National Antarctic documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AR-487 Argentina, Argentine law 24.216 implementing the Madrid Protocol Item 1993-06-11 View
BB-BE-11 Belgian law relating to the protection of Antarctic flora and fauna Item 1989-10-23 View
BB-US-154 United States Senate, Foreign Relations Committee "Legislation to protect the environment of Antarctica" Item 1990-07-27 View
BB-US-157 United States, Regular State Department briefing concerning environment protection legislation Item 1990-10-22 View
BB-US-148 United States Congress, House of Representatives "Antarctica: House action: Owens Resolution" Item 1990-09-13 View
BB-US-149 United States Congress, House of Representatives "Antarctic Protection Act of 1990" Amendment Item 1990-09-25 View
BB-AR-468 Argentina "Respuesta de la Argentina a la solicitud del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas Sobre la Cuestion de la Antartida" Item 1984-06-01 View
BB-AU-394 Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Robert Hill "Howard Government Launches new effort to protect Australian seals" Item 1999-06-20 View
BB-AU-216 Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983 as amended to June 1992 Item 1992-06-26 View
BB-AU-220 Endangered Species Protection Act 1992 Item 1992-12-21 View
BB-AU-221 Australian Government's Response to the Parliamentary Committee's Report on tourism in Antarctica Item 1992-12-15 View
BB-AU-222 Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations Item 1993-05-27 View
BB-AU-225 Proclamation concerning specially protected areas and sites of special scientific interest under the Antarctic Treaty (Environment Protection) Act of 1980 Item 1993-10-28 View
BB-AU-236 Ministerial press release regretting the announcement of a Japanese scientific whaling program to take place in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary Item 1994-12-23 View
BB-AU-398 Tasmania Statutory Rules, National Parks and Reserves Regulations and Wildlife Regulations 1971 Item 1971-11-24 View
BB-AU-404 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, South Australian Division of the Australian continental shelf (Living Natural Resources) Act 1968. Item 1972-09-06 View
BB-AU-409 Statutory Rules 1974 No. 214, Amendment of the Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Regulations Item 1974-11-12 View
BB-AU-421 Wells, Jeff "Australia could 'lose' Antarctica" The Age Item 1979-03-31 View
BB-AU-422 Department of Foreign Affairs "Whales and Whaling" Australian Foreign Affairs Record Item 1979-04-04 View
BB-AU-425 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Proclamation of the Fisheries Amendment Act 1978 Item 1978-09-20 View
BB-AU-427 Parliamentary debates, Senate, sovereignty over the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1979-10-11 View
BB-AU-429 Australia Parliamentary debates, Senate, "Sub-Antarctic Fisheries" Item 1979-11-22 View
BB-AU-431 Department of Foreign Affairs "Antarctica – A continent of international harmony?" Australian Foreign Affairs Record Item 1980-02-01 View
BB-AU-444 Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Endangered Species Ordinance Item 1980-08-06 View
BB-AU-445 Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Migratory birds Ordinance 1980 Item 1980-08-06 View
BB-AU-457 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Conservation Bill 1982, second reading Item 1981-04-01 View
BB-AU-466 Statutory Rules 1981 No. 261 "Antarctic Marine Living Resources Preparatory Meeting (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations" Item 1981-09-03 View
BB-AU-469 Administrative Arrangements Order 1981 Item 1981-12-23 View
BB-AU-477 Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Wildlife Protection (Regulations of Exports and Imports) Bill 1982 Second Reading Item 1982-08-18 View
BB-AU-484 Australia, Parliament, House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation, Australia's participation in international environmental organisations. Item 1982-10-01 View
BB-AU-168 Proclamation of baselines around Macquarie Island Item 1983-02-04 View
BB-AU-172 Australia Statutory Rules 1985 No 327 "Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations (Amendment)" Item 1985-11-28 View
BB-AU-175 Views on Antarctica submitted by Australia to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, 91 pages. Item 1984-07-31 View
