National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AU-817 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Environment: Australia's international agenda Item 1994-12-01 View
BB-MY-2 Malaysia, Foreign Minister Abu Hassan, statement to 2nd Asia/Pacific Roundtable Item 1988-07-02 View
BB-UY-1 Uruguay, Decrees 137,981 concerning establishment of Instituto Antartico Item 1981-03-24 View
BB-US-133 United States Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, press release concerning hearing on protecting Antarctica's environment by the Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee, and associated transcripts Item 1989-09-01 View
BB-AU-820 Australia, Minister for Resources, Alan Griffiths, press release "Antarctic decision in perspective" Item 1990-08-17 View
BB-AU-821 Australia, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bill Hayden, press release "Visit of Australian inspection team to Antarctica" Item 1988-01-06 View
BB-AR-470 Argentina, Decree no. 17,094 concerning the territorial sea and contiguous zone Item 1966-12-29 View
BB-AR-474 Lucius Mar "Underdeveloped fisheries II' The Review of the River Plate (Argentina) Item 1967-03-11 View
BB-AR-479 Law no. 20,489 concerning foreign scientific and technical research in Argentine territorial waters. Includes related Decree no. 4,915.s Item 1973-05-23 View
BB-CL-281 Chile, Civil Code, Article 593 Item 1971-01-01 View
BB-AR-484 Presidential Declaration on Antarctica of Chile and Argentina Item 1990-08-29 View
BB-AR-485 Argentina, Agreement with Germany for the construction of a science laboratory at Jubany Station Item 1990-01-01 View
BB-AU-827 Radio Australia, International Report "DFAT Secretary Richard Woolcott, Comments on Antarctica" transcript Item 1990-02-12 View
BB-CA-2 Press article "Canada accedes to the Antarctic Treaty" Antarctic Journal of the United States Item 1988-06-01 View
BB-CL-284 Chile, Foreign Minister Silva Cimma's address to the Chilean Council for International Relations Item 1990-05-08 View
BB-CN-4 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs cablegram "Antarctica: Soviet comment on Chinese intentions". Includes reporting of two press articles concerning China's activity in Antarctica. Item 1982-07-26 View
BB-CZ-1 Czech Republic, Minister of Foreign Affairs letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, confirming the dissolution of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republics Item 1993-02-16 View
BB-DE-30 Federal Republic of Germany, Deutscher Bundestag "Entschliessung zu den gefrahen einer zerstorung des okosystems in der antarktis" (Drucksache 11/4227) Item 1989-03-16 View
BB-FR-132 Press article concerning France and environment protection proposals Item 1990-11-22 View
BB-US-153 United States Congress, Horse of Representatives, Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation, Hearing on the Environment of Antarctic Item 1990-06-26 View
BB-US-158 United States Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space and Technology "Hearing on Antarctic Minerals Policy announced". Includes witness lists and transcripts of their statements. Item 1990-07-12 View
BB-DE-28 Germany "Draft of law implementing the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty" Item 1994-08-04 View
BB-GB-462 United Kingdom, House of Commons "Falklands: Franks Review" Item 1983-01-26 View
BB-US-147 United States Congress, House of Representatives "Antarctic Environmental Protection Act of 1990" Report from the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries Item 1990-09-13 View
BB-US-150 United States Congress, House of Representatives "Antarctica World Park and Protection Act of 1990" Amendment Item 1990-04-04 View
BB-CL-279 Chile, Decree no 363 creating the National Committee of the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) and establishing its functions Item 1962-09-13 View
BB-AU-229 Seas and Submerged Land Act 1973 as amended by the Maritime Legislation Amendment Act of 1994 Item 1994-02-15 View
BB-AU-232 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Waste Management) Regulations Item 1994-03-04 View
BB-AU-396 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Controlled Area (Australian continental shelf). Item 1970-04-10 View
BB-AU-405 Australia, Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 and Australia, Acts Interpretation Act 1901-1973 Item 1973-01-01 View
BB-AU-406 Australian Government Gazette, Proclamation under the Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 declaring limits of territorial sea adjacent to New South Wales Item 1974-10-24 View
