National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-FK-69 United Nations Security Council, documents concerning the Falklands/Malvinas conflict, May-June 1982 Item 1982-05-01 View
BB-FK-73 United Nations Security Council and General Assembly, documents concerning the Falklands/Malvinas conflict, July 1984 to May 1985 Item 1985-05-30 View
BB-FK-74 United Nations Security Council and General Assembly, documents concerning the Falklands/Malvinas conflict, July 1985 to November 1988 Item 1985-07-29 View
BB-FK-78 Press articles concerning relations between Argentina and Great Britain following the Falklands/Malvinas conflict Item 1984-03-15 View
BB-FK-79 Argentina, Foreign Ministry, communiques concerning relations between Argentina and Great Britain following the Falklands/Malvinas conflict Item 1984-07-21 View
BB-FK-81 United Kingdom media statement concerning proposed Soviet Union/Argentina fisheries agreement in Falkland Islands/Malvinas waters Item 1986-08-19 View
BB-FK-82 Argentina/United Kingdom joint statement concerning agreement to cease hostilities over the Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas, and re-establish diplomatic and trade relations; and related document of February 1990 Item 1989-01-21 View
BB-FK-83 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs "Argentina: aftermath of the Falklands War" Backgrounder Item 1986-05-21 View
BB-FK-84 Argentina, Declaration of the Malvinas/Falklands Fisheries Protection Zone Item 1986-11-17 View
BB-FK-90 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, November 1982 Item 1982-11-01 View
BB-FK-91 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, December 1982-January 1983 Item 1983-01-31 View
BB-FK-94 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, June-December 1983 Item 1983-12-31 View
BB-FK-95 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, January 1984-February 1990 Item 1990-02-28 View
BB-FK-100 Argentine Club of Canberra, letter concerning the Malvinas Islands  Item 1982-04-01 View
BB-FK-105 UK Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons "Falkland Islands"; and related Hansard 20 May 1982 Item 1982-04-29 View
BB-FK-107 Peru-US Proposal, Draft Interim Agreement on the Falkland/Malvinas Islands Item 1982-05-05 View
BB-FK-111 Press article "Inside the junta: Peron is the enemy" The Bulletin  Item 1982-06-08 View
BB-FR-100 Kerguelen Islands, report of taking possession of the islands for France Item 1774-01-06 View
BB-FR-101 Dumont d'Urville records of landing at Anvers Island, Adélie Land Item 1840-21-01 View
BB-FR-103 British Foreign Office report concerning Kerguelen Island, Island of Desolation, St Paul and Amsterdam Islands Item 1887-01-01 View
BB-FR-104 British Foreign Office memorandum concerning the Crozet Islands, and related Admiralty memorandum Item 1905-05-02 View
BB-FR-106 Foreign Office despatch requesting that the British Embassy, Paris, be asked whether France claimed Wilkes Land Item 1911-12-18 View
BB-FR-107 UK Dominion Office memorandum "On the validity of French territorial claims in the Antarctic"; and associated report "British policy in the Antarctic" Item 1925-10-01 View
BB-FR-117 France, Assemblée Nationale, "Rapport" report concerning Kerguelen, Amsterdam and Crozet Islands Item 1971-04-08 View
BB-FR-119 France, Assemblée Nationale, Parliamentary debate on the draft law concerning French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1971-05-18 View
BB-FR-124 France, Law no. 71-1001 approving amendments to the 1969 international convention for the prevention of pollution of the sea by oil; and related Law no. 71-1002 Item 1971-12-16 View
BB-GB-425 United Kingdom, Falkland Islands, Wild Animals and Birds Protection (Sanctuaries) Orders no 2 and No 3, 1966 Item 1966-05-10 View
BB-NO-10 Norwegian note to the United Kingdom setting out in detail the grounds for the Norwegian claim to Bouvet Island Item 1928-04-23 View
BB-NO-11 Norwegian provisional regulations forbidding the hunting of fur seals Item 1928-08-10 View
BB-NO-17 United States note in reply to the Norwegian note concerning grounds for a claim to priority over the areas claimed or discovered during Amundsen's Antarctic expedition Item 1929-12-07 View
