National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-GB-394 Falklands Islands, Passports Ordinance, no 7 of 1921 Item 1921-12-23 View
BB-GB-400 UK Parliamentary Debates, question and answer concerning Thompson Island Item 1928-03-01 View
BB-GB-404 Telegram to the British Colonial Office concerning authority given to Hubert Wilkins to make claims Item 1928-10-29 View
BB-GB-406 UK Parliamentary Debates, Bouvet and Thompson Islands Item 1928-11-28 View
BB-GB-407 Letter from Hubert Wilkins to Governor of Falkland Islands concerning discovery Item 1929-02-02 View
BB-GB-409 Letter to Hubert Wilkins authorising him to claim territory Item 1929-09-24 View
BB-GB-415 Foreign Office memorandum on territorial claims in the Antarctic 1908 to 1929 Item 1930-07-31 View
BB-GB-416 British accession to General Act for the Pacific settlement of international disputes Item 1931-05-21 View
BB-GB-418 Falkland Islands, Whaling Licenses Item 1933-08-02 View
BB-GB-424 British Embassy note to Foreign Office concerning US recognition of the Falkland Islands Item 1935-05-09 View
BB-NZ-10 British Foreign Office minutes on the Ross Dependency Whaling Item 1927-03-15 View
BB-NZ-17 NZ Parliamentary Debates concerning the Ross Sea Item 1931-07-31 View
BB-AU-307 Fyfe, Moya, 'Antarctic tours row' The Mercury Item 1989-11-23 View
BB-AU-308 "Great deal of noise over Mrs Bladel's good deed", The Mercury Item 1989-11-25 View
BB-AU-312 Williams, Billy "Pieces of Eight" Today - the Environment Magazine Item 1980-01-01 View
BB-AU-318 "Antarctic Centre" Opposition election platform Item 1990-03-05 View
BB-AU-325 House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs "Committee launches Antarctic inquiry" Item 1990-06-17 View
BB-AU-331 Minister for Foreign Affairs Gareth Evans "New Members for Antarctic Foundation Board" Item 1993-07-02 View
BB-AU-332 Australian Antarctic Division "Antarctic fire destroys station kitchen, mess" Item 1990-07-08 View
BB-AU-339 Auditor-General, Audit Report "Antarctic Supply Vessel – chartering arrangements" Item 1990-11-02 View
BB-AU-340 Kriwoken, Lorne "Expanding the debate on Antarctica's future" The Mercury Item 1990-11-03 View
BB-AU-346 "Antarctic 'base' here" The Southern Star Item 1990-12-04 View
BB-AU-355 Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Environment Department "Antarctic nations reaffirm Treaty after 30 years" Item 1991-10-18 View
BB-AU-358 Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Gareth Evans "Australia and Argentina: the Asia Pacific and Latin America" Item 1992-03-11 View
BB-AU-359 Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Gareth Evans "Australia and Chile: The Asia Pacific and Latin America" Item 1992-03-09 View
BB-AU-362 Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Gareth Evans "Australia's Rediscovery of Latin America" La Trobe University Item 1992-06-27 View
BB-AU-363 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Antarctica: A long, cool look at tourism" Insight Item 1992-10-05 View
BB-AU-373 Australian Antarctic Division "Australian ice team to celebrate world's remotest Christmas" Item 1993-12-23 View
BB-AU-376 "A really icy marriage" Canberra Times Item 1995-01-04 View
BB-AU-382 "Warship plan to stop toothfish poachers" The West Australian Item 1997-06-20 View
BB-AU-391 Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Robert Hill "Tasmania's Macquarie Island entered in World Heritage List" Item 1997-12-04 View
BB-AU-395 "Captured boat arrives in WA" The Canberra Times and two subsequent letters to the editor Item 2003-10-04 View
BB-AU-214 Proclamation under the Fisheries Management Act declaring as excepted waters all waters around the Australian Antarctic Territory and some waters around Macquarie Island Item 1992-01-31 View
BB-AU-215 Fisheries Management Regulations Item 1992-01-31 View
BB-AU-219 Antarctic (Environment Protection) Legislation Amendment Act 1992 Item 1992-12-11 View
BB-AU-228 Criminal Procedure Ordinance 1993 of the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands Item 1993-11-17 View
BB-NZ-21 Report of New Zealand Governor-General on Ellsworth and Byrd expeditions Item 1933-12-13 View
BB-NZ-27 Telegram concerning presence of US activities in the Ross Dependency Item 1946-12-23 View
BB-NZ-30 Mineral Resources in the Antarctic Item 1951-05-16 View
BB-NZ-36 NZ press statement on support for the US Antarctic expeditions Item 1955-03-31 View
