- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-NO-20 - Law concerning Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-21 - Law no. 3 of 27 February 1930 as amended concerning Bouvet Island, Peter Island and Queen Maud land
- ItemBB-NO-22 - United States despatch from Oslo reporting progress of the "Norvegia" expedition
- ItemBB-NO-23 - Norwegian note to the United Kingdom recognising British sovereignty over the Sverdrup Islands
- ItemBB-NO-24 - Royal decree providing for the administration of Bouvet Island
- ItemBB-NO-25 - Royal proclamation placing Peter I Island under Norwegian sovereignty
- ItemBB-NO-26 - Royal resolution providing for the exercise of police authority on Peter I Island
- ItemBB-NO-27 - British note to Norway recognising Norwegian sovereignty over Peter I Island
- ItemBB-NO-28 - Law concerning Bouvet Island and Peter I Island
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