National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AU-150 "A conservation strategy for Antarctica" Item 1988-05-01 View
BB-AU-55 Diary of Xavier Mertz referring to Douglas Mawson hoisting the Union Jack flag Item 1912-02-25 View
BB-AU-57 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference 1956 vol. II Agenda Papers "Australian Claims in the Antarctic" Item 1956-01-01 View
BB-AU-59 Byrne, Jennifer "Whale inquiry coming up: Jonah group" The Age, Melbourne Item 1978-02-28 View
BB-AU-63 Australia Statute Law, Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980 Item 1980-06-06 View
BB-AU-64 Australia Department of Foreign Affairs, outward cablegram, "Participation by Chinese Scientists in Antarctic Expedition" Item 1983-11-01 View
BB-AU-66 Australia, Department of Science and Technology, The Antarctic Research Policy Advisory Committee, "Report for the period 1 December 1979 to 30 November 1981" Item 1981-11-30 View
BB-AU-70 "Conservationists 'patronised' The Canberra Times Item 1982-04-21 View
BB-AU-71 Hobbs, Philip "Thala Dan sale: vital link lost" The Mercury Item 1982-06-09 View
BB-AU-72 Australia, Off-shore Installations (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1982 Item 1982-06-16 View
BB-AU-79 Roberts, Peter "Antarctic spending set to rise as criticism hits home" The Age Item 1982-10-22 View
BB-AU-83 "Six sail for private Antarctic research" The Canberra Times and "Antarctic-bound" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1982-11-15 View
BB-AU-87 Sandilands, Ben "Department's no to cheap Chile flights" Sydney Morning Herald' Item 1982-12-11 View
BB-AU-91 AAP, "Australia denies charge of Antarctic oil search" The Canberra Times Item 1983-01-26 View
BB-AU-93 Roberts, Peter "Rubbish, bane of Antarctica" The Age Item 1983-03-03 View
BB-AU-631 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, radio and transmitting receiving stations, license granted to all foreign expeditions Item 1993-01-05 View
BB-AU-635 Australia, Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983 Item 1983-06-20 View
BB-AU-636 Australia, Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1987 Item 1983-06-20 View
BB-AU-638 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Australian Antarctic Territory Appointment of Deputy Coroners Item 1983-09-22 View
BB-AU-648 Australia, Sea Installations Bill 1987 Item 1987-04-02 View
BB-AU-651 Australia, House of Representatives, Sea Installations Bill 1987, read a first time Item 1987-10-07 View
BB-AU-652 Australia, House of Representatives, Sea Installations Bill 1987, Explanatory Memorandum Item 1987-10-01 View
BB-AU-654 Australia, Senate, tabling of report on the Fourth Special Antarctic Treaty Meeting on Antarctic Mineral Resources Item 1988-11-22 View
BB-AU-663 Australia, Parliamentary debates, Senate, "Antarctica: Convention on Mineral Resources" Item 1989-05-24 View
BB-AU-664 Australia, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts, Tourism in Antarctica Item 1989-05-31 View
BB-AU-670 Australia, House of Representatives, Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 1990 Item 1990-09-19 View
BB-AU-675 "Nomination of Macquarie Island by the Government of Australia for inscription on the World Heritage List 1991" Item 1991-09-23 View
BB-AU-684 Media release "Antarctic Protection Bill introduced into Parliament" Minister for the Arts, Sport, the Environment and Territories Ros Kelly Item 1992-10-15 View
BB-AU-685 Australia, House of Representatives Hansard, "Antarctic (Environment Protection) Legislation Amendment Bill 1992" Item 1980-10-14 View
BB-AU-686 Australia, Senate Hansard and House of Representatives Hansard, "Antarctica: huskies" Item 1992-11-04 View
BB-AU-692 Australia, Senate Hansard, Antarctic (Environment Protection) Legislation Amendment Bill 1992 Item 1992-11-26 View
BB-AU-695 Australia, Antarctic Division, Administration Circular, ASAC Review Item 1993-04-20 View
BB-AU-703 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Australian Antarctic Territory, Grant of exemption under the ACT Weapons Act 1991 Item 1993-11-05 View