BB-AU-408 Statutory Rules 1974 No. 213, Regulations under the Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Regulations Item 1974-11-12 View
BB-AU-413 Hansard, Australian claim in Antarctica Item 1977-10-12 View
BB-AU-418 Parliamentary debates, Senate, Regarding Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals Item 1978-04-05 View
BB-AU-424 Editorial "Antarctic Territory" The Canberra Times Item 1979-08-21 View
BB-AU-426 Department of Foreign Affairs Cablegram, "Parliamentary Questions: Twelve Mile Territorial Limit" Item 1979-10-16 View
BB-AU-438 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Bill 1980 Item 1980-05-23 View
BB-AU-440 House of Representatives, Whale Protection Bill 1980 Item 1980-06-06 View
BB-AU-446 Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Migratory birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1982 Item 1982-06-25 View
BB-AU-448 Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Migratory birds (Amendment) Ordinance 1985 Item 1985-03-07 View
BB-AU-453 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Termination of Deputy Coroners for Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1980-12-12 View
BB-AU-454 Parliament, House of Representatives, Exploratory memorandum on the Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Bill 1981 Item 1981-03-01 View
BB-AU-455 Australia Parliament, House of Representatives, A bill for and act to amend the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967, the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Act 1980 and the Coral Sea Island Act 1969 Item 1981-05-14 View
BB-AU-460 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Bill 1982, second reading Item 1981-04-07 View
BB-AU-464 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, "200-mile Fishing Zone" for the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1981-05-28 View
BB-AU-465 Editorial "Investing in Ice" The Age Item 1981-06-24 View
BB-AU-471 "Doubt over funds for Antarctic base" The Canberra Times Item 1982-03-08 View
BB-AU-475 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Wildlife Protection (Regulations of Exports and Imports) Bill 1982, Second reading Item 1982-05-06 View
BB-AU-483 Department of Foreign Affairs, Backgrounder, "Sir Douglas Mawson's Memorabilia" Item 1982-09-29 View
BB-AU-485 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Termination of Appointments of Deputy Coroners for Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1982-10-12 View
BB-AU-486 Australia, Parliament, House of Representatives, Committee on Environment and Conservation, The role of Australia's participation in international environmental organisations Item 1982-10-28 View
BB-AU-163 Agreement on Maritime Delimitation between the Government of Australia and the Government of the French Republic Item 1982-01-04 View
BB-AU-167 Proclamation declaring certain waters under the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands in the direction of Kerguelen Islands to be excepted waters under the Fisheries Act of 1952 Item 1982-12-20 View
BB-AU-182 Report of the Senate Standing Committee on National Resources, "The natural resources of the Australian Antarctic Territory" 149 pp. Item 1985-12-05 View
BB-AU-186 Antarctic Seals Conservation Regulations (Amendment) Item 1993-10-28 View
BB-AU-188 Environment Protection and Management Ordinance 1987 of the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands Item 1987-12-21 View
BB-AU-190 Environment Protection and Management (Amendment) Ordinance 1990 of the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands Item 1990-01-01 View
BB-AU-192 Australian Foreign Affairs and Trade Record, "Antarctic Minerals Convention" news release issued for Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Item 1988-06-02 View
BB-AU-194 Press release of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade announcing that he was tabling in Parliament the Minerals Convention Item 1988-11-22 View
BB-AU-196 Letter of the Treasurer in support of Antarctica being declared a world park Item 1989-04-27 View
BB-AU-197 Press release concerning of the Opposition opposing Australian signature of the Minerals Convention Item 1989-05-02 View
BB-AU-202 Commonwealth of Australia, Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act Item 1980-01-01 View
BB-AU-209 Antarctic Mining Prohibition Act 1991 Item 1991-03-27 View
BB-AU-213 Appointment of Deputy Coroners for the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1991-10-09 View
