National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-NO-36 Norwegian note to the United States giving notice of the Norwegian claim in Antarctica Item 1939-01-14 View
BB-NO-39 Soviet note to Norway reserving the position of the Soviet Government with regard to the Norwegian claim Item 1939-01-27 View
BB-NO-47 Recommendation of the Ministry of Justice and Police in support of a law amending law no. 1 of 27 February 1930 concerning Bouvet Island and Peter I Island by including Queen Maud Land Item 1957-04-12 View
BB-NO-48 Law no. 1 of 21 June 1957 amending law no. 3 of 27 February 1930 concerning Bouvet Island and Peter I Island by including Queen Maud Land Item 1957-06-21 View
BB-NO-5 Account of a claim for Norway of the South Polar Plateau by Captain Amundsen Item 1911-12-14 View
BB-NO-6 Law no. 11 of 17 July 1925 on Svalbard Item 1925-07-17 View
BB-NO-7 Letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs authorising the captain of the "Norvegia" expedition to claim territory for Norway Item 1927-08-31 View
BB-NO-8 Norwegian note informing the United Kingdom of the Norwegian claim to Bouvet Island Item 1928-01-19 View
BB-US-1 United States, Declaration of President James Monroe Item 1823-12-02 View
BB-US-11 Letter from UK Dominions Office to Foreign Office re Lincoln Ellsworth's flight Item 1936-02-14 View
BB-US-17 United States, Department of State letter to the President urging a more active policy on asserting claims Item 1939-01-06 View
BB-US-23 United States instructions to diplomatic officers of the United States in the American Republics proposing a common Inter-American policy with reference to the Antarctic Item 1939-12-11 View
BB-US-32 Opinion of the Department of State Legal Adviser on the establishment of inchoate titles in the Antarctic Item 1948-06-28 View
BB-US-33 United States draft agreement for placing Antarctica under a United Nations trusteeship Item 1948-06-01 View
BB-US-38 Letter from the US Deputy Under Secretary of State Dulles concerning notification to claimant states of United States activities within claimed areas Item 1955-06-04 View
BB-US-39 United States, State Department memorandum concerning claims to Antarctica and participation in the International Geophysical Year Item 1956-03-30 View
BB-US-41 United States, Statement by the Department of State Legal Adviser concerning rights in Antarctica Item 1958-05-14 View
BB-US-42 United States, Statement regarding territorial claims and bases for claims Item 1960-06-14 View
BB-US-43 United States, Senate report on grounds for opposing ratification of the Antarctic Treaty Item 1960-01-01 View
BB-US-44 United States, National Security Division memorandum 71 concerning Antarctic policy Item 1970-07-10 View
BB-US-50 United States letter to Australia concerning the proposed offshore seismic survey by the Aquatic Exploration Company of Dallas around Antarctica ( extract) Item 1975-01-01 View
BB-US-61 United States, Law 101-620 (SJ Res 206): Antarctica Treaty - Global Ecological Commons Item 1990-11-16 View
BB-US-7 List of United States expeditions 1928 to 1948 Item 1928-01-01 View
BB-US-8 Record of claim on behalf of the United States to Marie Byrd land Item 1929-12-21 View
BB-GB-10 United Kingdom, Seal Fishery Ordinance, 1881 Item 1881-12-27 View
BB-GB-12 British despatch from Buenos Aires concerning a possible application to the Argentine Government for a concession in respect of the South Shetland and South Georgia Islands (extract) Item 1893-01-30 View
BB-GB-14 United Kingdom, Application for a lease or concession of South Georgia Island Item 1900-02-28 View
BB-GB-16 British lease of South Georgia Island to the South Georgia Exploration Company Item 1905-07-24 View
BB-GB-17 British communication from Buenos Aires to the Governor of the Falkland Islands on an application by the Compania Argentina de Pesca for a lease over South Georgia Island Item 1905-11-02 View
BB-GB-21 British letter to Alexander Lange concerning sealing Item 1905-12-21 View
BB-GB-24 Norwegian memorandum of to the United Kingdom requesting information on territorial rights over the South Orkney Islands, the South Shetland Islands and Graham Land Item 1907-03-04 View
