- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-US-138 - Antarctica: US position
- ItemBB-US-139 - United States Senate, Resolution SJ Res 206. Includes related document concerning House of Representative Resolution HJ Res 418.
- ItemBB-US-140 - United States, Office of Technology Assessment "The Future of Mineral Resource Development in Antarctica"
- ItemBB-US-141 - US Department of State, correspondence from the National Science Foundation concerning a rule-making proposal
- ItemBB-US-142 - United States Antarctic Activities, Information exchange 1982-83 and 1983-84
- ItemBB-AR-469 - Argentina, Decree no. 14,708 declaring rights of national sovereignty over Argentine epi-continental sea and continental shelf
- ItemBB-AR-470 - Argentina, Decree no. 17,094 concerning the territorial sea and contiguous zone
- ItemBB-AR-471 - Argentina, Decree no. 10,367 and Decree no. 1,717 concerning air navigation and Argentine territorial sea
- ItemBB-AR-472 - Argentina, Decree no. 5,106 concerning fishing permits in Argentine territorial waters.
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