BB-AU-710 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Notice of Appointments of Deputy Coroners for the ACT Item 1994-08-17 View
BB-AU-734 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Notice Item 1996-01-29 View
BB-AR-242 Joint declaration of Argentina and Chile concerning the South American Antarctic Item 1947-07-12 View
BB-AR-245 Decree no. 39,638 concerning the Argentine naval base, Melchior, in the Melchior Archipelago Item 1947-12-18 View
BB-AR-248 Argentine note to the United Kingdom rejecting British protests at the establishment of Argentine stations on Gamma and Deception Islands and declining to submit the dispute to the International Court of Justice Item 1948-01-28 View
BB-AR-256 Argentine statement commenting upon the British claim to the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and Antarctic territories (extract) Item 1948-04-21 View
BB-AR-257 Declaration of the Chamber of Deputies affirming Argentine sovereignty over the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and the Argentine Antarctic Item 1948-06-02 View
BB-AR-259 Resolution no. 5,464 of the Posts and Telecommunications Administration establishing post offices at the naval stations of Deception and Melchior and upgrading that on South Orkney Islands Item 1948-08-23 View
BB-AR-260 Decree no. 31,813 extending security zones to the Antarctic region Item 1948-10-13 View
BB-AR-264 Argentine declaration of sovereignty for deposit in the Argentine Antarctic Sector Item 1951-02-01 View
BB-AR-268 British note to Argentina concerning South Georgia Item 1951-07-30 View
BB-AR-274 Decree no. 1,253 concerning the Argentine base "Esperanza" on Trinity Peninsula Item 1952-06-25 View
BB-AR-282 United States' aide-memoire to Argentina reserving the United States' rights in the Antarctic areas incorporated by Argentina into its provisional administration Item 1955-07-19 View
BB-AR-292 Argentine note to Chile replying to the Chilean reservations about a tourist voyage organised by the Argentine Navy Item 1958-04-24 View
BB-AR-304 General Treaty on the judicial solution of disputes between the Republic of Chile and the Argentine Republic Item 1972-04-05 View
BB-AR-313 Final Act of the second joint commission established under the Act of Puerto Montt (extract) Item 1978-11-02 View
BB-AU-492 Macquarie Island correspondence Item 1890-01-01 View
BB-AU-499 Showing the flag to the penguins Item 1912-09-01 View
BB-AU-505 British policy in the Antarctic Item 1926-05-01 View
BB-AU-506 License to the Kerguelen Sealing and Whaling Company over Prince Edward and Marion Islands and Heard and McDonald Islands Item 1926-10-09 View
BB-AU-509 British despatch from Oslo concerning the "Norvegia" expedition Item 1928-02-14 View
BB-AU-514 Letter from Douglas Mawson to Dr Henderson reporting flag raising during the Australasian Antarctic Expedition Item 1929-01-13 View
BB-AU-520 Report by Douglas Mawson on work done by RRS Discovery during BANZARE Item 1930-11-22 View
BB-AU-524 Reference to Peter I Island Item 1931-08-06 View
BB-AU-532 Order in Council authorising the Department of External Affairs to administer the Australian Antarctic Territory Acceptance Act 1933 Item 1936-08-13 View
BB-AU-534 Memorandum reporting claims made by Ellsworth for the United States Item 1939-02-09 View
BB-AU-536 The course of Antarctic exploration between longitudes 20°W and 110°E. Item 1939-09-01 View
BB-AU-547 Memorandums on Australian occupation of Heard Island Item 1948-01-09 View
BB-AU-560 Parliamentary debates, Australian Antarctic Territory Bill 1954 Item 1954-10-14 View
BB-AU-561 Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954-1973 Item 1954-11-01 View
BB-AU-566 Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954, Amendment 1957 Item 1957-06-07 View
BB-AU-569 Exchange of notes between Australia and the United States regarding the Air Transport Agreement 1946 Item 1957-08-12 View
BB-AU-570 Chilean notes on the Australian position regarding an international regime for Antarctica Item 1958-01-01 View
BB-AU-574 Parliamentary debates, Antarctic Treaty Bill Item 1960-10-18 View
BB-AU-577 Heard Island and McDonald Islands Act 1963 Item 1963-03-28 View
