- Series1 - National Antarctic documents
- 1592 more...
- ItemBB-AU-503 - Tasmanian license for Southern Islands Exploration Company of New Zealand to occupy Macquarie Island
- ItemBB-AU-504 - Australian despatch to the United Kingdom concerning the Australian quadrant of Antarctica
- ItemBB-AU-505 - British policy in the Antarctic
- ItemBB-AU-506 - License to the Kerguelen Sealing and Whaling Company over Prince Edward and Marion Islands and Heard and McDonald Islands
- ItemBB-AU-507 - Australian National Research Council, Australian claims in Antarctica
- ItemBB-AU-508 - Despatch from the Governor-General of Australia to Great Britain with regard to asserting Australian claims
- ItemBB-AU-509 - British despatch from Oslo concerning the "Norvegia" expedition
- ItemBB-AU-510 - Norwegian note acknowledging receipt of the notice of British claims
- ItemBB-AU-511 - License to the Kerguelen Sealing and Whaling Company
- 1215 more...