BB-NO-18 Recommendation of the Ministry of Justice and Police in support of a bill for a law concerning Bouvet Island Item 1930-01-10 View
BB-NO-19 British memorandum to Norway concerning the activities of the "Norvegia" in the Australian Antarctic sector Item 1930-01-20 View
BB-NO-22 United States despatch from Oslo reporting progress of the "Norvegia" expedition Item 1930-03-01 View
BB-NO-24 Royal decree providing for the administration of Bouvet Island Item 1930-09-19 View
BB-NO-25 Royal proclamation placing Peter I Island under Norwegian sovereignty Item 1931-05-01 View
BB-NO-32 British aide-memoire to Norway confirming the assurance concerning British intentions as regards the region lying between the Australian Antarctic Territory and Coats Land Item 1934-11-16 View
BB-NO-38 German note to Norway reserving the position of the German Government with regard to the Norwegian claim in Antarctica Item 1939-01-23 View
BB-NO-41 Chilean note to Norway reserving its rights to Antarctic territories claimed by Norway Item 1939-03-17 View
BB-NO-43 Norwegian note to the United Kingdom agreeing to the western boundary of the Norwegian claim proposed by the United Kingdom Item 1939-10-03 View
BB-NO-45 Recommendation of the Ministry of Justice and Police in support of a bill for a law amending law no. 1 of 27 February 1930 concerning Bouvet Island and Peter I Island by including Queen Maud Land Item 1948-05-28 View
BB-NO-46 Seal fishery law no. 1 of 14 December 1951 Item 1951-12-14 View
BB-NO-51 Law no. 2 of 2 June 1960 amending Law no. 3 of 27 February 1930 concerning Bouvet Island and Peter I Island and Queen Maud Land by providing for the implementation of the Antarctic Treaty Item 1960-06-02 View
BB-NO-52 Royal decree prohibiting the catching of fur seals and sea elephants in Antarctic regions Item 1965-06-04 View
BB-NO-53 Exchange of notes between Norway and South Africa constituting an Agreement concerning the establishment and operation of a meteorological station on Bouvet Island Item 1969-06-10 View
BB-NO-57 Act no. 91 relating to the economic zone of Norway Item 1976-12-17 View
BB-US-18 United States, Record of claim dropped from an aeroplane by Lincoln Ellsworth over the American Highlands Item 1939-01-11 View
BB-US-19 Australian memorandum reporting a conversation with a United States official concerning Antarctic claims made by Ellsworth for the United States Item 1939-01-31 View
BB-US-2 US06041977Act of Congress to authorise protection to be given to citizens Item 1856-08-18 View
BB-US-25 Account of United States Antarctic Service Expedition, 1939-1941 Item 1940-11-13 View
BB-US-26 United States, letter from Acting Secretary of State setting out policy of exploration and use of Antarctic areas with a view to making a claim Item 1946-12-14 View
BB-US-28 United States Department of State policy and information statement on polar regions (extracts) Item 1947-01-27 View
BB-US-29 United States, Basis for possible claims in Antarctica Item 1947-09-12 View
BB-US-30 United States, History and current status of claims in Antarctica Item 1947-10-03 View
BB-US-34 United States draft agreement providing for a condominium over Antarctica Item 1948-07-01 View
BB-US-37 United States draft declaration to establish a regime of international co-operation and a moratorium of claims in Antarctica Item 1950-01-01 View
BB-US-45 Executive circular on the planning and conduct of the United States program in Antarctica Item 1971-08-04 View
BB-US-46 United States, Department of State letter concerning an exclusive permit to explore and develop the Weddell and Ross Seas Item 1975-05-12 View
BB-US-48 Statement of United States policy objectives in Antarctica Item 1975-05-15 View
BB-US-49 United States statement on claims to sovereignty and the exploitation of Antarctic mineral resources Item 1975-06-12 View
BB-US-52 United States, Statement on proposals to extend the criminal jurisdiction over US nationals and foreign nationals in Antarctica Item 1977-07-21 View
BB-US-53 United States, Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 Item 1978-10-28 View
BB-US-55 United States, Presidential memorandum on Antarctic policy and programs Item 1982-02-05 View
BB-US-58 United States contribution to the UN study of Antarctica Item 1984-05-29 View
