- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-AU-242 - Review of the need for an environmental impact statement or public environment report under the Environmental Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act for fishing in waters within the Australian Fishing Zone near Macquarie Island
- ItemBB-AU-243 - Management policy for the Macquarie Island Developmental Fishery
- ItemBB-AU-244 - Draft interim management policy for the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Exploratory Fishery
- ItemBB-AU-245 - Fisheries Management Regulations
- ItemBB-AU-246 - Letter from the Department of Defence on the importance of Australia remaining influential in an effective Antarctic Treaty System
- ItemBB-AU-247 - Review of the need for an environmental impact statement or public environment report under the Environments Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act for fishing in waters within the Australian Fishing Zone near Heard Island and McDonald Islands but outside the Australian Fishing Zone
- ItemBB-AU-248 - Review of the need for an environmental impact statement or public environment report under the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act for fishing in waters within the Australian Fishing Zone near Heard Island and McDonald Islands but outside the Australian Fishing Zone
- ItemBB-AU-249 - Heard Island and McDonald Islands fishery proposal for waters outside the Australian fishing zone, Advice and Recommendations
- ItemBB-AU-250 - Ministerial determination and direction that no Environmental Impact Statement or Public Environment Report was required for the proposal to issue fishing permits for the Australian Fishing zone around Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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