Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) documents Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
BB-AQ-185 Preparatory meeting for Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Working paper 11 "Marine meteorological and sea ice information in the Treaty Area of the Southern Ocean" (PREP/WP/11/Stark/Petch) (USSR). Item 1989-05-09 View
BB-AQ-192 Preparatory meeting for Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 2.1 "Argentinian report on the visit made to Historic Monument no. 14" (PREP/IP/2.1) (Argentina). Item 1989-03-09 View
BB-AQ-193 Preparatory meeting for Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 3 "Special conference on science to be organised by SCAR in 1991" (PREP/IP/3) (United Kingdom). Includes another version numbered IP/16.1 Item 1989-03-09 View
BB-AQ-196 Preparatory meeting for Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 6 "Status of Antarctic Treaty recommendations" (PREP/IP/6) (United States). Item 1989-03-11 View
BB-AQ-197 Preparatory meeting for Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 7 "Inspection report on Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Specially Protected Areas and Historic Monuments" (PREP/IP/7) (United States). Item 1989-03-12 View
BB-AQ-199 Preparatory meeting for Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 10 "Uses of Antarctic ice" (PREP/IP/10) (Chile). Item 1989-05-09 View
BB-AQ-213 Sixteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, Working paper 45 "Draft recommendation: Antarctic protected area system - new historic sites and monuments" (XVI ATCM/WP 45) (Chile, United Kingdom). Item 1991-10-11 View
BB-AQ-217 Sixteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, Information paper 6 "Opening statement by the Head of the Swiss Delegation" (XVI ATCM/INFO 6) (Switzerland). Item 1991-10-05 View
BB-AQ-221 Sixteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, Information paper 65 "Discurso de apertura" (XVI ATCM/INFO 65) (Spain). Item 1991-10-10 View
BB-AQ-224 Sixteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, Non-paper "Dr Gebhard Ziller, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology: address given on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the entry into force of the Antarctic Treaty and the opening of the Antarctica exhibition at the Museum König on 10 October 1991" Item 1991-10-10 View
BB-AQ-225 Sixteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, Non-paper "Relations entre le Protocole de Madrid et les Recommendations adoptées par les réunions des [arties consultative au traité sur l'Antarctique" (Belgium). Includes related "Draft list of recommendations which may be spent" (China, Uruguay) Item 1991-10-07 View
BB-AQ-227 Sixteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, Non-paper "List of documents" Item 1991-10-23 View
BB-AQ-228 Preparatory meeting for the Sixteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, Working paper 7 "Operation of the Antarctic Treaty System: comments of the Argentine Government" (XVI ATCM/PREP/WP 7) (Argentina). Item 1991-04-18 View
BB-AQ-231 Seventeenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Venice, Working paper 15 "Examination of Recommendations" (XVII ATCM/WP 15) (China). Item 1992-11-11 View
BB-AQ-234 Seventeenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Venice, Working paper 27 "Historical sites and monuments" (XVII ATCM/WP 27) (Argentina). Includes related paper (XVII ATCM/WP 27/Rev.1) Item 1992-11-18 View
BB-AQ-245 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Seoul, Information paper 29 "Tourism in Antarctica" (XIX ATCM/INF 29) (Canada). Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-255 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Seoul, Information paper 39 "Brazilian Antarctic activities, plans of activities for 1994-95, modifications of activities for 1993-94" (XIX ATCM/INF 39) (Brazil). Item 1995-05-11 View
BB-AQ-257 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Seoul, Information paper 41 "Waste management at the Dumont d'Urville Base, Adélie Land" (XIX ATCM/INF 41) (France). Item 1995-05-09 View
