- Series5 - Miscellaneous Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-GE-304 - Kämmerer, Jörn-Axel "The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty" Law and State, Vol 115
- ItemBB-GE-305 - Labouz, Marie-Francoise "Antarctique et enjeux strategiques: l'evaluation des politiques juridiques" Conference on the Antarctic and the Environment: Future Prospects, Brussels
- ItemBB-GE-306 - Law, Phillip "The Antarctic wilderness—a wild idea!" Australian Institute of International Affairs, 16th National Conference, Hobart
- ItemBB-GE-307 - Law, Phillip "Possible future developments in Antarctica" in The Institution of Engineers Australia, Tasmanian Division Bulletin
- ItemBB-GE-308 - Law, Phillip "Resources and uses of Antarctica" 37th ANZAAS Congress, Geographical Section
- ItemBB-GE-309 - Law, Phillip "Antarctica—1984" Sir John Morris Memorial Lecture, Adult Education Board of Tasmania
- ItemBB-GE-310 - Laws, Richard "The environment and science as an Antarctic resource" Conference on Antarctica, an Exploitable Resource or Too Valuable to Develop, University of London
- ItemBB-GE-311 - Lhoest, Olivier "La Communaute Economique Europeenne et l'Antarctique" Conference on the Antarctic and the Environment: Future Prospects, Brussels
- ItemBB-GE-312 - Andersen, Rolf Trolle "The operation of the Antarctic Treaty System" Aula de Estudios Antarticos, Madrid
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