BB-AU-10 Australia, Appointment of an inspector under the Animals and Birds Protection Ordinance 1918-1937 for Heard Island and McDonald Islands Item 1953-12-31 View
BB-AU-15 Australia, Australian Antarctic Territory Act 1954 Item 1954-11-01 View
BB-AU-17 Australian note concerning application of the Convention of the World Meteorological Organisation to the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1955-06-16 View
BB-AU-19 Australian welcoming United States' scientific co-operation during the International Geophysical Year in the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1955-08-02 View
BB-AU-23 Australia, Parliamentary question and answer on recognition of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1957-04-09 View
BB-AU-24 Australian note to the United States concerning a regime for Antarctica upon the expiration of the International Geophysical Year Item 1958-04-17 View
BB-AU-25 Joint announcement of Australia and the United States concerning the maintenance of Wilkes Station after the International Geophysical Year Item 1958-05-06 View
BB-AU-26 Australia, Antarctic Treaty Act 1960 Item 1960-11-02 View
BB-AU-29 Australia, Definition of the area adjacent to Tasmania in the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 Item 1967-11-22 View
BB-AU-32 Australia, Proclamation under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 (Tasmania) Item 1972-06-06 View
BB-AU-39 Australia, Proclamation of 200 nautical miles around Australia and its external territories for the purposes of the Fisheries Act Item 1979-09-20 View
BB-AU-4 Norwegian enquiries concerning Australian intentions with regard to Heard Island Item 1948-01-14 View
BB-AU-40 Australia, Parliamentary statement concerning the extent of the Australian Fishing Zone Item 1979-09-25 View
BB-AU-48 Australia, Proclamation of Specially Protected Areas and Sites of Special Scientific Interest Item 1980-12-04 View
BB-AU-49 Australia, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Act 1981 Item 1981-04-14 View
BB-AU-6 Exchange of notes concerning transfer of Heard Island and McDonald Islands from the United to Australia Item 1950-12-19 View
BB-AU-756 Commission of Lieutenant-General Ralph Darling as Governor of Van Diemen's Land Item 1825-07-16 View
BB-AU-758 Regulations prohibiting the killing of seals at Macquarie Island Item 1891-04-20 View
BB-AU-763 Australasian Antarctic Expedition, Report on the southern sledge party taking possession of area south of Cape Denison Item 1912-12-21 View
BB-AU-764 Australasian Antarctic Expedition, Report of Frank Wild taking possession of land at Possession Rocks, Queen Mary Land Item 1912-12-25 View
BB-AU-767 Imperial Conference 1926, British policy in the Antarctic Item 1926-11-19 View
BB-AU-768 British note to Norway concerning the Antarctic ands the Imperial Conference Item 1928-02-13 View
BB-AU-769 Great Britain, licence for the Kerguelen Sealing and Whaling Company Limited in respect of the area from Enderby to Queen Mary Lands Item 1928-10-03 View
BB-AU-772 Royal Commission for Douglas Mawson to take possession of Antarctic Territory Item 1929-07-25 View
BB-AU-775 Proclamation made from the air over the Antarctic continent near Proclamation Island during the first BANZARE voyage Item 1930-01-25 View
BB-AU-782 British Dominion Office request to the Law Officers of the Crown concerning the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1931-12-31 View
BB-AU-783 Opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown concerning the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1932-07-29 View
BB-AU-787 Parliamentary statement concerning the Australian Antarctic Territory Acceptance Bill Item 1933-05-26 View
BB-AU-788 Australian Antarctic Territory Acceptance Act, no 8 of 1933 Item 1933-06-13 View
BB-AU-793 Record of visit by Sir Hubert Wilkins to Ingrid Christensen Coast, Princess Elizabeth Land Item 1939-01-11 View
BB-AU-795 Australian note to the United States concerning the limits of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1940-09-18 View
BB-AU-107 "No votes in Antarctica" editorial about krill, The Canberra Times Item 1989-01-18 View
BB-AU-109 Montgomery Bruce, "Aid pleas may mean curb on Antarctic expeditions" The Australian Item 1984-01-20 View
BB-AU-116 Kelton, Greg "Keeping a foothold in Antarctica" The Courier Mail Item 1984-09-01 View
BB-AU-139 Ward, Peter "Our slippery claim to Antarctic sovereignty" Australian Item 1987-01-28 View
BB-AU-146 Ives, David "Antarctic ship an opportunity for maritime college" newspaper article Item 1988-01-08 View
Results 1101 to 1200 of 2816