BB-AQ-261 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Seoul, Information paper 45 "US implementation of ATCM Recommendation XVIII-1" (XIX ATCM/INF 45) (United States). Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-264 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Seoul, Information paper 48 "Observaciones Sobre la Actividad Turistica en la Isla Media Luna (Halfmoon Island), Shetland Del Sur, Antartica y los Procedimientos de Evaluacion de impacto Ambiental" (XIX ATCM/INF 48) (Argentina, Italy). Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-274 Preparatory Meeting for Sixteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, "List of documents" (XVI ATCM/PREP/INFO 12) Item 1991-04-18 View
BB-AQ-282 Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 63 "Background Pollution in the Coastal Antarctic" (ATCM XVIII/INFO 63) (Russian Federation). Item 1994-04-12 View
BB-AQ-296 Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (London) Working paper 2 "Final report of the Special Preparatory Meeting for the Ninth Consultative Meeting of the Antarctic Treaty, Paris, 28 June to 10 July 1976" (ANT/IX/2) Item 1976-06-28 View
BB-AQ-297 Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (London) Working paper 20 "Provisional list of delegates" (ANT/IX/20). Includes related document "List of delegates" (ANT/IX/20 Rev.2) Item 1977-09-19 View
BB-AQ-299 Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (London) Working paper 53 "Draft terms of reference for the working group on legal/political aspects of mineral resources of Antarctica" (ANT/IX/53) (United States) Item 1977-09-27 View
BB-AQ-302 Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Washington) Working paper 1 "Provisional agenda" (ANT/X/1) Item 1979-09-06 View
BB-AQ-312 Fifth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Paris) Working paper 35 Revision 1 Corrected "Draft Recommendation: Commemorative stamp issue" (ANT 35 1st Rev Cor) (France) Item 1968-11-25 View
BB-AQ-320 Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Washington) Non-paper "Index of documents: English series" (prepared by Australia) Item 1979-09-06 View
BB-AQ-322 Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Washington) Working paper 14 Correction 1 Revision 1 "Addendum to list of participants" (ANT/X/14/Corr.1/Rev.1). Includes a further addendum (ANT/X/14/Corr.1/Rev.1/Add.1) Item 1979-10-02 View
BB-AQ-327 Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Washington) Working paper 51 Revision 1 Correction 1 "Twentieth anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty" (ANT/X/51/Rev.1/Corr.1) Item 1979-10-05 View
BB-AQ-328 Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Washington) Non-paper "Press communique issued by the Chairman of the Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (un-numbered document circulated at the meeting) Item 1979-10-05 View
BB-AQ-330 Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Washington) Information paper "General information" (ANT/X/INF/1). Includes other administrative documents relating to meeting procedures, participants, lists of documents (ANT/X/INF 2, 3, 4 ,5 and 6) Item 1979-09-17 View
BB-AQ-333 First Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Non-paper "Index of documents" (Prepared by Australia) Item 1961-07-24 View
BB-AQ-335 First Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Secretariat paper 9 "Copy of letter to the Australian Minister for External Affairs from the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization" (Sec. Paper/9) (SP008) Item 1961-07-11 View
BB-AQ-337 Second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires) Information paper 1 "Final draft of the provisional agenda" (Doc.1) Item 1962-07-17 View
BB-AQ-338 Second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires) Information paper 2 "Address by HE Mr Pablo Santos Muñoz, Provisional Chairman of the Meeting" (Doc.2). Includes related documents containing opening addresses (Doc. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 8 Corr.1, 9 Corr.1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17) Item 1962-07-18 View
BB-AQ-341 Second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires) Information paper 19 Revised "Lista final de particiantes" (Doc.19/Revisado) Item 1962-07-27 View
BB-AQ-342 Second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires) Information paper "Indice de documentacion" (Doc.19/Revisado) Item 1962-07-28 View
BB-AQ-345 Third Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 3 "Conservation of wildlife: participation of SCAR" (Doc/P3) (United Kingdom). Includes related revisions Doc/P3-1 and Doc/P3/Rev.2) Item 1966-06-01 View