BB-US-59 United States, Antarctic Protection Act of 1990 Item 1990-11-16 View
BB-GB-1 Great Britain, Admiralty instructions to Captain James Cook RN Item 1772-06-25 View
BB-GB-11 United Kingdom, Letters Patent constituting the office of Governor of the Colony of the Falkland Islands and providing for the Government thereof Item 1892-02-25 View
BB-GB-15 United Kingdom, Letter intimating British willingness to lease South Georgia Island Item 1903-11-14 View
BB-GB-2 Great Britain, Account of Captain James Cook RN taking possession of South Georgia Island Item 1775-01-17 View
BB-GB-27 British note to Norway giving information on British claims to the South Orkney Islands, South Shetland Islands and Graham Land Item 1907-04-30 View
BB-GB-38 United Kingdom, Second Schedule of the lease to the Hektor Whaling Company to operate a shore station on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands Item 1912-07-04 View
BB-GB-40 United Kingdom, Colonial Office letter concerning sovereignty over certain Antarctic territories Item 1914-05-16 View
BB-GB-45 Norwegian letter to Sir Eyre Crowe concerning Nansen correspondence Item 1924-09-30 View
BB-GB-46 United Kingdom, Dependencies Research and Development Fund Ordinance, 1924 Item 1924-12-24 View
BB-GB-47 Arctic claims of Canada Item 1925-06-04 View
BB-GB-51 British note to France concerning Louis Philippe Land, Joinville Island, Loubet Land, Fallieres Land and Charcot Land Item 1928-07-11 View
BB-GB-62 United Kingdom, Foreign Office letter to the British Embassy, Washington concerning the validity of claims to Antarctica under international law Item 1936-09-30 View
BB-GB-68 British appointment of a person to hold the post of magistrate and other offices in Graham Land and South Orkney Islands Item 1944-05-01 View
BB-GB-78 United Kingdom, Instructions to the Governor of the Falkland Islands and Dependencies Item 1948-12-13 View
BB-GB-8 Great Britain, Account of Sir James Clark Ross taking possession of Cockburn Island and contiguous lands Item 1843-01-06 View
BB-GB-9 Great Britain, Commission issued to the Governor of the Falkland Islands Item 1847-11-27 View
BB-NO-101 Norway, Parliamentary records concerning application of law on Bouvet Island, Peter I Island and Queen Maud Land Item 1957-06-01 View
BB-NO-61 Norway, Royal decree on determination of territorial sea Item 1812-02-22 View
BB-NO-62 Document relevant to Amundsen reaching the South Pole, 1911 Item 1911-12-01 View
BB-NO-63 Account of George Norris taking possession of Bouvet Island for Great Britain Item 1825-12-16 View
BB-NO-64 Norwegian annexation of Bouvet Island Item 1927-12-02 View
BB-NO-73 United States Secretary of State memorandum concerning Bouvet Island Item 1929-01-28 View
BB-NO-74 British note concerning other Argentine recognition of Norway's claim to Bouvet Island Item 1929-02-13 View
BB-NO-80 British Foreign office memorandum concerning Amundsen's visit to Scott's Nunataks Item 1929-11-21 View
BB-NO-81 British concerning the "Norvegia" expedition in the Australian Antarctic sector. Item 1930-01-22 View
BB-NO-87 Norwegian note to United Kingdom giving notice of claim to Peter I Island Item 1931-05-09 View
BB-NO-88 Exchange of notes concerning about Bouvet Island Item 1931-12-01 View
BB-NO-90 Norway, permission to names places in the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1934-01-01 View
BB-NO-91 British despatch concerning Norwegian interests in the Antarctic Item 1934-05-12 View
BB-NO-92 Norway, Law relating to the preservation of seals Item 1935-03-06 View
BB-NO-94 Exchange of notes concerning claims in Antarctica Item 1939-01-14 View
BB-NO-95 Norway, Foreign Affairs memorandum concerning Antarctic territory Item 1939-01-20 View
BB-NO-98 Norwegian note to United States rejecting proposal for international regime for Antarctica Item 1948-11-15 View
BB-GB-101 United Kingdom, Penguin and Albatross Regulations 1964 Item 1964-12-30 View
BB-GB-105 United Kingdom, Extract of letter from British Embassy to Lindblad Travel concerning impact of tourism on the environment and on science Item 1972-10-08 View
BB-GB-106 United Kingdom, Conservation of Antarctic Mammals and Birds (High Seas) Order 1973 Item 1973-10-24 View
Results 1501 to 1600 of 2816