
BB-AU-479 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Notice of Appointments of Deputy Coroners Item 1982-10-12 View
BB-AU-480 Parliamentary debates, Senate, Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Exports and Imports Bill 1982 Item 1982-09-07 View
BB-AU-481 "Mawson relics return sought" The Canberra Times Item 1982-09-16 View
BB-AU-165 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (First Meeting) (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations Item 1982-05-14 View
BB-AU-166 Reference to Antarctica in a report from a Parliamentary Committee on Australia's participation in international environmental organisations" Item 1982-10-28 View
BB-AU-170 Australia Statutory Rules 1983 No 145 "Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations (Amendment)" Item 1983-08-25 View
BB-AU-171 Australia Statutory Rules 1984 No 216 "Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations (Amendment)" Item 1984-08-30 View
BB-AU-174 Entry for Heard Island and McDonald Islands on the Register of the National Estate Item 1983-11-01 View
BB-AU-176 "Decision Action" chart related to infrastructure Item 1984-09-01 View
BB-AU-180 Terms of reference of the Antarctic Science Advisory Committee Item 1985-09-01 View
Results 1701 to 1800 of 2816