- Series4 - Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (SATCM) documents
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- ItemBB-AQ-94 - Australia, Parliamentary Debates, Hansard, Senate question on Antarctica, Gareth Evans
- ItemBB-AQ-95 - Press article "Heat over the ice: Australia still hopes to persuade other nations of the importance of preserving Antarctica" The Bulletin; and related articles
- ItemBB-AQ-96 - Media transcript "Prime Minister, Bob Hawke" Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- ItemBB-AQ-97 - Press article "Saving the last great wilderness" The Canberra Times; and related articles
- ItemBB-AQ-98 - Media transcript "Interview with James Baker, US Secretary if State"
- ItemBB-AQ-99 - World Resources Institute "Report on Antarctica" Lee Kimball
- ItemBB-AQ-126 - Eighth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, meeting paper concerning the rules of procedure
- ItemBB-AQ-127 - Eighth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Final Report, DOC/T-01-Rev.1
- ItemBB-AQ-128 - Eighth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, various documents including Agenda, DOC/INF/OI/REV2
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