National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AR-439 Reports of meeting of Antarctic experts from Chile and Argentina Item 1977-06-29 View
BB-AR-440 Argentina note to Chile protesting a map published by Chile showing marine jurisdiction Item 1977-08-08 View
BB-AR-449 Argentine and Chilean exchange of notes concerning settlement of difference under the Act of Puerto Montt Item 1978-11-02 View
BB-AR-454 Keesing's Contemporary Archives report on Argentina and Chile and mediation by the Vatican over the Beagle Channel dispute Item 1979-04-05 View
BB-AR-457 Chilean report of diplomatic relations with Argentina Item 1980-01-01 View
BB-AR-458 Argentina, declaration concerning dispute with United Kingdom over Islas Malvinas Item 1980-09-03 View
BB-AR-460 United Kingdom Foreign Office note to The Netherlands reserving rights to the Falkland Islands and Dependencies with respect to various international agreements Item 1981-01-06 View
BB-AR-464 Argentina, Comision Nacional del Antarctico Item 1947-02-01 View
BB-AU-806 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Bill Bush on Mining in Antarctica", ABC TV news transcript Item 1990-12-07 View
BB-BE-4 Belgian law no 1082 concerning protection of Antarctic fauna and flora Item 1978-01-12 View
BB-BE-5 Belgium, United Nations General Assembly, "Belgium and the Antarctic", Document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-08-28 View
BB-CN-2 Chinese note that it considered itself entitled to be recognised as a Consultative Party Item 1985-07-31 View
BB-DE-10 Third Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, documents concerning recognition of the Federal Republic of Germany as a consultative party, and USSR concerns about use of the term "Germany" Item 1981-03-03 View
BB-DE-15 Federal Republic of Germany, announcement of the Alfred Wegener Institut for Polarforschung and a station on the Filchner Ice Shelf Item 1978-10-12 View
BB-DE-16 Federal Republic of Germany note concerning accession to the Antarctic Treaty, and US State Department advice Item 1979-02-05 View
BB-DE-18 Federal Republic of Germany note concerning the application of the Antarctic Treaty to West Berlin Item 1981-01-19 View
BB-DE-23 German Democratic Republic and Antarctica, United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-06-12 View
BB-DE-24 German Democratic Republic note concerning adherence to the Antarctic Treaty and related agreements Item 1987-07-14 View
BB-DE-25 United States notes concerning notes from Italy and the German Democratic Republic concerning Consultative Party status Item 1987-07-29 View
BB-DE-3 German territorial claims in Antarctica, summarised from UK Admiralty Territorial Claims in the Antarctic Region, and US information statement Item 1946-07-01 View
BB-DE-7 United States note concerning German claims to Queen Maud Land Item 1947-09-12 View
BB-DE-8 UK Foreign Office Minute concerning German territorial claims in Queen Maud Land Item 1944-04-13 View
BB-FI-1 Finland, United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-08-28 View
BB-FI-2 Finland, Act on the Environmental Protection of Antarctica, draft Item 1996-01-01 View
BB-IN-1 Indian note concerning it considered itself entitled to Consultative Party status Item 1983-08-19 View
BB-IN-13 Indian note concerning accession to the Antarctic Treaty Item 1983-09-08 View
BB-IN-14 Press article "Finnpolaris to Antarctica with Indian Scientists" Hufvudstadsbladet, and related articles Item 1983-06-09 View
BB-IN-15 Indian press articles concerning Antarctic minerals negotiations and related matters Item 1990-12-01 View
BB-IN-2 India, Report on accession to the Antarctic Treaty Item 1983-08-26 View
BB-IT-1 Italy, United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II) Item 1984-10-01 View
BB-IT-4 Italy, Chamber of Deputies, motion concerning Antarctica Item 1989-09-28 View
BB-FK-13 United Nations General Assembly, 28th Session, report concerning independence for colonial countries and peoples Item 1973-01-01 View
BB-FK-14 United Nations General Assembly, 31st session, report of a Non-Aligned Movement political declaration which called for return of the Malvinas (Falkland Islands) to Argentina Item 1976-08-21 View
BB-FK-17 United Nations General Assembly, 31st session, Resolution 31/49 on "The Question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" Item 1976-12-01 View
BB-FK-21 United Nations General Assembly, 36th session, correspondence from United Kingdom and Argentina concerning Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Item 1981-03-23 View