BB-GB-26 Letter from the Sociedad Ballenera de Magallanes to the Governor of the Falkland Islands applying for a whaling licence in respect of the South Shetland Islands Item 1907-04-19 View
BB-GB-28 British whaling licence in respect of the South Shetland Islands in favour of the Sociedad Ballenera de Magallanes Item 1907-05-04 View
BB-GB-29 Norwegian note to the United Kingdom querying in several respects the system of whaling licences in the Falkland Islands Item 1907-09-02 View
BB-GB-31 United Kingdom, Dependencies Ordinance, No 9, 1908 Item 1908-12-24 View
BB-GB-34 British note to the United States concerning licensing to take elephant seals on South Georgia Island Item 1911-03-17 View
BB-GB-39 United Kingdom, Colonial Office letter concerning the limits of the Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1913-05-19 View
BB-GB-4 Great Britain, Account of E. Bransfield, master, RN, taking possession of King George Island, South Shetland Islands Item 1820-01-22 View
BB-GB-43 United Kingdom, Summary of the whaling laws in force in the Falkland Islands Dependencies Item 1919-06-09 View
BB-GB-54 United Kingdom, First record of claim dropped by Sir Hubert Wilkins from a plane over Charcot Island Item 1929-12-29 View
BB-GB-55 United Kingdom, Second record of claim dropped by Sir Hubert Wilkins from a plane over Charcot Island Item 1929-12-29 View
BB-GB-58 Opinion concerning the British reservation to the optional clause of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice to exclude disputes regarding the Falkland Islands and South Orkney Islands Item 1933-12-19 View
BB-GB-59 United States note to the United Kingdom on the application to the Falkland Island Dependencies of an exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the issue of licences to pilots of civil aircraft Item 1935-04-30 View
BB-GB-60 United Kingdom, Foreign Office letter setting out the different sorts of claims under international law Item 1936-03-26 View
BB-GB-65 United Kingdom, Foreign Office letter concerning title to Arctic seas Item 1938-04-09 View
BB-GB-69 British appointment of a person to hold the various offices, including the magistrate in the South Shetland Islands Item 1944-05-01 View
BB-GB-72 United Kingdom, Index of correspondence of the Foreign Office for the year 1946 Item 1946-01-01 View
BB-GB-73 United Kingdom, Port Foster Harbour Regulations 1948 Item 1948-01-10 View
BB-GB-74 United Kingdom, Parliamentary questions concerning rejection by Argentina and Chile of the British proposals to submit the Antarctic dispute to the International Court of Justice Item 1948-02-16 View
BB-NO-103 Norway, Law no. 1 on aviation Item 1960-12-16 View
BB-NO-105 Norway, Law concerning fishing limit Item 1966-06-17 View
BB-NO-106 Norway, Regulations concerning boundary of Norwegian territorial sea at Spitzbergen Item 1970-09-25 View
BB-NO-67 British despatch to Australia regarding Norway claim to Bouvet Island Item 1928-03-07 View
BB-NO-69 Diplomatic notes concerning Bouvet Island Item 1928-03-22 View
BB-NO-71 Diplomatic notes concerning Bouvet Island Item 1928-09-19 View
BB-NO-76 Norwegian note to Poland concerning claim to Bouvet Island Item 1929-06-01 View
BB-NO-77 Norway, Law no 1 relating to the preservation of fur seals Item 1929-06-07 View
BB-NO-78 Norway, Authorisation for "Norvegia" expedition to claim territory Item 1929-07-04 View
BB-NO-84 Exchange of notes between the United Kingdom and Norway concerning Sverdrup Islands Item 1930-11-05 View
BB-NO-97 Press article 'Antarctic area changed - Norway gives status of Dependency to Queen Maud Land' New York Times Item 1948-05-29 View
BB-GB-102 Exchange of notes at London between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Government of Sweden providing for the extension of the Extradition Treaty signed on 26 April 1963 Item 1966-06-06 View
BB-GB-104 United Kingdom, Antarctic Treaty Act 1967 Item 1967-07-27 View
BB-GB-113 United Kingdom, Antarctic Treaty (Agreed Measures) (no. 2 ) Order 1988 Item 1988-07-26 View
BB-GB-81 United Kingdom, Parliamentary question and answer concerning the compatibility of Chilean actions with the tripartite naval declaration Item 1951-02-07 View
