National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-GB-190 Falkland Islands Dependencies (Amendment) Ordinance, no 7 of 1951 Item 1951-12-01 View
BB-GB-192 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application of Colony Laws (Dependencies) Ordinance, no 1 of 1952 Item 1952-03-14 View
BB-GB-194 Reason for appointment of Falkland Islands Dependencies magistrates Item 1952-12-18 View
BB-GB-196 Falklands Islands, Seal Fishery (Amendment) Ordinance, no 4 of 1953 Item 1953-03-19 View
BB-GB-201 Falkland Island, Whale Fishery Ordinance, Whaling (Amendment) Regulations, no 3 of 1954 Item 1954-07-19 View
BB-GB-210 Falkland Islands, Income Tax Ordinance, Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Denmark) Order, no 1 of 1955 Item 1955-11-15 View
BB-GB-219 Falkland Island, Immigration Ordinance notice of persons prohibited from landing in the colonies Item 1956-12-31 View
BB-GB-221 Falkland Islands, Proclamation under the Place-Names Ordinance, no 2 of 1958 Item 1958-04-30 View
BB-GB-224 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application of Colony Laws Ordinance, no 3 of 1958 Item 1958-12-17 View
BB-GB-228 Falkland Islands, Whale Fishery (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance, no 15 of 1959 Item 1959-09-29 View
BB-GB-229 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application of Colony Laws Ordinance (No. 2) Ordinance, no 5 of 1959 Item 1959-10-01 View
BB-GB-232 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application of Colony Laws Ordinance, no 3 of 1960 Item 1960-05-31 View
BB-GB-235 Falkland Islands, Proclamation under the place-names Ordinance, no 1 of 1961 Item 1961-02-03 View
BB-GB-238 Falkland Islands, Application of Enactments (Amendment) Ordinance, no 2 of 1962 Item 1962-02-09 View
BB-GB-242 Falkland Islands, Application of Enactments (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance, no 13 of 1962 Item 1962-12-04 View
BB-GB-247 United Kingdom, Shipowners' Liability (Colonial Territories) Order in Council, no 1632 of 1963 Item 1963-09-27 View
BB-GB-249 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application of Colony Laws (No. 2) Ordinance, no 2 of 1964 Item 1964-02-29 View
BB-GB-253 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application of Colony Laws (No.3) Ordinance, no 4 of 1964 Item 1964-08-24 View
BB-GB-254 Falkland Islands, Mining (Mineral Oil) Regulations, 1964 Item 1964-08-27 View
BB-GB-260 Falkland Islands, Income Tax Ordinance, Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Switzerland) Order, no 5 of 1964 Item 1964-10-23 View
BB-GB-264 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application of Colony Laws Ordinance, no 2 of 1965 Item 1965-04-15 View
BB-GB-267 Falkland Islands, Immigration Ordinance, no 10 of 1965 Item 1965-06-03 View
BB-AR-104 Press articles in The Times on the visit to Antarctica by the Governor of the Falkland Islands Item 1948-03-08 View
BB-AR-106 Argentina, Decree no. 7,713 M. 361 concerning the composition operations of Boundary Demarcation Commissioners Item 1947-03-24 View
BB-AR-108 Argentina, Resolution of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and War approving regulations of the operation of certain Boundary Demarcation Commissions Item 1947-03-31 View
BB-AR-111 Argentina, Account of meeting of the National Antarctic Commission followed by a speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs at a luncheon in honour of the commander of the Argentine National Antarctic Expedition Item 1947-04-28 View
BB-AR-117 Report in Keesing's Contemporary Archives on Argentine and Chilean claims to British Antarctica Item 1948-02-28 View
BB-AR-123 Argentina, Decree no. 13,863 M.464 replacing the representative of the Department of the Navy on the sub-commission of the Malvinas and the South Georgia Islands Item 1948-05-14 View
BB-AR-124 Argentina, Decree no. 13,864 M. 465 replacing the representative of the Department of the Navy on the National Antarctic Commission Item 1948-05-14 View
BB-AR-130 Chilean note to Argentina protesting Argentine maps and atlas which show the Chilean Antarctic and other territories as Argentine Item 1949-02-18 View
BB-AR-132 Argentine reservation concerning recognition of frequencies designated for Argentine Antarctic territories Item 1949-04-06 View
BB-AR-133 Argentina, Decree no. 10,900 M.440 replacing a representative of the Ministry of the Navy on the National Antarctic Commission Item 1949-05-07 View
