Marine living resources documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AQ-193 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 68 "Amendments to Article IX, XVIII, XXII" (CAMLR/68) (United States) Item 1980-05-16 View
BB-AQ-199 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Information paper 2 "Summary of proposals and documents received regarding the draft Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources" (CAMLR/INF.2). Includes 1980-05-15 Addendum (CAMLR/INF.2/ADD.1) Item 1980-05-14 View
BB-AQ-200 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Information paper 3 "Document d'Information mis en Circulation par la FAO" (CAMLR/INF.3) Item 1980-05-15 View
BB-AQ-205 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Non-paper "Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, Canberra, 7 to 20 May 1980: Index" Item 1980-05-20 View
BB-AQ-15 US Senate, Message from the President of the United States transmitting the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Item 1980-12-02 View
BB-AQ-2 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resource "Report of the second meeting of the commission [Draft]" (CCAMLR-II) Item 1983-09-09 View
BB-AQ-23 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources "Provisional agenda for the fourth meeting of the Commission" (CCAMLR-IV/1) Item 1985-07-19 View
BB-AQ-24 Republic of Korea, note to Australia concerning Korea's accession to the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Item 1985-09-12 View
BB-AQ-26 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resource "Report of the fourth meeting of the Commission" (CCAMLR-IV/23/Final) Item 1985-09-26 View
BB-AQ-27 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resource "ASOC's application for observer status" (Non-paper A). Includes related papers (Non-paper B and Non-paper C) Item 1985-09-12 View
BB-AQ-29 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, Backgrounder "Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)" Item 1985-10-19 View
BB-AQ-5 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources "Report of the first special meeting of the commission" Item 1986-09-19 View
BB-AQ-40 Press article "Who's counting on krill?" New Scientist Item 1989-11-11 View
BB-AQ-41 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources "List of meeting participants" (CCAMLR-VIII/BG/2) Item 1989-11-10 View
BB-AQ-45 CCAMLR Newsletter, No 15 Item 1993-11-15 View
BB-AQ-100 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra) Non-paper "Tentative glossary of Antarctic terms" Item 1978-02-27 View
BB-AQ-48 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Lists of documents (prepared by Australia). Shows documents held in ATADD collection in the different languages. Item 1978-02-27 View
BB-AQ-51 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 2 "List of Participants" (ANT/SCM/2). Includes revised versions (ANT/SCM/2/REV 1) and (ANT/SCM/2/REV 2) Item 1978-02-24 View
BB-AQ-63 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 11 "Draft convention for the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources" (ANT/SCM/11) (United States). Includes revisions (ANT/SCM/11/CORR.1 ANT/SCM/11/CORR.2 and ANT/SCM/11/CORR.3) Item 1978-02-28 View
BB-AQ-67 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 15 "Functions of the commission and conservation measures" (ANT/SCM/15) (Chile) Item 1978-03-07 View
BB-AQ-68 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 16 "Conservation measures" (ANT/SCM/16) (Chile) Item 1978-03-07 View
BB-AQ-69 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 17 "Draft convention on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources" (ANT/SCM/17) Item 1978-03-08 View
BB-AQ-76 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 22, [Opening address] Statement by Mr Andrew Peacock, Minister for Foreign Affairs (ANT/SCM/22) (Australia) Item 1978-03-13 View
BB-AQ-77 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 23 "Statement by Mr Patrick Henault, Leader of the French Delegation" (ANT/SCM/23) (France) Item 1978-03-13 View
BB-AQ-79 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 25 "Opening statement by the Leader of the Chilean Delegation, H E Mr Fernando Zegers" (ANT/SCM/25) (Chile) Item 1978-03-06 View
BB-AQ-89 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 34 "Statement by Head of the Delegation of France on the question of the jurisdiction of coastal states" (ANT/SCM/34) (France) Item 1978-03-16 View
