National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AU-656 Australian Antarctic Division, Environmental Impact Assessment of Antarctic Operations, Decision/Action Guidelines Item 1989-01-01 View
BB-AU-658 Australia, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment, Recreation and the Arts, "Tourism in the Antarctic" Item 1989-03-20 View
BB-AU-659 Australia, Senate, Debate on Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities (CRAMRA) Item 1989-04-12 View
BB-AU-660 Fewster, Alan "Antarctic park finds an ally in Keating", Sunday Telegraph and similar subsequent articles Item 1989-04-30 View
BB-AU-668 Australia, Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctica: Airstrips" Item 1989-10-24 View
BB-AU-673 Australian Capital Territory Gazette, Government Notices, Coroners Act 1956, appointments Item 1991-10-09 View
BB-AU-677 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Proclamations by Governor-General under Fisheries Legislation (Consequential Provisions) Act and Fisheries Management Act 1991 Item 1991-12-12 View
BB-AU-679 Australia, Senate Hansard and House of Representatives Hansard, Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983 Item 1992-06-01 View
BB-AU-682 Australia, House of Representatives, read first time, Antarctic (Environment Protection) Legislation Amendment Bill 1992 Item 1992-10-14 View
BB-AU-691 Australia, Senate, Antarctic (Environment Protection) Legislation Amendment Bill 1992, Explanatory Memorandum Item 1992-12-11 View
BB-AU-697 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Notification of the Making of Statutory Rules, Antarctic Treaty (Environmental Protection) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations Item 1993-06-03 View
BB-AU-699 Australian Capital Territory, Gazette, Coroners Act 1956, appointments Item 1993-08-06 View
BB-AU-702 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Weapons Ordinance 1993, Item 1993-11-05 View
BB-AU-705 "Australia ratifies Antarctic Environment Protocol" media release Item 1994-04-08 View
BB-AU-706 Australian Fisheries Management Authority, "Exploration and Development of a new Fishery" Item 1994-05-01 View
BB-AU-714 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Environmental Protection and Management Ordinance Item 1994-12-05 View
BB-AU-719 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, "The assertion of exclusive economic zone right in Antarctica claimant State view" Item 1995-05-01 View
BB-AU-720 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Endangered Species Protection Act of 1992, Declarations Item 1995-07-24 View
BB-AU-722 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Antarctic Seals Conservation Regulations, Notices of permits granted Item 1995-07-27 View
BB-AU-726 Australia, House of Representatives Hansard, Heard Island and McDonald Islands Environmental Protection and Management Ordinance Item 1995-10-17 View
BB-AU-731 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Environment Protection and Management Ordinance, permit for the Australian Antarctic Division Item 1995-11-20 View
BB-AU-732 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act 1980, Proclamation Item 1995-11-29 View
BB-AU-737 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Australian Antarctic Territory, Grant of exemption under the ACT Weapons Act 1991 Item 1996-07-30 View
BB-AU-749 Australia, Minister for Resources and Energy, Minister for the Environment, media release on illegal fishing Item 1997-11-07 View
BB-AU-750 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, Notice of an initial environmental evaluation by Australian Antarctic Division Item 1997-12-14 View
BB-AU-752 Australian Antarctic Division, Assessment Notes on grant of permit to commercially fish south of Heard Island and McDonald Islands Item 1998-02-01 View
BB-AU-755 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Antarctic (Environment Protection) Legislation Amendment Act 1992, Proclamation Item 1998-02-18 View
BB-AR-234 Decree no. 8,944 of prohibiting the publication of maps of the Argentine Republic which do not show in its full extent the continental and insular area of the nation Item 1946-09-02 View
BB-AR-236 British note (no. 3) to Argentina concerning the issue of postage stamps for the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and Dependencies and stating the grounds for British claims to those territories Item 1947-01-03 View
BB-AR-240 Speech by the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship on the significance of the Argentine meteorological station on South Orkney Islands (extract) Item 1947-02-25 View
