- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
- 2475 more...
- ItemBB-GB-457 - UK Parliament, House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee, "British Antarctic Survey"
- ItemBB-CH-1 - Switzerland, Federal Gazette, Report on the Antarctic Treaty
- ItemBB-CH-2 - Switzerland, Department of Foreign Affairs, Press release concerning accession to the Antarctic Treaty
- ItemBB-CH-3 - Press article "Beitritt zum Antarktisvertrag" Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)
- ItemBB-ES-1 - Spain and Antarctica, United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II)
- ItemBB-ES-2 - Press article "La presencia Española en los mares Antarcticos", and other articles concerning Spain and Antarctica
- ItemBB-ES-3 - Spain, Grupo Parliamentarian Socialista, press release concerning Antarctic environment
- ItemBB-ES-4 - Spain, Parliamentary question concerning mining and the environment
- ItemBB-ES-5 - Antarctica, Spanish editorial, in Australia, Inward Cablegram
- 332 more...