BB-AU-179 Poisons Ordinance 1985 of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1985-08-22 View
BB-AU-187 Code of personal behaviour for members of Australian national Antarctic research expeditions Item 1987-08-24 View
BB-AU-191 News release welcoming the conclusion of negotiations of the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource activities Item 1988-06-02 View
BB-AU-193 Letter from Treasurer of Australia Paul Keating urging the reopening negotiations of the Minerals Convention Item 1988-09-21 View
BB-AU-198 Commonwealth of Australia, Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) Senate. "Antarctica" Item 1989-05-03 View
BB-AU-199 Australian Announcement of its intention not to sign the Antarctic Minerals Convention but the pursue instead a comprehensive environmental protection convention and related measures Item 1989-05-22 View
BB-AU-201 Antarctic Division, "Environmental Management of Australia's Antarctic Stations" Item 1989-08-01 View
BB-AU-204 Australia, Memorandum of understanding on the application of the environment protection (Impact of Proposals Act 1974 to the functions and responsibilities of the Antarctic Division Item 1989-11-24 View
BB-AU-12 Australia, Declaration made on naming Mawson station Item 1954-02-13 View
BB-AU-13 Australia, Record of landing at Magnetic Island by Phillip Law Item 1954-03-02 View
BB-AU-18 Australia, Press statement issued by the Minister of External Affairs welcoming the interest of other states with regard to activities within the Australian Antarctic Territory in the course of the International Geophysical Year Item 1955-07-30 View
BB-AU-20 United States' note to Australia concerning scientific co-operation during the International Geophysical Year in the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1955-08-13 View
BB-AU-27 Australia, Radio license issued to foreign expeditions in the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1963-01-01 View
BB-AU-28 Australia, Appointment of deputy coroners and justices of the peace for the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1966-12-08 View
BB-AU-31 Australia, ANARE Personal Manual 1972 Item 1971-10-01 View
BB-AU-33 Australia, National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1975 Item 1975-03-13 View
BB-AU-36 Australia, Proclamation under National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 (Tasmania) of the Macquarie Island Nature Reserve Item 1978-04-27 View
BB-AU-38 Australia, Statement on the relevance of the new international economic order to Antarctica and the applicability of a 200 mile economic zone Item 1979-06-22 View
BB-AU-44 Australia, Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Act 1980 Item 1980-05-29 View
BB-AU-47 Australia, Migratory Birds Ordinance 1980 of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1980-08-06 View
BB-AU-757 Letter from New Zealand to Tasmania concerning the desire of New Zealand to obtain possession of Macquarie Island Item 1890-06-02 View
BB-AU-759 Account of the claim made by Professor Edgeworth David to the area of the South Magnetic Pole Item 1891-04-20 View
BB-AU-762 Australasian Antarctic Expedition, Report of Douglas Mawson taking possession of land at Cape Denison Item 1912-03-01 View
BB-AU-771 Norwegian note to the United Kingdom concerning territories which the Imperial Conference 1926 asserted to be British Item 1928-11-14 View
BB-AU-774 Proclamation read by Douglas Mawson on Proclamation Island during the first BANZARE voyage Item 1930-01-13 View
BB-AU-776 Sailing orders issued to Douglas Mawson for the second BANZARE voyage Item 1930-10-30 View
BB-AU-780 Proclamation read by Douglas Mawson at Cape Bruce, Mac. Robertson Land during the second BANZARE voyage Item 1931-02-18 View
BB-AU-781 British paper on the Sector Principle Item 1931-12-01 View
BB-AU-791 Australia, Department of External Affairs correspondence with Sir Hubert Wilkins concerning exploration of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1938-09-08 View
BB-AU-794 Norwegian note to the United Kingdom recognising the boundaries of the Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1939-01-14 View
BB-AU-103 Australia Senate, "Standing Committee on National Resources Amendment terms of reference" Australian Antarctic Territory Item 1983-12-07 View