BB-AQ-354 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Preparatory Meeting Paper 3 "Exchanges of information under the Antarctic Treaty" (ANT/XII/PREP/3) (United Kingdom) Item 1983-04-07 View
BB-AQ-356 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Preparatory Meeting Paper 5 "The operation of the Antarctic Treaty System: participation by Contracting Parties" (ANT/XII/PREP/5) (United Kingdom) Item 1983-04-07 View
BB-AQ-357 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Preparatory Meeting Paper 6 "The operation of the Antarctic Treaty System: participation by Contracting Parties" (ANT/XII/PREP/6) (United Kingdom) Item 1983-04-07 View
BB-AQ-360 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Preparatory Meeting Paper 9 "Matters relating to the appointment of Observers at Consultative Meetings" (ANT/XII/PREP/9) (United Kingdom) Item 1983-04-12 View
BB-AQ-362 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Preparatory Meeting Information Paper 1 "Information for delegates" (ANT/XII/INF/1). Includes related document ANT/XII/INF/2. Item 1983-04-13 View
BB-AQ-363 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Preparatory Meeting Information Paper 3 "List of delegates" (ANT/XII/INF/3). Includes related paper ANT/XII/INF/3/Rev 1. Item 1983-04-11 View
BB-AQ-368 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Preparatory Meeting Non-paper "Discussion of Antarctica in the United Nations: informal note" (Australia). Includes related paper "Extract from Economic Declaration: Non-Aligned Movement Summit" Item 1983-04-15 View
BB-AQ-377 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Non-paper "Discussion of Antarctica in the United Nations" (Australia). Informal note circulated at the meeting. Includes revised version of 1983-09-13. Item 1983-09-12 View
BB-AQ-379 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Non-paper "Statement of acceding parties". Includes a related document on Department of Housing and Construction letterhead. Item 1983-09-14 View
BB-AQ-383 Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, News release "Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (Non-paper circulated at the meeting) Item 1983-09-28 View
BB-AQ-391 Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Canberra) Collection of Working Papers 1 to 28. Documents in French. (ANT/XII/1 to ANT/XII/28). Includes various revised versions. Item 1983-09-26 View
BB-AQ-395 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Preparatory Meeting paper 1 "Draft Agenda of the XIII Consultative Meeting (ANT XIII/1). Includes "Paper tabled by the United Kingdom" providing an annotated provisional agenda (ATCPXIII/WP 1) Item 1985-04-26 View
BB-AQ-396 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 2 "Item 5 of the Agenda" concerning the operation of the Antarctic Treaty System (ANT/XIII/WP 2) (United States) Item 1985-10-08 View
BB-AQ-401 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 7 "Extensions of the dates of expiry for existing Sites of Special Scientific Interest" (ANT/XIII/WP 7) (Chile). Includes similar paper numbered ANT/XIII/9 or ANT/XIII/WP 7 Rev.1 Item 1985-10-07 View
BB-AQ-402 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 8 "Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Specially Protected Areas (SPAs): proposals approved at XVIII SCAR" (ANT/XIII/WP 8) (Chile) Item 1985-10-07 View
BB-AQ-405 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 11 "New proposals for Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)" (ANT/XIII/WP 11) (United Kingdom). Includes similar paper numbered ANT XIII/10. Item 1985-10-07 View
BB-AQ-408 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 14 concerning the operation of the Antarctic Treaty System (ANT/XIII/WP 14) (United States) Item 1985-10-09 View
BB-AQ-416 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 23 "Message from the XIIIth Consultative Meeting to stations in Antarctica" (ANT/XIII/WP 23) (Belgium) Item 1985-10-15 View
BB-AQ-418 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 25 Revision 1 "Man's impact on the Antarctic environment: code of conduct" (ANT/XIII/WP 25 Rev. 1) (Australia) Item 1985-10-16 View
BB-AQ-420 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 27 "Matters relating to the appointment of observers at Consultative Meetings" (ANT/XIII/WP 27) (United Kingdom) Item 1985-10-16 View