BB-NZ-39 Proposal for United Nations trusteeship over Antarctica Item 1956-01-24 View
BB-NZ-48 NZ Parliamentary Debates, Continental Shelf Bill Item 1964-08-28 View
BB-AR-51 Universal Postal Union circular containing British affirmation of title to the Falkland Islands and their dependencies including the South Georgia and South Orkney Islands Item 1928-06-05 View
BB-AR-52 Press article concerning British claims Item 1929-04-01 View
BB-AR-59 United States note to Argentina thanking the Argentine government for offering to supply meteorological information from the Argentine station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1939-08-07 View
BB-AR-60 Argentine reservation at the Panamanian Conference of American Republics regarding European possession not recognised by Argentina Item 1939-10-02 View
BB-AR-61 Declaration of Panama Item 1939-10-03 View
BB-AR-62 Argentine note to the United States asserting Argentine rights to the Antarctic in view of the voyage of Rear Admiral Byrd Item 1940-03-09 View
BB-AR-63 Argentina, Presidential Decree no. 61,852 creating a National Antarctic Commission under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Item 1940-04-30 View
BB-AR-65 Argentina, Report of the Head of the International Boundary Division Item 1940-05-10 View
BB-AR-68 Convention of the provisional administration of European Colonies and possessions in the Americas signed at Havana on 30 July 1940 Item 1940-07-30 View
BB-AR-78 Argentine memorandum to Chile proposing a joint Antarctic expedition Item 1942-11-24 View
BB-AR-8 Province of Buenos Aires proclamation confirming the use of force by the USS Lexington in the Malvinas (Falkland) Island against authorities of Buenos Aires Item 1832-02-14 View
BB-AR-80 Verbal reservation by the Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs to the British Ambassador with respect to acts of possession carried out by British authorities Item 1943-02-01 View
BB-AR-87 US account of Argentine claims Item 1946-07-01 View
BB-AR-88 Argentina, Report from the President to the Chamber of Deputies on the action taken to protect British postage stamps referring the Falkland Islands Item 1946-09-05 View
BB-AR-9 Circular of the Province of Buenos Aires to the provinces Item 1832-07-10 View
BB-AR-93 United States despatch from Buenos Aires reporting Argentine declarations with reference to Argentine rights in Antarctica Item 1946-12-09 View
BB-AR-96 Argentine press report on the first acts of Argentine sovereignty in the Antarctic Item 1947-01-21 View
BB-AR-150 Parliamentary statements concerning the landing of Argentines on South Georgia Island Item 1982-03-23 View
BB-AR-155 Statement of the President of the United Nations Security Council calling on Argentina and the United Kingdom to exercise restraint and refrain from the threat or use of force in the region of the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands (S/14944) Item 1982-04-01 View
BB-AR-156 Press articles concerning Presidential message announcing the re-integration of the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, South Georgia Islands and South Sandwich Island into the Argentine National Territory (extract) Item 1982-04-03 View
BB-AR-157 United Nations Security Council resolution 502 (1982) concerning the armed intervention in the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Item 1982-04-03 View
BB-AR-158 Argentine announcement of the taking of South Georgia Island Item 1982-04-03 View
BB-AR-164 Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council asserting that the United Kingdom is not permitted to rely upon the right of self-defence with regard to the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, South Georgia Islands and the South Sandwich Islands (S/15009) Item 1982-04-28 View
BB-AR-172 Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council concerning the Argentine base "Corbeta Uruguay" on the South Sandwich Islands (S/15230) Item 1982-06-17 View
BB-AR-178 Specific Additional Protocol on Environmental Protection Between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile Item 1991-08-02 View
BB-AR-314 Argentina, National Congress, Memoria publications concerning territorial application of posts and telecommunications agreements Item 1927-01-01 View
BB-AR-315 United Nations General Assembly, Trusteeship System, Commission II, Summary Reports of Eighth and Ninth Meetings of Committee II/4 Item 1945-05-22 View