BB-AU-580 ANARE Operations Manual 1972 Item 1971-11-01 View
BB-AU-581 Regulations under the Whaling Act 1960 Item 1977-10-27 View
BB-AR-180 Treaty between Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and John of Portugal, concluded at Tordesillas (extract) Item 1494-06-07 View
BB-AR-182 Treaty between the Great Britain and Spain, Palace of San Lorenzo (extracts) Item 1790-10-28 View
BB-AR-186 Article 111 of the Boundary Treaty between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile, Buenos Aires, 23 July 1881 Item 1881-07-23 View
BB-AR-187 Proposed concession addressed by Linck & Ca. to the Argentine Congress over certain lands between 40° and 65°S latitude Item 1892-01-01 View
BB-AR-195 Decree approving the treatment of the produce of fishing obtained outside territorial waters as national products for customs purposes Item 1905-09-21 View
BB-AR-199 British note to Argentina concerning reference in a decree to the South Orkney Islands' lying within Argentine Southern Territory Item 1907-01-04 View
BB-AR-202 Argentine note to the United Kingdom acknowledging receipt of a copy of the British letters patent of 21 July 1908 Item 1909-03-18 View
BB-AR-208 British note to Argentina concerning Argentine notification to the International Bureau of the Telegraphic Union of the establishment of a wireless station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1927-09-08 View
BB-AR-209 Argentine note to the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union asserting Argentine jurisdiction over Antarctic and other territories Item 1927-09-14 View
BB-AR-210 Argentine note to the United Kingdom affirming sovereignty over the South Orkney Islands Item 1927-12-15 View
BB-AR-215 Executive reservation attached to Law no. 12,407 concerning Argentine ratification of the Universal Postal Convention signed at Cairo on 20 March 1934, with Presidential message and press article Item 1938-09-22 View
BB-AR-218 Argentine press statement concerning the decree creating a Committee for the study of Antarctic problems Item 1939-07-28 View
BB-AR-219 Argentine declaration concerning European territories made at the first meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, Panama Item 1939-10-02 View
BB-AR-225 Chilean memorandum to Argentina reserving Chilean rights with regard to an Argentine map showing territory claimed by Chile as belonging to Argentina Item 1942-03-03 View
BB-AR-226 British note to Argentina protesting at Argentine acts of sovereignty on the South Orkney and South Shetland Islands Item 1942-01-01 View
BB-GB-120 Letter from British Embassy, Washington concerning Antarctic claim Item 1936-05-24 View
BB-GB-123 Imperial Conference 1937, situation in the Antarctic Item 1937-02-04 View
BB-GB-124 Imperial Conference 1937, Committee on Polar Questions report Item 1937-06-08 View
BB-GB-127 UK note to US regarding agreement with France and air navigation in Antarctica Item 1939-05-26 View
BB-GB-128 Falkland Islands, Telegraphy Ordinance, no 8 of 1939 Item 1939-06-17 View
BB-GB-143 UK Parliamentary Debates concerning Falkland Islands Item 1948-02-23 View
BB-GB-147 UK airgram regarding British naval vessels visit to Antarctica Item 1948-03-16 View
BB-GB-156 Falkland Islands (Continental Shelf) Order in Council, no 2100 of 1950 Item 1950-12-21 View
BB-GB-160 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Wild Animals and Birds Protection Ordinance, no 29 of 1949 Item 1949-12-31 View
BB-GB-174 Falkland Islands, Wild Animals and Bird Protection, Penguin Regulations Item 1950-12-31 View
BB-GB-176 Falkland Islands, Revised Edition of the Laws (Amendment) Ordinance , no 2 of 1951 Item 1951-04-24 View
BB-GB-177 Falkland Islands, Seal Fishery (Amendment) Ordinance, no 4 of 1951 Item 1951-04-24 View
BB-GB-182 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application of Ordinances of the Colony to the Dependencies Ordinance, no 4 of 1951 Item 1951-07-20 View
BB-GB-185 Falkland Islands (Legislative Council) (Amendment) Order in Council, no 1946 of 1951 Item 1951-11-14 View
BB-GB-188 Falkland Islands, Additional Instructions to the Governor Item 1951-11-27 View
Results 1201 to 1300 of 2816