BB-FK-22 United Nations General Assembly, Working paper by the Secretariat of the Committee on the situation with regard to the implementation of the declaration of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples concerning the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Item 1981-08-05 View
BB-FK-3 United Nations General Assembly 20th session, general information about Falkland Islands (Malvinas), and UNGA Resolution 2065 Item 1965-01-01 View
BB-FK-30 United Nations Security Council, United Kingdom request concerning the possible Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands, and record of Security Council discussion Item 1982-04-01 View
BB-FK-39 Press articles concerning the Falklands Islands/Islas Malvinas conflict Item 1982-04-03 View
BB-FK-43 United Nations Security Council, correspondence and debates concerning military activities at the Falkland Islands/Malvinas Item 1982-04-14 View
BB-FK-45 Australia, cablegram concerning referral of the Falkland Islands dispute to the International Court of Justice Item 1982-04-19 View
BB-FK-5 United Nations General Assembly, 22nd session, correspondence concerning independence for colonial countries and peoples Item 1967-01-01 View
BB-FK-6 United Nations General Assembly, 23rd session, Official Records of the General Assembly concerning independence for colonial countries and peoples Item 1968-11-14 View
BB-FK-9 United Nations General Assembly, 25th Session, report concerning independence for colonial countries and peoples Item 1970-10-29 View
BB-FK-51 Duran "Mexico and the South Atlantic conflict: solidarity or ambiguity?" International Affairs Item 1983-01-01 View
BB-FK-52 Freedman "Bridgehead revisited: the literature of the Falklands" International Affairs Item 1983-01-01 View
BB-FK-53 Makin "Argentine approaches to the Falklands/Malvinas: was the resort to violence foreseeable?" International Affairs Item 1983-01-01 View
BB-FK-56 Australia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, News Release, "Falkland Islands: Security Council" Item 1982-05-22 View
BB-FK-67 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, June 12-16, 1982 Item 1982-06-12 View
BB-FK-68 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, June 17-30, 1982 Item 1982-06-30 View
BB-FK-85 Argentina and United Kingdom, joint statement concerning fisheries conservations around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Item 1993-05-31 View
BB-FK-86 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, June 12-16, 1982 Item 1982-07-01 View
BB-FK-89 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, October 1982 Item 1982-10-01 View
BB-FK-102 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs "Falkland Islands, Implications for Antarctica" Backgrounder Item 1982-04-28 View
BB-FK-108 United Nations Security Council and General concerning the Falklands/Malvinas dispute, April-May 1982 Item 1982-05-21 View
BB-FK-109 Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands/Malvinas conflict, April 1982 Item 1982-04-01 View
BB-AR-33 British despatch from Buenos Aires reporting the whaling activities on South Georgia of the Argentine Fishery Company Item 1905-06-28 View
BB-AR-35 Colonial Office letter to the Foreign Office discussing the Argentine decrees relating to the importation of products from South Georgia Item 1905-11-15 View
BB-AR-46 Note from the International Telegraphic Bureau with regards to the wireless station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1927-08-11 View
BB-AR-47 Account of British note to Argentina concerning Argentine notification to the International Bureau of the Telegraphic Union of the establishment of a wireless station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1927-09-08 View
BB-AR-5 Royal Decree by King Charles III. Letters patent appointing a superintending commissary over settlements in the bays of Sin Fondo and San Julian established to carry out whaling Item 1778-05-14 View
BB-AR-50 Account of British aide-memoire to Argentina making representations regarding a UPU circular declaring certain territories to be Argentine Item 1927-12-17 View
BB-NZ-153 New Zealand, Press statement from Foreign Minister Item 1990-12-5 View
BB-NZ-68 Account of Sir James Clark Ross taking possession of Franklin Island, Ross Sea Item 1841-01-27 View
BB-NZ-69 Application for a guano licence on Cape Adare, Victoria Land Item 1896-01-04 View