BB-AQ-421 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 28 "Man's impact on the Antarctic environment" (ANT/XIII/WP 28) (Belgium, Chile, United Kingdom). Includes revised version (ANT/XIII/WP 28 Rev.1) Item 1985-10-16 View
BB-AQ-425 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Working paper 33 "Operation of the Antarctic Treaty System" (ANT/XIII/WP 33) (Belgium). Includes a similar paper numbered ANT XIII/4. Item 1985-10-17 View
BB-AQ-431 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) Information paper 6 "Handbook of the Antarctic Treaty System" (ANT XIII/INF 6) (United Kingdom) Item 1985-10-11 View
BB-AQ-437 Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Brussels) NGO Non-paper "An Antarctic environmental protection agency" (ATCM 13/NGO/1) (Greenpeace International). Includes related paper ATCM 13/NGO/2. Item 1985-10-10 View
BB-AQ-439 Fourteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Rio de Janiero) Non-paper "List of documents" (Prepared by Australia) Item 1987-10-16 View
BB-AQ-440 Fourteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Rio de Janiero) Working paper 12 "Funcionamiento del Sistema del Tratado Antartico: una infrastructura del Tratado Antartico" (ATCM/XIV/WP/12) (Australia) Item 1987-10-15 View
BB-AQ-447 Fourteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Rio de Janiero) NGO Non-paper "Safety aspects of scientific ocean drilling in the Antarctic" (Greenpeace International) Item 1987-10-07 View
BB-AQ-449 Fourth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Santiago), Document No 41 for Plenary "Meeting on logistics" (WP41 REV.2) (Chile) Item 1966-11-18 View
BB-AQ-455 Fourth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Santiago), Preparatory Meeting Non-paper "Administrative arrangements: Statement by Ambassador Coaton". Includes related document (South Africa) Item 1966-09-09 View
BB-AQ-460 Ninth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (London) Working paper 53 "Draft terms of reference for working group on legal/political aspects of Antarctic mineral resources" (ANT/IX/53) (Submitted by the U.S. Delegation) Item 1977-09-27 View
BB-AQ-467 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Information paper 64 "Report of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in relation to Article III(2) of the Antarctic Treaty" (XIX ATCM/INF 64) (WMO) Item 1995-05-11 View
BB-AQ-469 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 2 "Inspections under the Antarctic Treaty: inspection checklists" (XIX ATCM/WP 2) (United Kingdom) Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-470 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 3 "Environmental impact assessment: circulation of information" (XIX ATCM/WP 3) (United Kingdom) Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-476 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 9 "Historic sites and monuments - new historic sites and monuments: suggested guidelines for the designation of historic sites" (XIX ATCM/WP 9) (New Zealand) Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-477 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 10 "Pre-sessional document circulation - document handling: submission and circulation" (XIX ATCM/WP 10) (New Zealand). Includes 1995-05-17 revision (XIX ATCM/WP 10 Rev.1) and 1995-05-18 revision (XIX ATCM/WP 10 Rev.2), and notes by a delegate. Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-480 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 13 "Establishment of an Antarctic Treaty Secretariat: organisational aspects" (XIX ATCM/WP 13) (Australia, Italy, South Africa) Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-481 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 14 "Extension of management plans for Sites of Special Scientific Interest Nos 16 and 17" (XIX ATCM/WP 14) (Australia) Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-483 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 16 "Antarctic Specially Protected Area, Point Geologie Archipelago" (XIX ATCM/WP 16) (France) Item 1995-05-08 View
BB-AQ-494 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 27 "Visits to protected areas" (XIX ATCM/WP 27) (SCAR). Item 1995-05-09 View
