- Series5 - Miscellaneous Antarctic documents
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- ItemBB-GE-324 - Beltramino, Juan Carlos "The discoveries of Antarctica" Lecture at the Australian National University, Canberra
- ItemBB-GE-325 - Beltramino, Juan Carlos "Las regiones Antartica y Subantartica. ensayo de delimitacion regional" Simposio Antartico de Buenos Aires
- ItemBB-GE-326 - Bergin, Anthony "The politics of Antarctic minerals: the greening of while Australia" Australasian Political Studies Conference, Hobart
- ItemBB-GE-327 - Berguno, Jorge "El descubrimiento de las islas Shetland del Sur" Boletin Antartico Chileno
- ItemBB-GE-328 - Billen, Gilles and Lancelot, Christiane "Le fonctionnement de l'ecosysteme marin Antarctique: un fragile equilibre" Conference on the Antarctic and the Environment: Future Prospects, Brussels
- ItemBB-GE-329 - Blay, Sam "Australia and the Convention for the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities (CRAMRA): a commentary" Australian International Law Seminar, Canberra
- ItemBB-GE-330 - United Nations General Assembly, Forty-third session, "Explanation of Vote: Item 70: Question of Antarctica"
- ItemBB-GE-331 - United Nations General Assembly, Forty-third session, First Committee, Verbatim Record of the 44th Meeting "Question of Antarctica: General Debate and consideration of and action upon draft resolutions" (A/C.1/43/PV.44)
- ItemBB-GE-332 - United Nations General Assembly, Forty-third session, First Committee, Verbatim Record of the 45th Meeting "Question of Antarctica: General Debate and consideration of and action upon draft resolutions" (A/C.1/43/PV.45)
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