BB-AR-241 Decree no. 14,062-M.585 establishing the Malvinas and South Georgia Islands Sub-committee of the National Antarctic Commission Item 1947-05-24 View
BB-AR-244 British note to Argentina protesting at Argentine activities within the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Dependencies together with an outline of the grounds for the British claim and a proposal to submit the dispute to the International Court of Justice Item 1947-12-17 View
BB-AR-252 Joint declaration of Argentina and Chile concerning the South American Antarctic Item 1948-03-04 View
BB-AR-254 Norwegian press release concerning Argentine action with respect to the Norwegian research vessel "Brategg" Item 1948-03-09 View
BB-AR-265 Decree No. 7,885 concerning the Argentine base "Almirante Brown", Paradise Harbour Item 1951-04-23 View
BB-AR-267 Argentine note to the United Kingdom rejecting the British protest at the establishment of Argentine bases in Paradise Harbour and Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula Item 1951-06-01 View
BB-AR-276 British noteĀ·verbale to Argentina refuting Argentine claims to South Georgia Island in the context of the meteorological station there Item 1952-11-28 View
BB-AR-280 Argentine letter to Chile proposing that the two countries agree to the meridian of Cape Horn as the division between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Item 1953-05-14 View
BB-AR-283 Argentine letter to the International Court of Justice embodying a note declining to accept the jurisdiction of the Court in respect of the British application Item 1955-08-01 View
BB-AR-284 Decree-law no. 1,311 establishing the Argentine Antarctic Institute Item 1956-01-26 View
BB-AR-285 Decree no. 6,040 entrusting Argentine Antarctic policy to a National Defence Council and transferring responsibility for Antarctic installations to the Ministry of Marine Item 1956-04-04 View
BB-AR-293 Argentine note accepting the United States' invitation to attend a conference on Antarctica Item 1958-05-14 View
BB-AR-295 United States' aide-memoire to Argentina concerning the foreshadowed transfer of East Base to Chile Item 1958-09-24 View
BB-AR-296 Decree no. 4,022 setting out harbour regulations in respect of Port Foster, Deception Island Item 1959-04-06 View
BB-AR-301 Law no. 78,513 reorganising the administration of Argentine Antarctic activities Item 1969-12-31 View
BB-AR-303 Joint declaration of Argentina and Chile concerning among other things the effect of the proposed Beagle Channel arbitration on maritime zones and territories situated south of 60Ā° S. (extract) Item 1971-07-22 View
BB-AR-305 Statements by Argentina, Chile and the United Kingdom concerning Antarctica in the final protocol of the International Telecommunication Convention, Malaga-Torremolinos, 1973 Item 1973-10-25 View
BB-AR-308 Law no. 21,228 declaring of national interest the study of the sociological, geographical, biological and economic aspects of Antarctica, especially as related to the sovereignty of Argentina Item 1975-09-30 View
BB-AU-488 Proclamation announcing the creation of Van Diemen's Land and its dependencies as a separate colony. Item 1825-12-12 View
BB-AU-489 Department of Foreign Affairs, "Early Parliamentary papers on Antarctica" Item 1980-01-01 View
BB-AU-490 Letters patent constituting the office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Tasmania and its Dependencies Item 1880-06-17 View
BB-AU-493 Letters patent constituting the Office of the Governor of Tasmania Item 1900-10-29 View
BB-AU-497 Notes on sovereignty over Heard Island Item 1910-01-01 View
BB-AU-498 Wilkes Land whaling licenses Item 1911-01-01 View
BB-AU-500 Evidence of flag raising Item 1912-01-01 View
BB-AU-501 Naming of Queen Mary Land Item 1913-06-24 View
BB-AU-510 Norwegian note acknowledging receipt of the notice of British claims Item 1928-02-15 View
BB-AU-518 British record of conversation with Norwegian Foreign Minister concerning Antarctica Item 1929-12-21 View
BB-AU-525 UK Foreign Office minute on the sector theory Item 1931-10-24 View
BB-AU-526 British memorandum informing Norway of the establishment of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1933-02-14 View
BB-AU-533 Note confirming claims made for the United States by Ellsworth within the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1939-01-31 View
BB-AU-542 British letter concerning Heard Island and the McDonald Islands Item 1947-11-21 View
BB-AU-543 Legal advice concerning Heard Island Item 1947-01-01 View
