- Series5 - Miscellaneous Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-GE-80 - General Assembly of IUCN, draft Resolution on Antarctica
- ItemBB-GE-81 - International Maritime Organization, Marine Environment Protection Committee
- ItemBB-GE-82 - Press articles on Japan and whaling
- ItemBB-GE-83 - International Whaling Commission, Intersessional Meeting of the Working Group on a Sanctuary in the Southern Ocean, Norfolk Island 1994, and related documents
- ItemBB-GE-84 - International Maritime Organization, Development of a code on polar navigation
- ItemBB-GE-85 - Convention revising the General Act at Berlin, February 1885 and the General Act and Declaration of Brussels, July 1890
- ItemBB-GE-86 - Information concerning inter-American treaties and agreements
- ItemBB-GE-87 - United Kingdom, Arrangements for the Regulation of Antarctic Pelagic Whaling
- ItemBB-GE-88 - Intergovernmental conference on the Convention on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea: final documents
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