- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
- 2482 more...
- ItemBB-ES-4 - Spain, Parliamentary question concerning mining and the environment
- ItemBB-ES-5 - Antarctica, Spanish editorial, in Australia, Inward Cablegram
- ItemBB-JP-1 - Japan, Law no 283, Showa 26 concerning the functions of the International Cooperation Agency
- ItemBB-JP-10 - "Japan's fundamental views regarding Antarctica", United Nations General Assembly, document A/39/583(Part II)
- ItemBB-JP-11 - Japan, purchase of whaler and factory ship
- ItemBB-JP-12 - British telegram concerning Japanese flights to confirm claims
- ItemBB-JP-13 - Japan, authorisation of Japanese whaling expeditions in the Antarctic
- ItemBB-JP-14 - Japanese moves to assert Antarctic claim
- ItemBB-JP-15 - Japan, references to the evacuation of its station in 1958, and re-opening of Syowa in 1966
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