BB-AQ-93 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Information paper 3 "Information note by the Chairman of the Working Group on Item II of skeleton outline (ANT/SCM/INF/2)" (ANT/SCM/INFO/3) Item 1978-03-02 View
BB-AQ-95 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Information paper 5 "Conservation measures — summary table" (ANT/SCM/INFO/5) (Chile) Item 1978-03-07 View
BB-AQ-102 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Second Session (Buenos Aires), Lists of documents (prepared by Australia) Item 1978-07-28 View
BB-AQ-103 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Second Session (Buenos Aires) Working paper 32 "Suggested paragraph for addition to Article IX" (WP/32) (United Kingdom) Item 1978-07-28 View
BB-AQ-104 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Second Session (Buenos Aires) Working paper 33 "Note by the Chairman" (WP/33) (United Kingdom) Item 1978-07-28 View
BB-AQ-105 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Berne inter-sessional informal consultations "Amendment which it was agreed at Berne should be added to the preamble of the Washington text" Item 1979-03-16 View
BB-AQ-114 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Third Session (Canberra) Working paper 2 "List of participants" (ANT/SCM3/2) Item 1980-05-03 View
BB-AQ-116 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Third Session (Canberra) Working paper 4 "Statement Regarding the Application of the Convention" (ANT/SCM3/4) Item 1980-05-05 View
BB-AQ-117 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Third Session (Canberra) Working paper 5 "Draft Rules of Procedure or the Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources" (ANT/SCM3/5) Item 1980-05-05 View
BB-AQ-123 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Third Session (Canberra) Working paper 11 "Draft Recommendation" (ANT/SCM3/11). Includes revised version (ANT/SCM3/11 Rev.1) Item 1980-05-05 View
BB-AQ-127 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 1 "Provisional agenda for the Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources" (CAMLR/1) Item 1980-05-06 View
BB-AQ-130 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 4 "Rules of Procedure" (CAMLR/4) Item 1980-05-07 View
BB-AQ-133 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 7 "Opening Statement by the Belgian Delegation" (CAMLR/7) (Belgium) Item 1980-05-07 View
BB-AQ-136 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 10 "Opening Statement of the New Zealand Delegation" (CAMLR/10) (Chile) Item 1980-05-07 View
BB-AQ-139 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 13 "Opening Statement of the Delegation of the Unites States of America" (CAMLR/13) (USA) Item 1980-05-07 View
BB-AQ-140 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 14 "Opening Statement of the South African Delegation" (CAMLR/14) (South Africa) Item 1980-05-07 View
BB-AQ-148 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 22 "Opening Statement of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research" (CAMLR/22) (SCAR) Item 1980-05-07 View
BB-AQ-154 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 28 "Proposed amendment to Article XXIV" (CAMLR/28) (European Commission) Item 1980-05-08 View
BB-AQ-159 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 33 "Article VIII, paragraph 1" (CAMLR/33) (United Kingdom) Item 1980-05-09 View
BB-AQ-162 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 36 "Article XVIII" (CAMLR/36) (United Kingdom) Item 1980-05-09 View
BB-AQ-166 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 41 "Amendment to Article XXVI, paragraph 1" (CAMLR/41) (Japan) Item 1980-05-09 View
BB-AQ-169 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 44 "Amendments to Article II of the draft Convention" (CAMLR/44) (USSR) Item 1980-05-12 View
BB-AQ-170 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 45 "Amendment to Article XXVI of the draft Convention" (CAMLR/45) (USSR). Includes 1980-05-16 revision (CAMLR/45/Rev.1) Item 1980-05-12 View
BB-AQ-172 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 47 "Amendment to Article I of the draft Convention" (CAMLR/47) (USSR) Item 1980-05-12 View
BB-AQ-177 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 52 "Amendments to the Preamble of the draft Convention" (CAMLR/52) (USSR) Item 1980-05-13 View