BB-AU-546 Note re actions taken on Heard Island and Macquarie Island Item 1948-01-01 View
BB-AU-551 Note concerning US attitudes to Australian activities at Heard Island Item 1948-03-02 View
BB-AU-558 Appointment of Magistrate etc Heard Island Item 1953-12-24 View
BB-AU-559 The 1954 Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition Item 1954-01-02 View
BB-AU-564 United States not to Australia on application of a convention to the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1956-01-30 View
BB-AU-565 Australian objection to proposal to place Antarctica under United Nations control Item 1956-05-22 View
BB-AU-571 Australian note to the United States accepting the invitation to the conference on Antarctica Item 1958-01-01 View
BB-AU-573 Whaling Act 1960-1973 Item 1960-05-13 View
BB-AU-584 Tasmania, National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 Item 1970-01-01 View
BB-AU-585 Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Regulations Item 1970-03-25 View
BB-AR-185 Treaty of recognition, peace and friendship between the Argentine Republic and Spain, signed at Madrid (extract) Item 1863-09-21 View
BB-AR-190 Decree no. 3,073 authorising the Argentine Meteorological Office to take over the meteorological station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1904-01-02 View
BB-AR-191 Diplomatic exchanges concerning the transfer to Argentina of the meteorological station on the South Orkney Islands Item 1904-01-05 View
BB-AR-192 Designation of an Argentine postmaster for the South Orkney Islands Item 1904-01-20 View
BB-AR-200 Argentine to the United Kingdom indicating that the matter of claims to the South Orkney Islands was being studied Item 1907-01-08 View
BB-AR-204 British notes concerning a second draft of a Convention with Argentina about the cession of the South Orkney Islands Item 1913-09-27 View
BB-AR-206 Argentine note to the United Kingdom indicating that Argentina would comply with International Radiotelegraph Conventions with regard to wireless stations on its territory Item 1925-11-30 View
BB-AR-211 Argentine memorandum suggesting the re-opening of negotiations for the exchange of the South Orkney Islands for a British legation site in Buenos Aires Item 1927-12-15 View
BB-AR-212 British aide-memoire to Argentina making representations concerning a Universal Postal Union circular declaring certain territories to be Argentine Item 1927-12-17 View
BB-AR-220 Decree no. 61,852-M.97 establishing the National Antarctic Commission Item 1940-04-30 View
BB-AR-221 Argentine declaration concerning European territories made at the second meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, Havana Item 1940-07-30 View
BB-AR-222 Argentine memorandum of 11 September 1940 to the United Kingdom proposing a conference to determine the juridico-political status of the Antarctic Item 1940-09-11 View
BB-AR-229 Argentine note to UK concerning British stamps for the Falkland Islands Item 1946-06-03 View
BB-AR-230 Miscellaneous references to further information about Argentina and Antarctica Item 1952-01-01 View
BB-GB-118 Falkland Islands, Immigration Ordinance, no 7 of 1935 Item 1935-07-18 View
BB-GB-121 Falkland Islands, Ordinance, no 1 of 1936, Dependencies Research and Development Fund Item 1936-05-29 View
BB-GB-133 UK writ taking over the Hektor Whaling Company buildings on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands Item 1905-04-26 View
BB-GB-135 Falkland Islands Gazette, British appointment of officer-in-charge at South Georgia Item 1945-12-31 View
BB-GB-148 British statement concerning warships visit to bases in territory claimed by the UK Item 1948-03-11 View
BB-GB-151 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Research and Development Fund (Repeal) Ordinance, no 6 of 1948 Item 1948-10-21 View
BB-GB-152 Falkland Islands Dependencies, United Nations Privileges Ordinance, no 15 of 1948 Item 1948-10-21 View
BB-GB-154 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Administration of Justice Ordinance, no 1 of 1949 Item 1949-03-05 View
BB-GB-167 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Revised Edition of the Laws (Amendment) (Dependencies) Ordinance, no 2 of 1950 Item 1950-12-30 View
BB-GB-169 Falkland Islands, Fisheries Regulations Item 1950-12-31 View
BB-GB-170 Falkland Islands, Harbour Regulations Item 1950-12-31 View
BB-GB-187 Falkland Islands, Revised Edition of the Laws Ordinance, no 8 of 1951 Item 1951-11-26 View
BB-GB-189 Falkland Islands Dependencies, Application Ordinance, no 6 of 1951 Item 1951-12-01 View
Results 501 to 600 of 2816