BB-NZ-70 United Kingdom Colonial Office, note concerning guano licenses in Victoria Land Item 1898-03-01 View
BB-NZ-71 New Zealand Gazette, Appointment of the leader of the British Antarctic Expedition as postmaster Item 1908-02-17 View
BB-NZ-72 Instructions by Shackleton to Edgeworth David concerning territorial claims Item 1908-09-19 View
BB-NZ-73 Claim to Victoria Land by Professor Edgeworth David Item 1908-10-17 View
BB-NZ-74 Claim made by Shackleton to the South Polar Plateau Item 1909-01-09 View
BB-NZ-78 Colonial Office Despatch providing copies of the 30 July 1923 Order in Council and instructing the Governor General of New Zealand on the exercise of his authority under the order Item 1923-08-09 View
BB-NZ-85 Foreign Office opinion on the territorial scope of the Ross Dependency Whaling Regulations Item 1927-03-15 View
BB-NZ-91 United States reply to Great Britain note concerning the First Byrd Antarctic Expedition Item 1929-11-15 View
BB-NZ-92 New Zealand message to Lincoln Ellsworth offering assistance to his expedition in the Ross Dependency Item 1933-12-06 View
BB-NZ-94 US note to the United Kingdom concerning the Second Byrd Antarctic Expedition and reserving all rights of the United States in Antarctica Item 1934-02-24 View
BB-NZ-96 United States note to United Kingdom concerning the requirement of occupation in relation to polar territories Item 1934-12-17 View
BB-NZ-98 United States note of 7 February 1935 to the United Kingdom reaffirming the United States reservation of rights Item 1935-02-07 View
BB-US-62 Map of Antarctic Peninsula from Bertrand "Americans in Antarctica, 1775-1948" Item 1820-11-17 View
BB-US-70 Press article "Byrd Land Claims Meet Restrictions" New York Times, and note concerning recognition by other states Item 1979-11-11 View
BB-US-71 US Secretary of State, Cordell Hull statements and memoirs Item 1940-01-01 View
BB-US-74 United States Naval Antarctic Development Project 1948, Peter Island Proclamation Item 1948-01-19 View
BB-US-75 United States correspondence concerning potential US claims in Antarctica Item 1948-08-13 View
BB-US-88 United States, US policy for Antarctica 1976 Item 1976-02-25 View
BB-US-89 United States Congress, House of Representatives, Bill HR 7842 concerning criminal conduct in Antarctica Item 1977-06-16 View
BB-US-91 United States National Science Foundation booklet on US Antarctic Program, US Air Force fact sheet on Operation Deep Freeze, and information sheet on ITT Antarctic Services Inc Item 1985-07-01 View
BB-US-94 United States, Federal Register, permits under the Antarctic Conservation Act 1978 Item 1982-09-23 View
BB-US-100 Agreement between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning scientific cooperation 1960-61 Item 1959-11-24 View
BB-US-103 David H Elliot, A framework for assessing environmental impacts of possible Antarctic mineral development (commissioned by the United States Department of State) Item 1977-01-01 View
BB-US-96 United States Congress, Public Statutes at Large, acts concerning Charles Wilkes and the United States Exploring Expedition, 1830 t0 1845 Item 1830-05-30 View
BB-US-107 United States, National Science Foundation "The role of the National Science Foundation in the polar regions" Item 1987-06-19 View
BB-US-114 United States, National Science Foundation, Division of Polar Programs, Environmental Impact Assessment for Improvement of Sanitary Wastewater Management at McMurdo Station Item 1989-11-01 View
BB-US-116 United States, Antarctic Environmental Protection, draft Clean-Up, and Liability Act, 1990 Item 1990-02-15 View
BB-US-117 United States, Antarctic minerals convention, transcript of media interview, Al Gore and Tucker Scully of the US State Department Item 1990-02-06 View
BB-US-125 Press article "US stands firm on Antarctic pact" Kate Legge, and related article Item 1990-03-01 View
BB-US-126 Press article "US seeks moratorium on Antarctic minerals", and related articles Item 1990-10-14 View
BB-US-128 The Wilderness Society, press release concerning United States Antarctic environment policy Item 1990-11-15 View
BB-US-132 Press article "Antarctic pact under US threat" Canberra Times Item 1991-06-16 View
BB-AU-808 Australia, "Question of Antarctica" United Nations, First Committee 30 November 1984 Item 1984-11-30 View
BB-AU-810 Australian Antarctic Foundation, newsletters Item 1993-07-01 View
BB-AU-814 United Nations "Question of Antarctica", speech by Richard Woolcott, Madrid Antarctic Symposium Item 1988-07-01 View
Results 1001 to 1100 of 2816