BB-AQ-179 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 54 "Amendment to Article XV of the draft Convention" (CAMLR/54) (Argentina) Item 1980-05-13 View
BB-AQ-188 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 63 "Amendment to Article XXVI of the draft Convention" (CAMLR/63) (South Africa) Item 1980-05-16 View
BB-AQ-191 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 66 "Article XI, XII, XV and XVI" (CAMLR/66) (Argentina) Item 1980-05-16 View
BB-AQ-197 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 72 "Closing statement by the Head of the Argentine Delegation" (CAMLR/71) (Argentina) Item 1980-05-19 View
BB-AQ-1 [Draft] "Interim agreement between the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources and the government of Australia concerning certain privileges and immunities of the commission" Item 1983-08-15 View
BB-AQ-11 MAC letter to the Prime Minister of Australia concerning conservation of Antarctic marine living resources Item 1980-03-24 View
BB-AQ-13 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs cablegram "Antarctica: AMLR draft convention" Item 1980-04-11 View
BB-AQ-22 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, Backgrounder "Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources - CCAMLR" Item 1985-01-23 View
BB-AQ-25 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources "Remarks delivered by the Representative of the Republic of Korea" Item 1985-09-02 View
BB-AQ-28 Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, Eco "Lest we forget" (Eco Volume XXXII Number 1). Includes related documents (Eco Volume XXXII Number 2, Eco Volume XXXII Number 3 and Eco Volume XXXII Number 4) Item 1985-09-12 View
BB-AQ-30 India, note to Australia concerning Korea's accession to the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Includes revised Indian note of 1986-04-18. Item 1986-03-19 View
BB-AQ-33 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, Backgrounder "Fifth meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)" Item 1986-10-15 View
BB-AQ-35 Press article "Fishing for trouble" Weekend Australian, and related articles concerning Southern Ocean fishing Item 1988-09-24 View
BB-AQ-4 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resource "Report of the third meeting of the commission [Draft]" (CCAMLR-III/16) Item 1984-09-14 View
BB-AQ-7 Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources "Report of the sixth meeting of the commission" (CCAMLR-VI) Item 1987-11-06 View
BB-AQ-36 CCAMLR Newsletter, No 8 Item 1989-11-01 View
BB-AQ-47 Namibia, note concerning accession to the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Includes related documents including Australian response of 2003-01-09. Item 2000-10-13 View
BB-AQ-56 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 6 "Draft Convention for the preservation of Antarctic Living Organisms" (ANT/SCM/6) (Argentina) Item 1978-02-09 View
BB-AQ-57 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 6 Addendum 1 "Commentary on the Draft Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources" (ANT/SCM/6/ADD.1) (Argentina) Item 1978-02-09 View
BB-AQ-58 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 6 Addendum 2 "Explanatory paper on the basic principles of the Argentine draft convention for the conservation of the living resources of Antarctica" (ANT/SCM/6/ADD.2) (Argentina) Item 1978-02-28 View
BB-AQ-59 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 7 "Draft convention for the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources" (ANT/SCM/7) (USSR) Item 1978-02-10 View
BB-AQ-64 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 12 "Proposal for main elements of structure of convention" (ANT/SCM/12) (United Kingdom) Item 1978-02-28 View
BB-AQ-66 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 14 "Comparative table of texts presented to the Special Consultative Meeting" (ANT/SCM/14). Includes papers with addendums and corrections (ANT/SCM/14/ADD.1) and (ANT/SCM/14/CORR.2, ANT/SCM/14/CORR.3 and ANT/SCM/14/CORR.4) Item 1978-03-02 View
BB-AQ-70 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 17 Revision 1 "Draft convention on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources" (ANT/SCM/17/REV.1) Item 1978-03-13 View
BB-AQ-72 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 18 "Definition of the Antarctic Convergence - Draft annex" (ANT/SCM/18). Includes corrections (ANT/SCM/18/CORR.1) Item 1978-03-09 View