BB-AR-135 Account of meeting of the Inter-American Commission for Dependant territories Item 1949-07-11 View
BB-AR-139 Argentina, Decree no. 26,407 accepting the resignation of Sr. D José Manuel Moneta as secretary of the National Antarctic Commission Item 1949-10-24 View
BB-AR-17 Constitution of the Argentine Confederation Item 1853-05-01 View
BB-AR-2 Treaty between Ferdinand and Isabel of Castille with Alfonso V of Portugal and his son Juan Item 1480-03-06 View
BB-AR-26 Letter from the leader of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition concerning Argentine assistance and the meteorological station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1904-01-20 View
BB-AR-31 Press article from La Nacion concerning the operations of an Argentine scaling and whaling company on South Georgia Item 1905-03-11 View
BB-GB-431 United Kingdom, Parliamentary debates, Antarctic Treaty Bill Item 1967-05-01 View
BB-GB-432 United Kingdom, Falkland Islands, various Regulations, Ordinances, Orders and Proclamations 1967 to 1977 Item 1967-07-14 View
BB-GB-435 United Kingdom, Conservation of Seals Act 1970 Item 1970-05-29 View
BB-GB-440 United Kingdom, Merchant Shipping Act 1974 Item 1974-07-31 View
BB-GB-443 United Kingdom, Falkland Islands, Revised edition of the Laws Ordinance 1977, and related Ordinance concerning the interpretation of law Item 1977-07-07 View
BB-GB-446 United Kingdom, Parliamentary debates, statement concerning the British Antarctic Survey Item 1979-02-20 View
BB-GB-447 United Kingdom Parliamentary Debates, statement concerning the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and the Falkland Islands Item 1980-06-05 View
BB-GB-451 United Kingdom, Dependency of South Georgia, Appointment of Magistrates 1983 and 1984 Item 1983-11-28 View
BB-GB-452 United Kingdom, South Atlantic Territories, Falkland Islands Constitution Order 1985 Item 1985-03-20 View
BB-GB-457 UK Parliament, House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee, "British Antarctic Survey" Item 1982-12-13 View
BB-CH-2 Switzerland, Department of Foreign Affairs, Press release concerning accession to the Antarctic Treaty Item 1989-08-16 View
BB-ES-1 Spain and Antarctica, United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-06-13 View
BB-ES-2 Press article "La presencia Española en los mares Antarcticos", and other articles concerning Spain and Antarctica Item 1990-07-31 View
BB-JP-14 Japanese moves to assert Antarctic claim Item 1950-01-01 View
BB-JP-4 Japan, Law no. 58 for the conservation of fauna and flora Item 1982-05-28 View
BB-JP-7 Treaty of peace with Japan, Article 2 Item 1951-09-08 View
BB-NL-2 Ninth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, "Fact Sheet concerning The Netherlands application for the consultative status under the Antarctic Treaty" document IX/SCM/INF1 Item 1989-10-03 View
BB-NL-4 Netherlands, Formule de Politesse, and The Netherlands Antarctic Expedition King George Island, Arctowski Station, December 1990-February 1991 Item 1990-07-01 View
BB-NL-6 Press article "Antarctica may get the status of a world nature Reserve" NRC Handelsblad Item 1989-08-19 View
BB-PE-1 United States note concerning press article reporting possible Peruvian Antarctic claims Item 1948-03-24 View
BB-PE-3 Peru, Supreme Decree No 9-83-RE concerning the creation of the National Antarctic Commission (published at Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Brussels, as document ANT XIII/INF23), and related decrees Item 1983-07-11 View
BB-PL-4 Polish Dziennik Ustaw, Journal of Laws of Poland, 1961-1984 Item 1984-12-31 View
BB-PL-6 Press article "Antarctica: dispute over consequences" Slowo Powszechne Item 1990-12-13 View
BB-SE-1 Sweden and Antarctica, United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-06-14 View
BB-SE-2 Sweden, Hansard, reply to question concerning Antarctica as an international world park Item 1988-12-01 View
BB-SE-6 Sweden, draft Antarctica Act 1993 Item 1994-04-01 View
BB-ZA-13 British minute concerning Marion Island and Prince Edward Island, and notes concerning UK historic interests in the islands Item 1928-07-06 View
BB-ZA-14 Notes concerning French interest in Prince Edward Island Item 1947-01-01 View
BB-ZA-15 British memorandum concerning sovereignty over Prince Edward and Marion Islands Item 1949-06-11 View