BB-AQ-497 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 30 "Liability annex to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctica" (XIX ATCM/WP 30) (Germany) Item 1995-05-15 View
BB-AQ-500 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 33 "Report of the WG I to the XIX ATCM" (XIX ATCM/WP 33). Includes an earlier draft of the report. Item 1995-05-19 View
BB-AQ-501 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 34 "Report of the WG II to the XIX ATCM" (XIX ATCM/WP 34) Item 1995-05-19 View
BB-AQ-502 Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Seoul) Working paper 35 "Draft final report of the XIX ATCM" (XIX ATCM/WP 35) Item 1995-05-19 View
BB-AQ-512 Twentieth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Utrecht) Information paper 77 "IAATO general medical information" (XX ATCM/INF 77) (IAATO) Item 1996-04-29 View
BB-AQ-522 Twentieth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Utrecht) Information paper 72 Revision 1 "SCAR report to XX ATCM" (XX ATCM/INF 72 Rev 1) (SCAR) Item 1996-05-10 View
BB-AQ-523 Twentieth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Utrecht) Information paper 80 "New and revised management plans for Antarctic protected areas examined by SCAR, 1993-95" (XX ATCM/INF 80) (United Kingdom) Item 1996-05-10 View
BB-AQ-524 Twentieth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Utrecht) Information paper 86 "Normas y lineamientos para la proteccion del medio ambiente Antartico" (XX ATCM/INF 86) Argentina). Includes "Guidelines for the environmental protection in Antarctica" (XX ATCM/INF 86B) Item 1996-04-29 View
BB-AQ-532 Twentieth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Utrecht) Information paper 30 "Research of a Historic Monument: Hope Bay's Table of Exiles" (XX ATCM/INF 30) (Argentina) Item 1996-04-29 View
BB-AQ-534 Twentieth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Utrecht) Non-paper "[Draft] Final report of the XX Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" Item 1996-05-10 View
BB-AQ-535 Twentieth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Utrecht) Working paper 15 Revision 1 "A proposal prepared by Brazil and Poland, in coordination with Ecuador and Peru, that Admiralty Bay, King George Island (South Shetland Island) be designated as an Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA)" (XX ATCM/WP 15 Rev.1) (Brazil) Item 1996-05-10 View
BB-AQ-539 Twentieth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Utrecht) Working paper 21 "Operacion del Sistema del Tratado Antartico (B) Operacion del Grupo de Trabajo Interino Sobre Proteccion del Medio Ambiente (TEWG)" (XX ATCM/WP 21) (Chile) Item 1996-04-29 View
BB-AQ-542 Twentieth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Utrecht) Working paper 14 "Nomination of Mikkelsen Cairn, Vestfold Hills, as a historical site" (XX ATCM/WP 14) (Australia, Norway). Includes Revision 1 (XX ATCM/WP 14 Rev.1) Item 1996-04-29 View
BB-AQ-557 Twenty-first Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Christchurch) Working paper 15 "Management Plan for a new Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) No. ??? Lewis Bay, Mount Erebus, Ross Island" (XXI ATCM/WP15) (New Zealand). Includes Revision 1 (XXI ATCM/WP15 Rev1) Item 1997-04-01 View
BB-AQ-31 Seventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Wellington Item 1972-10-30 View
BB-AQ-35 Final Report of the First Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, London Item 1977-07-29 View
BB-AQ-40 Statement of the Chairman of the Conference on the conservation of Antarctic Marine living resources concerning application of the convention drawn up at the conference Item 1980-05-19 View
BB-AQ-41 Final Act of the Conference on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources Item 1980-05-20 View
BB-AQ-43 National statements concerning the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Item 1980-05-20 View
BB-AQ-48 United States, The Conference on Antarctica 1959. Welcoming statement and other opening statements Item 1959-12-01 View
BB-AQ-54 United Nations, Statement of Ceylon concerning Antarctica as an example of an international domain, and Argentine statement Item 1971-12-17 View
BB-AQ-55 Japan paper circulated at Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting "The position of the Japanese Government on the Agreed Measures the Conservation of Antarctic Fauna and Flora" Item 1975-06-20 View
Results 201 to 300 of 651