BB-AQ-74 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 20 "Opening statement by Leader of the Norwegian Delegation, Mr E Amlie," (ANT/SCM/20) (Norway) Item 1978-03-13 View
BB-AQ-75 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 21 "Opening statement by Mr Y Fujimoto, Representative of Japan" (ANT/SCM/21) (Japan) Item 1978-03-13 View
BB-AQ-78 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 24 "Opening statement by the Leader of the South African Delegation, Mr P D Oelofsen" (ANT/SCM/24) (South Africa) Item 1978-03-13 View
BB-AQ-84 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 30 "Draft rules of procedure for a decisive conference" (ANT/SCM/30) Item 1978-03-14 View
BB-AQ-87 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra), Working paper 32 "Opening statement by the Leader of the Polish Delegation, Mr Jan Witek" (ANT/SCM/32) (Poland) Item 1978-03-14 View
BB-AQ-98 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, First Session (Canberra) Non-paper "Background documents" Item 1978-02-27 View
BB-AQ-107 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Berne inter-sessional informal consultations "Points relating to the EEC proposed by Australia as a basis of consensus in relation to the EEC issue" Item 1979-03-16 View
BB-AQ-109 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, inter-sessional informal consultations "Text of annex with amendments introduced by France on Friday 29 June" Item 1979-06-29 View
BB-AQ-110 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, inter-sessional informal consultations "Text put together by US, France, Soviet Union and Australia on 6 July" Item 1979-07-06 View
BB-AQ-113 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Third Session (Canberra) Working paper 1 "Agenda" (ANT/SCM3/1) Item 1980-05-03 View
BB-AQ-119 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Third Session (Canberra) Working paper 7 "Rules of procedure - Delegation of the USSR: proposed additions" (ANT/SCM3/7). Includes revised version (ANT/SCM3/7 Rev.1) Item 1980-05-05 View
BB-AQ-120 Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Third Session (Canberra) Working paper 8 "Rules of procedure: proposal by the Delegation of the USSR" (ANT/SCM3/8) Item 1980-05-05 View
BB-AQ-126 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Index of documents (prepared by Australia). Shows documents held in ATADD collection in the different languages. Item 1980-05-20 View
BB-AQ-129 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 3 "Draft Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources [with] Note and attached statement regarding application of the Convention" (CAMLR/3) Item 1980-05-07 View
BB-AQ-132 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 6 "Opening Statement by the Delegation of Argentina" (CAMLR/6) (Argentina) Item 1980-05-07 View
BB-AQ-135 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 9 "Opening Statement by the Delegation of Chile" (CAMLR/9) (Chile) Item 1980-05-07 View
BB-AQ-155 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 29 "Proposed amendment to Article V" (CAMLR/29) (Australia) Item 1980-05-08 View
BB-AQ-163 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 37 "Article XXIX" (CAMLR/37) (United Kingdom) Item 1980-05-09 View
BB-AQ-165 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 40 "Amendments to Article X of the draft Convention" (CAMLR/40) (Argentina) Item 1980-05-10 View
BB-AQ-174 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 49 "Amendment to Article XXVI" (CAMLR/49) (Australia). Includes correction to Spanish version (CAMLR/49 Corr.1) Item 1980-05-13 View
BB-AQ-183 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 58 "Amendments to Article XVIII of the draft Convention" (CAMLR/58) (USSR) Item 1980-05-14 View
BB-AQ-185 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 60 "Additional article" (CAMLR/60) (USSR, Australia). Includes 1980-05-16 revision (CAMLR/60 Rev.1) Item 1980-05-15 View
BB-AQ-186 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 61 "Explanation of the US proposal contained in document CAMLR/24" (CAMLR/61) (United States) Item 1980-05-15 View
BB-AQ-187 Diplomatic Conference on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Canberra), Working paper 62 "Draft Final Act" (CAMLR/62) (United States) Item 1980-05-15 View
Results 101 to 200 of 205