BB-ZA-2 Norwegian note to the United Kingdom concerning British claims to Crozet, Prince Edward and Marion Islands, and UK reply of 16 April 1910 Item 1910-03-19 View
BB-NZ-101 New Zealand note accepting the United States invitation to attend a conference on Antarctica Item 1958-01-01 View
BB-NZ-104 New Zealand, statement at the Conference on Antarctica in Washington Item 1959-10-15 View
BB-NZ-105 Agreement between New Zealand and the United States concerning facilities to support US Antarctic expeditions Item 1960-10-18 View
BB-NZ-107 New Zealand, Antarctica Amendment Act 1970, and Antarctica (Fauna and Flora) Regulations 1971 Item 1970-10-20 View
BB-NZ-109 New Zealand, Parliamentary statement concerning the relationship of the law of the sea to Antarctica Item 1977-08-23 View
BB-NZ-116 Agreement between New Zealand and Italy concerning scientific and logistic cooperation Item 1987-04-08 View
BB-NZ-117 New Zealand, White paper on Antarctic environment Item 1989-08-09 View
BB-NZ-119 New Zealand, Prime Minister, press statement "Antarctica" concerning the Antarctic minerals convention Item 1990-02-26 View
BB-NZ-120 New Zealand, Ross Sea Committee, statement by Acting Chairman Item 1955-08-02 View
BB-NZ-122 Press article "New Zealand enrages the US by intercepting packages in drive on marijuana" New York Times Item 1981-11-27 View
BB-NZ-125 US statement "Administration supports New Zealand Preference Elimination Act" Item 1987-09-22 View
BB-NZ-131 New Zealand, Prime Minister press conference on Antarctic minerals convention Item 1989-09-18 View
BB-NZ-134 Press article "Antarctica" and "Marine living resources" New Zealand External Relations Review Item 1989-10-01 View
BB-NZ-136 New Zealand, letter to Cath Wallace concerning Antarctic policy and Ministerial briefings Item 1989-12-19 View
BB-NZ-137 New Zealand, Prime Minister, transcript of press conferences concerning the Antarctic environment protection Item 1990-02-26 View
BB-NZ-138 New Zealand, Prime Minister, transcript of radio interview and related press articles Item 1990-02-27 View
BB-NZ-143 New Zealand, National Party environment policy Item 1990-07-13 View
BB-NZ-146 New Zealand, Transcript of Radio NZ program concerning Greenpeace Antarctic campaign Item 1990-08-23 View
BB-NZ-152 Press article "NZ diplomats fight to save Antarctica" New Zealand Herald, and related articles Item 1990-11-19 View
BB-FK-99 Argentina, speech by Nicanor Costa Méndez Item 1982-04-26 View
BB-FR-110 British and New Zealand despatches concerning the limits of Adélie Land and freedom or air navigation, 1937-1938 Item 1937-09-16 View
BB-FR-111 France, Decrees appointing the French expedition leaders in Adélie Land representative of the French Government; and related Orders, 1950-1958 Item 1950-12-23 View
BB-FR-113 France, Decree no. 67-451 extending the zone forbidden to foreign fishing vessels; Order concerning fishing in the French Southern and Antarctic Lands; and related Order no 20 of 1 September 1971 Item 1967-06-07 View
BB-FR-116 France, Law no. 68-11181 concerning exploration of the continental shelf and exploitation of its natural resources; and related Decrees 1968-1971 Item 1968-12-30 View
BB-FR-121 France, Order 1,622 of the Minister of Ports and Telecommunications changing the postal tariffs and airmail from French Southern and Antarctic Lands Item 1971-06-21 View
BB-FR-128 France, Order no. 7 designating ports of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands for the registration of ships Item 1975-06-13 View
BB-FR-129 France, Decree no. 75-553 concerning the international convention relating to intervention on the high seas in cases of oil pollution casualties and the international convention of availability for oil pollution damage 1969 Item 1975-06-26 View
BB-AR-70 Argentine note to Chile concerning meeting in Santiago to discuss the delimitations of the Antarctic claims of the two countries Item 1940-12-17 View
BB-AR-71 Argentina, Report of the Head of the International Boundary Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship concerning cartography Item 1941-05-08 View
BB-AR-72 Argentine maps Item 1941-10-01 View
BB-AR-76 The Argentine expedition, first voyage of the Provincio Mayo, under Alberto J Oddera, took formal possession Item 1942-02-08 View
BB-AR-84 Argentina, Decree no. 8,507 M.170 reorganising the National Antarctic Commission Item 1946-03-23 View
Results 1301 to 1400 of 2816