BB-AR-322 UK Foreign Office notes concerning Argentine actions in the Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1951-04-30 View
BB-AR-323 UK Foreign Office notes concerning the 'Polar Maid' incident and customs duties imposed on cargoes Item 1951-07-30 View
BB-AR-327 Government House, Stanley, Falkland Islands, report of incident in which shots were fired over British expedition landing at Hope Bay Item 1952-02-10 View
BB-AR-335 Examples of treaties in which Argentina and the United Kingdom asserts rights to Islas Malvinas/Falkland Islands Item 1966-12-16 View
BB-AR-343 Press articles concerning Argentine communique on Islas Malvinas Item 1979-07-27 View
BB-AR-345 Argentina, Decree-Law 2.191/75 national Territory of Tierra Del Fuego and South Atlantic Islands Item 1979-11-26 View
BB-AR-350 International Whaling Commission, exchange of correspondence with the United Kingdom and Argentina Item 1981-11-02 View
BB-AR-353 Press articles concerning the Beagle Channel dispute Item 1982-04-20 View
BB-AR-360 Argentina, Decree 2466 concerning conduct of election s in the Argentine Antarctic sector Item 1983-09-21 View
BB-AR-361 Press articles concerning the Beagle Channel dispute Item 1984-03-14 View
BB-AR-367 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, analysis of the Chile/Argentina Treaty of Peace and Friendship Item 1984-11-29 View
BB-AR-368 Press article "Tratado de Paz y Amistad" El Mercurio; article in "Chile now"; and Australian ministerial statement of 3 May 1985 Item 1984-10-20 View
BB-AR-379 Press articles "Oil spill in Antarctica forgotten" and "Antarctica, the impact of a tragedy" Item 1989-05-29 View
BB-AR-380 Argentina, Decree concerning recommendations adopted at the Fourteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Buenos Aires Item 1990-01-23 View
BB-AR-384 Argentina, article on the functions of the Argentine Antarctic Institute Item 1956-02-02 View
BB-AR-385 Argentina, Official Bulletin articles concerning national Antarctic policy and related matters Item 1956-04-13 View
BB-AR-386 Argentina, Decree 7825 replacing a representative of the Ministry of the Navy on the National Antarctic Commission; and a similar Decree 8166 of 1950 Item 1950-04-18 View
BB-AR-393 Argentina, Decree 2492 concerning the establishment of an Antarctic scientific expedition Item 1951-02-09 View
BB-AR-395 Argentina, Decree 14450 reorganising the Department of Politics and Social Economics of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; also Decree 14450 restructuring the National Antarctic Commission; Decree 12944 of 1952 appointing members Item 1951-07-25 View
BB-AR-397 British note to Argentina of British concerning action taken against the Argentine hut and its occupation of Deception Island Item 1953-02-16 View
BB-AR-399 Argentina, Law 14408 converting national territories to provinces; and other documents and Decrees implementing the law. Item 1955-06-28 View
BB-AR-404 Argentina, Decree 6264 declaring Tierra del Fuego, the Antarctic Islands and the South Atlantic Islands to be duty-free zones Item 1958-04-28 View
BB-AR-406 Argentine note concerning proposed transfer of US base to Chile Item 1958-09-08 View
BB-AR-412 Chilean note to Argentina reserving Chilean rights in relation to shelter of Guarani, and Argentina's response Item 1959-10-27 View
BB-AR-415 Argentina, Law 15802 ratifying the Antarctic Treaty; and Decrees 8383 and 9395 approving the recommendations of the First and Second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings Item 1961-05-05 View
BB-AR-419 Argentine statement regarding application of the International Telecommunications Convention to the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and British Antarctic Territory Item 1965-01-01 View
BB-AR-420 Argentina, Decree no 1 concerning the National Institute and Museum for the Malvinas Islands and Dependencies Item 1966-01-03 View
BB-AR-427 Argentine account of Chilean views on the division of oceans Item 1973-01-01 View
BB-AR-430 Argentina-Chile Joint Declaration Item 1975-04-18 View
BB-AR-434 Argentine report on negotiations with the United Kingdom concerning sovereignty over Islas Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Item 1977-02-23 View
BB-AR-438 Keesing's Contemporary Archives report on disputes between Argentina and the United Kingdom over sovereignty Item 1977-06-24 View
Results 901 to 1000 of 2816