BB-GB-82 United Kingdom, Statement made in the House of Commons concerning British action taken against Argentine and Chilean establishments on Deception Island Item 1953-02-23 View
BB-GB-84 British application instituting proceedings against the Republic of Chile before the International Court of Justice (extracts) Item 1955-05-01 View
BB-GB-85 British note to the International Court of Justice commenting upon the refusal of Argentina and Chile to accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice Item 1955-08-31 View
BB-GB-88 United Kingdom, Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Rome (extract) Item 1957-03-25 View
BB-GB-94 The British Antarctic Territory Order, 1962 Item 1962-02-26 View
BB-GB-272 Antarctica and the International Geophysical Year Item 1955-01-01 View
BB-GB-274 United Kingdom, Antarctic Treaty (Contracting Parties) Order, no 2221 of 1986 Item 1986-12-16 View
BB-GB-279 United Kingdom, Antarctic Treaty (Agreed Measures) Order, no 586 of 1988 and (Specially Protected Areas) Order 1988, no 587 of 1988 Item 1988-03-23 View
BB-GB-281 United Kingdom, Antarctic Treaty (Contracting Parties) Order 1988 Item 1988-04-27 View
BB-GB-285 UK Parliamentary Debates, Antarctic Minerals Bill Item 1989-07-04 View
BB-GB-292 Press article "Britain urged to back Antarctic ban" The Australian Item 1990-05-11 View
BB-GB-294 Press article "Brits resent Australia's approach to Antarctic" Peter Pockley, Canberra Times Item 1990-08-26 View
BB-GB-299 ABC Radio media transcript, Duke of Edinburgh comments on Antarctica Item 1990-11-23 View
BB-GB-304 UK Parliamentary debates, Antarctic Bill Item 1994-02-25 View
BB-GB-307 Account of the discovery of South Shetland Islands Item 1819-01-01 View
BB-GB-311 British letters patent providing for the government of the Falkland Islands and the Dependencies Item 1843-06-23 View
BB-GB-312 Opinion of the law officers of the Crown regarding the removal of guano from islands Item 1880-01-20 View
BB-GB-315 Despatch from the Governor of the Falkland Islands to the British Ambassador at Buenos Aires Item 1893-02-11 View
BB-GB-317 British despatch from Buenos Aires concerning the South Shetland Islands Item 1893-01-30 View
BB-GB-320 Colonial office letter to British Foreign Office regarding ownership of South Georgia Island Item 1893-03-21 View
BB-GB-323 British Foreign Office letter to Colonial Office concerning licenses for South Georgia Item 1893-06-13 View
BB-GB-326 Falkland Islands, Seal Fishery Ordinance, no 1 of 1899, includes a list of other ordinances. Item 1893-06-16 View
BB-GB-328 Despatch from the Governor of the Falkland Islands concerning lease of South Georgia Item 1900-03-21 View
BB-GB-331 List of Pacific Islands belonging to Great Britain under British Protection Item 1903-11-01 View
BB-GB-337 Falklands Islands despatch to the British Colonial Office from Falkland Islands concerning lease of South Georgia Item 1905-07-27 View
BB-GB-339 British Admiralty instructions for a navy visit South Georgia Island Item 1905-09-04 View
BB-GB-347 Letter from British Admiralty to Colonial Office concerning British claims in Antarctica Item 1906-04-21 View
BB-GB-350 Falkland Islands, Whale Fishery Ordinance, no 3 of 1906 Item 1906-10-05 View
BB-GB-353 Falkland Islands, Letter from Colonial Secretary concerning Licence for Chilean whaling at South Shetland Islands Item 1907-05-04 View
BB-GB-354 Draft surety accompanying the British whaling license granted to Chilean company Item 1907-05-04 View
BB-GB-357 Laws of the Colony of the Falkland Islands Item 1951-01-01 View
BB-GB-360 Falkland Islands, Interpretation and General Law Ordinance, no 6 of 1908 Item 1908-08-10 View
BB-GB-372 Norwegian note requesting information on criminal law on South Georgia Item 1912-11-02 View
BB-GB-374 British license to Mr Bull of in respect of Dougherty Island Item 1905-03-27 View
BB-GB-380 British note to Norway concerning request for whaling license at Graham Land Item 1914-11-19 View
BB-GB-383 Falkland Islands, Whale Fishery Amendment Ordinance, no 9 of 1915 Item 1915-12-02 View
Results 801 to 900 of 2816