BB-AU-104 Australia Department of Foreign Affairs, Backgrounder, no. 443 "Australia risks losing influence over Antarctic Resources" Item 1994-08-15 View
BB-AU-105 "Australian role in krill research abandoned" The Canberra Times Item 1984-01-15 View
BB-AU-108 "Icebound explorers may be billed for rescue" The Age Item 1984-01-20 View
BB-AU-110 "Australia 'neglecting' Antarctic environment" The Canberra Times Item 1984-02-10 View
BB-AU-120 "A new base sets Australia's sights on the Antarctic" Sydney Morning Herald and "Australia on thin ice" editorial, The Canberra Times Item 1985-01-04 View
BB-AU-121 Daily Hansard, Australia Senate, p. 879 "Antarctica: Mawson's Hut" Item 1985-03-27 View
BB-AU-124 Jones, Barry, MP, news release Australian Foreign Affairs Record, "Australia to increase Antarctic research" vol 56, no. 6 Item 1985-09-09 View
BB-AU-128 Cameron, Debbie "New polar base for Australia" The Canberra Times Item 1986-01-04 View
BB-AU-130 Ford, Jane "Lack of research could freeze us out of Antarctic Treaty" Australian Item 1986-01-10 View
BB-AU-131 Stephen Murray-Smith "The merit of our Antarctic research becomes a hot issue" Australian Item 1986-01-11 View
BB-AU-132 Stephen Murray-Smith "Icebird makes run for Davis as path clears in ice" Australian Item 1986-01-28 View
BB-AU-133 Stephen Murray-Smith "Model Australian stations begins" Australian Item 1986-02-03 View
BB-AU-134 Beale, Bob "Some waste brought back from Antarctica, but neglect of environment is admitted" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1986-02-13 View
BB-AU-136 Senate question on "Antarctica: Research" Item 1986-08-01 View
BB-AU-144 "Libs chase answers to Nella Dan" newspaper article Item 1988-01-01 View
BB-AU-152 Australia Department of Foreign Affairs, "Inquiry into Antarctic Tourism" Item 1988-08-02 View
BB-AU-159 Darby, Andrew "Antarctic director resigns" Sydney Morning Herald Item 1988-12-03 View
BB-AU-161 Australia House of Representatives Standing Committee Hansard "Tourism in the Antarctic" Item 1988-12-02 View
BB-AU-60 Commonwealth Government Agencies' and Departments' Submission to the Independent Inquiry into Whales and Whaling Item 1978-05-01 View
BB-AU-65 Australia, Parliamentary debates, House of Representatives, Statement by the Minister for Foreign Affairs on presenting the report on the Australian delegation to the Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Item 1981-05-28 View
BB-AU-68 Joustra, Wio "Government pledges to keep polar bases" The Australian Item 1982-03-09 View
BB-AU-74 "Antarctic funds up" Canberra Times Item 1982-08-18 View
BB-AU-78 "Australian honored at first Antarctic seminar" The Australian Item 1982-10-02 View
BB-AU-81 "The challenge of Antarctica" The Age Item 1982-10-26 View
BB-AU-88 "1984 Antarctic Expeditions" Antarctic Division advertisement, The Canberra Times Item 1982-12-11 View
BB-AU-92 Issues in Australia's marine and Antarctic policies Maritime Studies, no. 10 Item 1983-04-01 View
BB-AU-95 "Antarctica should be a peace zone, says Jones" The Australian Item 1983-04-06 View
BB-AU-98 Bailey, Sue "Row threat to Antarctic trips" The Mercury Item 1983-08-19 View
BB-AU-99 Ford, Jane "Reduced Funding hits Antarctic program" Australian Item 1983-08-29 View
BB-AU-634 Australia, Statutory Rules 1983, Preparatory Meeting to the Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations and subsequent appeal in 1986 Item 1983-04-07 View
BB-AU-640 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Australian Antarctic Territory Appointment of Deputy Coroner Item 1983-11-21 View
BB-AU-642 Australia, House of Representatives inquiry report, Administration of the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act 1974 Item 1985-05-23 View
BB-AU-645 Australia, Parliamentary debates, Senate, France and the Antarctic Treaty System Item 1986-10-21 View
BB-AU-646 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Proclamation of date of amendments to the Antarctic Treaty (Environmental Protection) Act 1980 Item 1986-12-18 View
BB-AU-647 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Proclamation pursuant to Seas and Submerged Lands Act 1973 Item 1987-03-19 View
BB-AU-653 Australia, House of Representatives, Sea Installations Bill 198 Item 1987-10-22 View
Results 401 to 500 of 2816